Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 474 Formation Formation

This seems to be a weird and unscientific formation. Although it is a bit lame, it is effective.

Wang Xiaofeng has reached his current level of cultivation, and his soul strength has also increased a lot.

The memories hidden deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness that he could not remember in his previous life were slowly unearthed bit by bit by him.

The Five Elements Bagua engraved under his feet now were a casual glance at the miscellaneous books donated by caring people when he was passing time in the orphanage in his previous life.

But even that casual glance was recorded in his brain.

Wang Xiaofeng himself did not expect that the Feng Shui knowledge scattered in miscellaneous books would take on new vitality in this world.

At first, I just tried it with the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a live doctor. Unexpectedly, I pieced together a few things and actually came up with a feasible formation.

This also made Wang Xiaofeng not eat or drink during that period, but lie in bed and dig out the memories of his previous life.

But later he discovered that although the knowledge in the sea of ​​​​consciousness was very precious and inspired him, the amount in it was too large and messy.

To be able to come up with a formation by chance is already considered to be a stroke of good luck and luck.

That kind of low-probability event is indispensable, and he still has self-awareness.

So he is now using the memory palace method to classify this huge amount of knowledge.

Wang Xiaofeng still has a long way to go before he can fully understand, integrate and apply them.

What he lacks now is time.

However, for some reason, even though his memory improved, he still couldn't recall the original novel.

Wang Xiaofeng suspected that this was the suppression of the will of this world, or it was the evil intention of a big boss in Douluo Continent to get him.

But that’s it.

The wings of his little butterfly have already been fluttering. No matter what the future holds, as long as he is strong enough, all problems will not be a problem.

Looking at the formation at Wang Xiaofeng's feet, He Qiming's eyes widened.

Formations are not uncommon in Douluo Continent, and they are all involved in teamwork and army cooperation.

But this was the first time he had seen such a complicated formation as Wang Xiaofeng had painted on the ground, which was used to improve innate soul power.

For the first time, he doubted his own vision. He actually failed to see clearly the grandson who had won the elite championship.

When the moon slowly rose to its highest point, Wang Xiaofeng, who had been standing quietly in the center of the formation with his eyes closed and concentrating, finally made some move.

He raised his sword finger with his right hand and shouted softly. As the soul power circulated in his body, the gourd on his waist suddenly made a "bang" sound.

I saw a silver stream of water emerging from the mouth of the gourd like a silver snake.

As the sword finger waved, it began to slowly fit into the formation on the ground.

"Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, Dui!"

The universe is reversed, Yin and Yang are reversed!

Wang Xiaofeng muttered words, his index finger and thumb touched each other to form a triangular gesture, and his four fingers crossed to make a slow and lame hand gesture.

The fate-defying magic circle at his feet began to move.

Unseen by outsiders, the soul power in Wang Xiaofeng's body was flowing strangely, echoing with the moon fluid under his feet that had completed the formation, forming a special magnetic field.

Wang Xiaofeng felt dazed for a while, and the familiar feeling came to his heart again.

The heart was beating violently in the chest, and the thunderous drum beat again, and there was a stab of pain in the brain.

The next moment, as if some kind of obstacle had been broken through, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly felt that the world had become clearer than ever before.

He knew that he had successfully entered the overclocking state.

The magic circle is divided into two layers: inner and outer. The effect of the inner layer is to strengthen.

The magic circle will absorb his mental power and then increase it.

The mental power was amplified dozens of times by the formation. It was difficult for Wang Xiaofeng to control it for a while. The mental power fluctuated violently, with himself as the center, covering the entire Soul Soul City in an instant.

Ordinary people without soul power would not feel it at all, but the soul masters who had awakened their soul power in the city felt their hearts tighten suddenly, as if a disaster was imminent.

I looked around quietly, but couldn't find the source. I could only feel a depression in my heart.

The surge in mental power made Wang Xiaofeng feel like he had become an omnipotent god, as if just a thought could destroy the world.

However, he knew very well that this was caused by excessive expansion of power. He had had such a familiar thought dozens of times.

Every time, Zao Wuji manually recognized the reality.

As soon as the confused look appeared, his eyes became clear again.

In just a short moment, Wang Xiaofeng suppressed the inflated thoughts, and at the same time suppressed the mental energy that had not had time to riot.

Although his physical quality is equivalent to that of a top-level soul emperor-level fighting soul master who is possessed by a martial soul, he can only maintain it for one minute in the overclocked state.

Exceeding this time will cause irreparable damage to his body.

So every second is precious now.

As soon as the thought came up in her mind, Wang Beibei in He Li's arms floated in front of Wang Xiaofeng, surrounded by gentle spiritual power.

He Li was so nervous that she pinched Wang Daniu unconsciously, but the little guy showed no fear at all. When he saw himself flying, he clapped his little hands happily and let out a "giggle" laugh.

"Brother, I hope you can still laugh later."

As the gourd spat out, a box made of gold suddenly appeared in his hand.

"It can be regarded as making the best use of it."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the golden box with a complicated look in his eyes.

This is the last trace of the power of faith left in his hand, and it is the purest power of faith that he can produce by all means.

