Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 345: What are you doing to me?

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

Su Qianxun only heard that someone was coming but didn't understand what was going on, but Ye Gu's hearing was very good, he took the little girl directly and hid behind the potted plant ...

Su Qianxun was about to ask what happened, and Ye Gu made a snoring gesture to her ...

The two stopped in the middle of the stairway, because the kiss was too loud and made a gurgling sound, and Su Chihun knew what had happened.

"Don't be here, will it be seen." A female voice rang out, but she was especially familiar with the voice of Qiao Yiren.

Su Qianxun couldn't believe it, Ye Gu was standing in front of her, because of the limited space, the two were close together.

Although Ye Gu was a man, because he didn't pose any threat to Su Qianxun, and he was extraordinarily secure, she didn't care about these details at all, instead she carefully leaned out her head and looked down.

What surprised her even more was that the man with Qiao Yiren was not Xia Chuxi, but a strange middle-aged man.

The sound of the unfastening of the belt sounded, Su Qianxun watched as the two were engaged together. The action was too obscene, followed by the sound enjoyed by Qiao Yiren, and the free voice of the man, the man's mouth kept on Scolded, "Little sao goods, you are really good at sao!"

"I'm not good enough. Would you like it?" Qiao Yiren was very proud of picking beans.

Su Chihiro was disgusted again. Although the picture was very spicy, the little girl thought of something and took a video!

But her new cell phone was thrown into the river when she was abducted last time. Now she is using an old cell phone of hers. Pocket.

At this moment, Ye Gu's body was stiff like a stone. He looked at the little girl's lovely long eyelashes and quickly took out her mobile phone, for fear that she should not touch it.

Su Qianxun is now devoting herself to making videos to leave evidence. She didn't notice Ye Gu's changes at all. She carefully adjusted the video mode and aimed the camera at the two.

Ye Gu's mobile phone is specially made, not only the picture is extremely clear, but even the sound is recorded clearly.

After recording for about three minutes, the two were over. Su Qianxun couldn't believe it, this ... so fast ...

But at this time, she felt that there was something **** her belly.

The two people behind were so hot, and in front of him was the girl he liked to the bones. Ye Gu would be blamed if he didn't respond.

Su Chihiro was uncomfortable with him, and she whispered, "Ye Gu, are you holding me up? Is it a gun?"

Ye Gu's eyes were darker ... gun ... it was indeed his gun ...

"Who!" The man below screamed suddenly.

Ye Gu's eyes were sharp. He turned around and kicked the huge potted plant and smashed at the two. Qiao Yiren and the man were screaming in shock. Ye Gu ran Su Qianxuan away.


When Su Qianxun returned to the private room, everyone was almost finished. Bai Weimi was applying a cold towel to Xue Rui who was swollen by Ye Gu, and his expression was distressed.

When Su Qianxun returned to his seat, Xue Rui looked at her with very vicious eyes.

"Chihiro, why did you go so long, all right?" Gu Mian looked at her worriedly.

"It's okay. I met an acquaintance for a while, can I go?" Su Chihiro was disgusted when he saw the man, and now he just wanted to leave.

"Waiter, checkout!" Xue Rui's voice was breathless.

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