Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 470 Reunion


Wang Xiaofeng's eyes widened and he looked at Wang Daniu, who had green skin and swollen face. He couldn't help but wonder: Could it be that he had a headache and did something stupid to offend his mother?

Seeing his son whom he had not seen for a long time standing in front of him, Wang Daniu felt no joy at all. He subconsciously covered his face and denied, "You recognized the wrong person."

I cursed secretly in my heart: This brat didn't come earlier and he didn't come late, but if he comes at this time, wouldn't it mean that I can't keep my tall image? No, no, we have to think of a way quickly...

Wang Daniu coughed lightly and said, "Although your father and I look very similar, I am actually your father's twin brother. People often mistake us for each other."

Seeing Wang Daniu making up nonsense and creating a younger brother out of nothing, Wang Xiaofeng felt very helpless. That's right, with such stupidity, the person in front of him was his idiot father.

Nidia, who was hiding in her arms, covered her mouth and whispered, "Uncle is so funny."

Haha, just think of it as really interesting.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was about to ask Wang Daniu why he was suddenly knocked out, a hearty laughter suddenly came from behind.

"Daniu, why did you only hold on for one minute today? It's really getting worse and worse."

An old man with white hair and wrinkles walked out of the yard slowly.

The smashed and broken door was suddenly blown away by an inexplicable huge force. The door, which was already broken beyond repair, was completely gone.

Unless a new gate is installed.

Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his hair helplessly. Could it be that the old man wanted to completely destroy the door, so there would be no need to repair it.

Don't tell me, it's really possible.

"Daniu, let Lili cook you some more nourishing soup..." The old man was about to joke when he found two strange young people standing aside and quickly swallowed back the words he was about to blurt out.

In front of outsiders, let's save some face for Daniel.

Although the old man shut his mouth in time, Wang Daniu was not happy at all. Instead, his head was covered with black lines.

Now it's better, not only his son, but also his daughter-in-law know that he is weak.

This time, jumping into the Qinglong River can't be washed away.

The old man had never seen such strong winds and waves. When he saw Wang Daniu's changing expression, he knew that he had said the wrong thing. He smiled, and then looked at Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia.

"These two young people are very unfamiliar. Is there something going on?" The old man looked at Wang Xiaofeng carefully and had some guesses in his heart, but he was not sure.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was about to speak, Wang Daniu stood beside the two of them: "Let me introduce you both. Father-in-law, this is Xiaofeng's child. Xiaofeng, this is your grandfather He Qiming, why are you still standing there? , why don’t you call someone quickly!”

"Hello, grandpa." Wang Xiaofeng was stunned and shouted quickly.

Nitya shouted crisply: "Hello, grandpa!"

He Qiming looked at Nidia carefully, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. Isn't this Lao Zhou's precious daughter?

Then he looked at Wang Xiaofeng, who looked not very smart, and his mind suddenly popped into his head: Is this my grandson who has outstanding talent and surpasses the younger generation?

Wang Xiaofeng, who was bending down and bowing to show respect, began to think of He Li's gnashing of teeth when she introduced her family: Is this the unreasonable and bad-tempered grandpa that my mother said?

Although both sides feel that the other person feels a little different from what they imagined, the connection between blood cannot be faked.

He Qiming smiled and patted Wang Xiaofeng's waist and said, "Good boy, you must be exhausted after traveling for so long. Come in and rest quickly."

Then he turned to Wang Daniu and yelled angrily: "Daniu, why are you still standing there? Go and fix the door quickly. If you can't fix it, don't eat dinner!"

Family brother position-2

Wang Daniu watched helplessly as his father-in-law brought the two of them into the house with a smile. He could only skillfully walk to the wood piled in the corner, picked up a few boards and started to build the door.

Skilled in making people feel distressed.

The three of them walked through the courtyard filled with various flowers and plants. As soon as they entered the living room, Wang Xiaofeng heard the familiar roar coming from the fragrant kitchen: "Dad, how many times have I told you, don't stay in the house all the time." Let's discuss!!! Also, Xiaoguang has just fallen asleep, if I wake him up..."

He Qiming plucked his ears indifferently. Wang Xiaofeng looked at him and it seemed that this was not the first time he had been scolded.

Nidia hid behind Wang Xiaofeng, her dark eyes quietly observing the surroundings. Wang Xiaofeng could feel that Nidia's whole body was trembling slightly, and he didn't know whether it was from heat or nervousness.

Wang Xiaofeng squeezed Nitya's little hand and said comfortingly: "Okay, relax, my mother is very easy-going and usually doesn't curse."

He usually doesn't curse, but when he curses, he looks like a tyrannosaurus.

After a while, He Li seemed to think of her second son who was still sleeping upstairs, and He Li stopped preaching.

He Qiming skillfully took out the earplugs from his ears and put them into his pocket. He smiled charmingly and said, "Lili, don't be angry. Come out and see who is here."

"Even if the King of Heaven comes, old man, don't even think about drinking wine..." He Li cursed and just walked out of the kitchen when she saw her dreaming son!

Wang Xiaofeng blinked: "I said I would bring you a daughter-in-law next time we meet. I must have not broken my promise."

He Li walked over tremblingly, her lips moved, and even though she had a thousand words to say, in the end she just squeezed out this sentence: "I still lost weight..."

Wang Xiaofeng gradually put away his smile and said seriously: "Mom, I'm back."

"Son...welcome home."

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