It is also one of the trump cards in his hand.

Originally, I wanted to use the power of faith to fuse it into a new type of explosive and leave it to a certain titled Douluo.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and I didn't expect that it would be used on my brother first.

With complicated emotions, Wang Xiaofeng controlled his mental power to turn into a hand and opened the box.

Everyone showed puzzled expressions, because they stared as wide as they could, but they didn't find anything inside.

"No, there's something in there!"

A trace of surprise flashed across He Qiming's expressionless face.

In his sixth sense, there was something in the box, but he couldn't detect anything with his naked eyes or by scanning it with his mental power or soul power.

The golden box was casually thrown aside by Wang Xiaofeng, and the power of faith was wrapped up in spiritual power. Under the pull of Wang Xiaofeng's huge amount of spiritual power, he reluctantly moved his slender body and slowly transformed. long, and then gradually changes into a complex pentagonal array.

No, it’s too slow, there’s not enough time!

It seems that it can only be done at the same time.

The Secret Technique of the Seven Treasures Glaze, the Heart of the Three Apertures!

Wang Xiaofeng endured the mental pressure and split part of his mind.

Wang Xiaofeng endured the pain of his head exploding and forced himself to separate two thoughts.

A gourd began to communicate, controlling traces of extremely high-quality moon essence to penetrate into Wang Beibei's body.

The other is slowly guiding the essence of the moon in the body, and carefully starting to construct the physical Bagua in the meridians.

Time passed by second by second.

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes began to become bloodshot, and the temples on both sides of his forehead continued to sting.

The power of faith is indeed not something that can be played with at the moment, and it has been promoted to such a high purity by him.

After half a minute, only two-thirds of his mental power, which was comparable to the level of Contra, was depleted.

Fortunately, he had already prepared himself mentally and the situation was still under control.

The golden pentagonal array and the physical Bagua were finally constructed, five seconds short of the ideal half minute, leaving Wang Xiaofeng little time.

A complex soul power model appeared under Wang Xiaofeng.

"The Eight Diagrams of the Flesh, the Five Elements Seal."

boom! !

A bolt of thunder suddenly flashed across the sky, and in an instant, everyone's eyes were filled with white light.

The light that appeared at that moment made people subconsciously close their eyes.

Before everyone could react, the surroundings fell into an endless winter. The extreme coldness swept down from the air, causing a faint white frost to condense on everyone's body.

Nitya, the lowest among the people, has level 49. This low temperature is nothing to them. They only need to burst out the soul power in the body to easily raise the temperature on the body surface.

But they didn't dare to use their soul power at all, for fear of disturbing Wang Xiaofeng.

I don’t know if the formation caused the water vapor to change, but the entire courtyard was completely plunged into white mist. No one knew what the result would be.

Wang Daniu hugged He Li tightly, his worried eyes seeming to penetrate the mist.

Nitya clasped her hands together and prayed to God to bless her lover.

He Qiming seemed to be standing there carelessly, but in fact, the soul power in his body was already operating to the extreme.


There was a sudden sound in the mist, and a silhouette appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Xiao Fengzi?" Nidia couldn't help but asked.

"it's me."

Wang Xiaofeng walked out holding the sleeping Wang Beibei.

"Huh, luckily I did not disgrace my life..."

Wang Xiaofeng handed Wang Beibei into He Li's hands and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. His face was slightly pale, with traces of lightning flashing from time to time. His body surface was a little red and steaming.

"If you are not as strong as a Titled Douluo, you will never play such a life-threatening thing that changes your fate against the will of heaven."

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If his gourd hadn't been so reliable and could absorb most of the thunder at the critical moment, he would have been directly struck to death by lightning just now.

The four-unlike magic circle created by relying on half-baked knowledge of Feng Shui was actually successful. It must be said that Wang Xiaofeng did not die during the experiment. It was really good luck.

Everyone saw Wang Xiaofeng's tired look, and after learning about Beibei's situation, they asked him to rest quickly.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't try to be brave. He was really mentally and physically exhausted now, so he went straight back to his room and fell on the bed.

Fall asleep instantly.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't know that while he was sleeping, many soul masters who thought they were powerful broke into the courtyard.

He Li handed Wang Beibei to Wang Daniu and signaled him to get away with her eyes.

Wang Daniu ran into the house without saying a word.

Although his soul power level has reached the same level as He Li's due to his pregnancy, in terms of combat power, ten of them combined are not enough to defeat his wife.

"Three soul sects, four soul masters, and two little bugs hiding in the corner."

He Li clenched her fists and said, "I just happen to be feeling a little unhappy."

A daffodil as tall as a person emerged from the ground in front of me, its pink petals looking very charming under the moonlight.

But the intruders had no intention of admiring it, because at this time, the surroundings were filled with yellow mist.

"Go on, she is alone! Deal with her and then divide the treasure."

Golden and silver martial soul lights began to flicker in the dark night.

When Nitya saw this, she was not afraid at all. Instead, she summoned her martial spirit with great interest and rushed forward with a whoosh: "I'm here to help, too."

Wang Daniu, who was hiding in the house, looked at the constant screams outside with a complicated expression.

"Son, you are braver than your father."

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