Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 988: The feeling of being strangled is unpleasant (1/2)

Liu Qingshan bought the Rockets at a price of 85 million.

This price was exactly what the two bosses expected.

The reason why they failed to reach an agreement with Alexander was that Alexander was only willing to pay 80 million, and they wanted 85 million, and the two sides were bargaining.

Now someone directly offered this price, of course they were happy to buy it.

The two brothers also understood: with Mount's success in business, it is basically impossible to take advantage of others.

The next day, this news quickly appeared in the newspapers. It was not because of the influence of a team, but mainly because the buyer was Liu Qingshan, a recent celebrity.

So the newspapers were full of reports about Mr. Mount's entry into the NBA.

And Mr. Alexander regretted it and slapped his thigh after hearing the news: If I had known earlier, I would not have bargained.

Because it is the off-season now, Liu Qingshan is not in a hurry to go to the Space City, but just entrusted his second sister to send someone to make the delivery, and there are still many procedures to be handled.

Chairman Guo and his team were quite satisfied with the location chosen by Xiao Zihou. It had a large enough area and was originally a comprehensive shopping mall. It only needed a little renovation to open for business.

And there were enough warehouses behind the store that could be used as warehouses.

Liu Qingshan entrusted all these matters to Lao Xiao, including renovation and purchase of equipment, etc., and even the canteen and apartments had to be prepared.

As the new owner of the team, Liu Qingshan also attended the meeting between labor and management.

NBA owners are also a very large circle. Those who can afford to play a team must have assets of hundreds of millions.

However, most of these owners are already middle-aged, and Liu Qingshan is the youngest one, which is really enviable.

Liu Qingshan also met the president of the NBA. Stern smiled and welcomed Liu Qingshan to join this big family.

He also met the representatives of the players' union, mainly the guy who looks like a gorilla, who is now the chairman of the players' union.

The owners of those teams also welcomed Liu Qingshan, but also remained vigilant: because generally speaking, when the team changes its owner, there will be big moves.

Especially young people like Liu Qingshan, who might be a young and energetic rogue.

However, Liu Qingshan has no such plan. In the past two years, the world has been dominated by old hooligans, and he has to endure it.

After some communication, the bosses found that Liu Qingshan, a young man, is different from other young people. He is more slippery than them and can be regarded as a young old-fashioned man.

So everyone was relieved that it was good that he was not a rogue. They were all happy and could have fun together.

While Liu Qingshan was talking nonsense with a group of middle-aged uncles, a guest suddenly came to visit.

The guest was a vice president of Motorola. They saw Liu Qingshan coming to Fengcheng in the newspaper. As a partner, of course they had to invite him.

After all, the batteries used in Motorola mobile phones are manufactured by Bluebird Technology.

Because Motorola's headquarters is in a small town in the suburbs of Fengcheng.

After hundreds of years of development, the United States has gradually explored some experience, such as large factories and enterprises are generally located in the suburbs, which is still worth emulating.

Liu Qingshan received the visitor in the small reception room of his room.

The vice president of Motorola was a well-mannered middle-aged man with a slightly bald head. He introduced himself as Kelly.

Liu Qingshan shook hands with the other party and sat on the sofa. Kelly explained his purpose. Liu Qingshan also readily agreed and proposed to visit their headquarters.

Motorola was founded in 1928 and has a history of several decades. It started from manufacturing radios and kept pace with the times. It has grown into a giant in the field of mobile communications. Of course, there are many things worth learning from.

The next day, Liu Qingshan led Li Tie and Vera to the town of Schaumburg, where the headquarters of Motorola is located, in a special car sent by the other party.

Schaumburg has convenient transportation and is the most famous satellite town in Windy City.

After getting off the car, Liu Qingshan saw the headquarters building of Motorola. Looking at the huge Motorola, Liu Qingshan also felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

Who has not heard of Motorola's mobile phone from that era?

But Liu Qingshan soon became excited: Now this honor belongs to Bluebird.

Even though Bluebird is one step ahead now, it is still far behind in terms of chip research and development, which also leads to the fact that Motorola's mobile phone is still better than Bluebird in signal reception and call quality.

This is also where Bluebird needs to catch up in the future. Liu Qingshan has set up a chip research laboratory in Bluebird Technology Park for this purpose.

While we can still communicate with each other now, we should seize the time to learn. It will be difficult to get stuck in the future.

"Mr. Mountain, please." Kelly extended his hand to signal.

When the group entered the building, Liu Qingshan felt that there was a sense of rigor everywhere.

