Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 463: High-altitude Chase

The powerful airflow in the sky blew against the strong soul power shield that Wang Xiaofeng had built with his soul power, causing invisible ripples.

When the altitude reached more than 100 meters, Wang Xiaofeng and Nidiya's speed into the air slowed down significantly.

In the clear blue sky, the sun hung like a fireball, as if it was within reach.

Everything on the ground is getting smaller and smaller, and the people on the street are like ants.

Like a beautiful picture scroll.

At this moment, she felt like a bird flying freely in the sky.

Nidia took the entire city of Tanting into view, and the whistling wind in her ears made her couldn't help but speak louder: "We shouldn't be smashed into pieces."

"of course not."

It is no exaggeration to say that he has learned a lot from the past few months of fighting in the elite competition.

After the three months at Shrek, Wang Xiaofeng immersed himself in sorting out his spiritual practice, and gradually calmed down his slightly impetuous mind.

Not only was the efficiency extremely high, the improved ring fusion technology was successfully developed in advance.

Also came up with a few interesting moves.

Wang Xiaofeng's thoughts moved slightly, and the gourd tied to his waist suddenly fell off. Under Nidia's surprised eyes, it instantly expanded into a large gourd five meters long and two meters wide in mid-air.

The mouth of the gourd opened quietly, and a large amount of air began to flow into the gourd.

Wang Xiaofeng sent Nitya to the gourd with a clever move.

"Ouch!" Nitya exclaimed, feeling the strong wind howling beside her, and quickly hugged the gourd under her with her hands and feet.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Nidia's embarrassed look and smiled inwardly. Just when he was about to say something, something emitting powerful soul power suddenly broke into his range of perception.

So fast!

Soul power as concentrated as mercury circulated rapidly in his body. Wang Xiaofeng stepped sideways with the sole of his foot, and his body instantly moved several meters sideways out of thin air.

The next moment, a black shadow was as fast as lightning and rushed directly through Wang Xiaofeng's afterimage into the distance.

"Eagle? Or peregrine falcon?"

Wang Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes slightly. The opponent was so fast that even his dynamic vision could only catch the afterimage of the opponent.

However, he still saw the five bright soul rings on the unknown object, and since he (she) only attacked him and did not care about Nidia next to him, he speculated that it should be one of Nidia's bodyguards.

"As expected of a noble family, by the way, a guard has such a high level of cultivation."

The black shadow quickly turned back and attacked Wang Xiaofeng again in the blink of an eye, and this time, he actually used his soul skill.

The black soul ring representing ten thousand years was instantly wrapped around his body.


It's like the sonic boom produced when a fighter jet enters supersonic speed!

Wang Xiaofeng just blinked, and the black shadow dozens of meters away had disappeared, leaving only a white air wave.

There was no trace of the dynamic vision he was so proud of.



It's too fast!

"So that's it, the previous attack was to separate Nidia and I." Such a thought suddenly flashed through Wang Xiaofeng's mind.

When the black shadow appeared again, he was less than one meter away from me!

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the man's slender wings shining with silver light and cut them fiercely towards the location of his head!

"Such sharp wings, they must be delicious when grilled at a discount."

Wang Xiaofeng just doesn't want to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean he has no temper!

A fist with its top wrapped in turquoise blue soul power and its elbow spraying airflow to accelerate came forward!

Rock-shattering fist!


A heavy muffled sound!

Silver light and blue light clashed with each other, forming a terrifying explosion in just a moment!

Violent flashes of light and strong winds surged in all directions, and Wang Xiaofeng and the other party retreated.

The man in black felt the numbness on his wings and was horrified.

This was his most powerful attacking spirit skill, and it was also a ten-thousand-year spirit ring. Although it only used five points of strength, it was too outrageous to be easily broken by the kid in front of him with his fist!

Wang Xiaofeng silently put his right hand behind his back and shook it vigorously.

The next moment, the two disappeared again, and their wings and fist marks collided again.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Nidia, who was sitting on the gourd, was attracted by the violent fluctuations in soul power, and the two had exchanged several moves.

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