Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 487 The mysterious ruins space

Nidia held the water bag in both hands and sat on the soft grass. Her big watery eyes stared at the light mask that was uncertain in light and dark and exuded the aura of destruction. She asked doubtfully: "Our goal is not to enter that big light mask. Well, why did it stop suddenly."

Before Wang Xiaofeng could say anything, a soldier ran over and answered for him: "It's impossible to break in by force. We've already tried it. Even when Master Soul Saint's soul skills were used on it, there was nothing except some smoke and light. "

“However, we still found the loophole.

At every hour of the day, the energy between the cracks in the shield will drop to a minimum within two quarters of an hour. At that time, the mask is most vulnerable, and we can take this opportunity to create a gap.

This was how I entered the first two times. "

This soldier was a guide sent by Han Guang. First, he was afraid that they would die if they didn't know how to tamper with some mechanism. Second, he was afraid that when Dai Mubai came back, Wang Xiaofeng would complain about snitching and not treat him well.

Now we are almost inseparable.

Wang Xiaofeng took a look at the cracks on the eye mask. From the outside, there was no crack at all. The mask should have repaired itself.

But it's a bit strange. It can self-repair the gaps caused by soul skill attacks, but it can't repair its own cracks. This is contradictory.

Several guesses flashed through Wang Xiaofeng's mind.

I didn't wait long. When the sun's rays shone on the exposed part of the mask, the mask actually became much darker.

Five soul masters silently walked out of the team, and the seven dazzling soul rings made the people around them breathless.

Before everyone could react, the colorful light covered up the figures of several people, and in a burst of brilliance, several black figures flashed out.

Or a bear, or a crane, or a leopard... and their target is the cracked part of the light mask that has become much darker.

[Martial Spirit True Form? Powerful Vajra Slash]

[Martial Soul True Body? Silver Moon Wind Blade]

[Martial spirit’s true form? Earthquake cracking]

[Martial spirit’s true form? Sky-shaking fist]

[Martial spirit’s true form? Instant shadow attack]

The five soul saints turned into several colorful streams of light. In just a few breaths, the huge energy generated by several soul skills collided with the light shield.

Two energy groups with different colors and shapes formed a huge light group at the center, forming strips of green-orange and gray-white lightning that were intertwined together, colliding wildly, and splashing violent sparks.

The surrounding stone walls and soil were inadvertently affected, and either turned into charcoal or gray, which made people tremble with fear.

This caused the team, which was already two hundred meters away from the mask, to retreat another hundred meters.

It was too late, but it was too fast. The stalemate lasted only three or four seconds, and the light group in the center exploded under the load.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

The terrifying shock wave set off by the explosion swept across the wasteland like a hurricane, picking up everything within range.

However, the order to retreat was given promptly, and the center of the explosion was a long way away from the team.

By the time the shock wave arrives, the well-trained soldiers have already been prepared.


The layers of shield walls turned into hard rocks, blocking all impacts.

When everything settled, everyone saw the five figures revealed a hundred meters away.

The soul saints seemed to be fine, but their clothes were a little disheveled and their breath was weak.

Wang Xiaofeng looked around. The gravel that was all over the ground just now had disappeared without a trace. The ground was spotless and extremely clean.

The light mask was no longer as bright as before, and the location of the cracks had now turned into a huge hole. It seemed that even sunlight could not enter the extremely deep darkness.

The leading general gave the order decisively: "Everyone listen to the order and enter the ruins at full speed. We only have a quarter of an hour, so hurry up and enter."

As expected of the specially selected elite, almost all of the 1,000 people entered the ruins in less than five minutes.

Wang Xiaofeng looked up at the edge destroyed by the powerful soul technique. It was emitting fluorescence that ordinary people could not see. In the blink of an eye, several holes were covered with fluorescence and restored.

It seems that this is the reason why the mask will automatically recover, and it will not take long for the mask to return to its original state.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced vaguely at several places hidden in the team where the soul power fluctuations were extremely abrupt.

Only the two major empires and Wuhun Palace can treat Soul Saint as a consumable. They are really wealthy.

The entrance to the cave was slanted, and because it was too deep, the light from above could not be transmitted at all. It was completely dark, and there seemed to be some strange sounds coming from below. It was extremely gloomy, as if it were a cave leading to hell.

The person in charge of the original excavation probably did not expect that so many people would enter, so the passage was not large and could barely accommodate two people walking side by side.

The environment is also very harsh, and the breath is full of dust. Even if you are prepared and wear a mask, it is difficult to be completely prepared.

Walking in the dark, even with a torch, can give people a sense of tension.

Feeling that the strength in Nitya's hand was getting stronger and stronger, Wang Xiaofeng could only do two things at once, reading through the collection of funny jokes in the library in his mind and telling funny jokes at the same time.

Nitya was not very resistant to cold jokes, and after a while, muffled laughter echoed in the small passage.

I don't know how long I had been deep underground, but suddenly a huge cave opened up in front of me. The soldiers' torches could not illuminate the entire cave. They could only see the stone walls on both sides, which were very flat.

And standing here at the entrance of the cave, you can feel the smell of stone and mud coming from you, and there is also a faint breeze blowing on your face.

Finally, Wang Xiaofeng felt relieved that he no longer had to tell bad jokes. For him, telling bad jokes was more torturous than fighting with others.

Nitya smacked her lips with some unfinished thoughts, and whispered in Wang Xiaofeng's ear that she would talk when no one was around.

Wang Xiaofeng shuddered.

Definitely next time, definitely next time.

This underground space is very large and quiet, so quiet that you can almost hear the heartbeats of others.

This time it is to save people, not research, so it will hardly stay in place for too long.

After resting for a few minutes, the team started moving again and headed deeper.

On the way forward, Wang Xiaofeng found a lot of ash on the soles of his feet. He guessed that this might be the residue left after objects weathered.

After all, this is a relic from five thousand years ago. After such a long time, no matter how well the things here are preserved, they may have weathered.

Unless it is an item made of copper, iron or stone, it is possible to survive. Judging from the photomask outside, which is technologically advanced for who knows how many years, there should be something extraordinary here.

It seemed like they walked for a long time. They rested three times along the way, and then finally reached a high city wall.

The leading general needed time to identify his position, and the team rested for a while again and ate something casually.

After waiting for a while, it seemed that the direction was finally determined. The team began to walk in one direction along the old city wall. They didn't go far before they saw the city gate.

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