In the United States, more attention is paid to corporate culture, just like Apple under Steve Jobs, which is the most representative.

In comparison, Liu Qingshan felt that his company in China was still a little lacking in management.

In the chairman's office, Liu Qingshan met the person in charge of Motorola, Mr. Bob, the second generation of the Galvin family.

This is an old man in his seventies, and his eyes seem to be shining with wisdom.

"Hello Mr. Bob, nice to meet you."

Liu Qingshan greeted him very politely. After all, the other party was about the same age as his grandfather.

Bob also looked at Liu Qingshan carefully, and then nodded: "Mr. Mountain is indeed a talented person. I am very happy to meet such a great young man like you."

Later, Kelly introduced a man in his thirties next to Mr. Bob to Liu Qingshan. This was Chris, the third generation successor of the Galvin family.

He would take over the company from his father in a few years.

In addition, there are several senior executives of the company, including two co-CEOs, George Fisher and Gary Twain. Obviously, they attach great importance to Liu Qingshan's visit.

Although Motorola is a family business, Bob did not ask his son to take over after he stepped down as CEO. His reason was simple: Chris still needed a few more years of training.

Liu Qingshan shook hands and exchanged greetings one by one. The two sides were in a competitive relationship, but also cooperated in some aspects. The motorcycles needed Jade Bird's batteries, and Jade Bird needed the motorcycle's wafers, so on the surface they were relatively friendly.

After greeting each other, they sat down around a round table. Old Bob said with great interest, "Liu, our cooperation is very pleasant. I have another bigger plan. I wonder if you are interested?"

Liu Qingshan thought: Could it be the famous Iridium project?

It is undeniable that this is a very great plan. If it can be realized, then Motorola will be a real giant in the industry, unrivaled.

It's a pity that the Iridium project went bankrupt in the end, and Motorola was also severely damaged.

However, Liu Qingshan still pretended to be very interested: "I would like to hear the details."

Bob waved his hand and gestured to Chris beside him, and Chris started talking enthusiastically:

"We will launch 77 communication satellites in space to replace base stations on the ground, so that calls can be made anywhere on the earth, even at the North and South Poles."

"Because the element iridium has 77 electrons, we call this plan the Iridium Star Project. Currently, our company has invested one billion US dollars and is looking for investment banks from Wall Street. The total planned investment exceeds five billion."

Seeing the shocked look on Liu Qingshan's face, Chris couldn't help but feel a little proud: "How about it, Mr. Mountain, are you interested in joining?"

"A great plan!" Liu Qingshan nodded vigorously, but soon shook his head regretfully:

"Unfortunately, all my funds have been invested elsewhere. Even Earth Network and Columbia Pictures have been pledged. This is really a pity."

Liu Qingshan knew that the Iridium project ended in failure, Motorola never recovered, and Wall Street investors lost all their money.

If he still got involved, wouldn't he hit his head on a tree?

"It is indeed a pity." Chris also shook his head. He was still young and did not realize that Liu Qingshan was not optimistic about this project.

His father was the older one. Although Old Bob didn't read anything from Liu Qingshan's expression, he felt that this young man refused too simply.

When coupled with Liu Qingshan's monstrous performance in business, old Bob began to doubt: If it were me, shouldn't I be very excited when I learn about a grand plan that spans the ages?

Old Bob fell into deep thought: Is there something wrong with the Iridium project?

Going through the Iridium project again in his mind, Old Bob felt that this plan had been discussed many times within the company and there were no flaws.

However, since he started doing business with his father and worked hard in the mall for decades, it is not an exaggeration to say that Bob is an old fox.

He knew that even the most perfect plans would inevitably go awry when implemented.

It seems that the risk should be further reduced, or the company's investment in this plan should not be reduced.

As for the gap, the group of investors on Wall Street have long been fooled by Old Bob and are so excited that they want to enter the market waving their money.

Liu Qingshan didn't know that his reaction just now reminded Old Bob of so many things. He was discussing further cooperation with Mr. George, one of the two CEOs of the company.

George euphemistically expressed that Motorola's self-developed battery has taken shape, and maybe next year, there will be no need for Jade Bird to manufacture mobile phone batteries.

Of course, patent fees still have to be paid, and no matter how hard their R\u0026D team tries, they can't get around this barrier.

Of course, this incident was expected. Liu Qingshan knew that with Motorola's background, it would not cheat others.

So he also smiled and expressed that he would continue to cooperate extensively with Motorola in the wafer field.

Liu Qingshan's plan is to try to catch up with the opponent in this field in the shortest possible time.

Then, with Jade Bird's R\u0026D capabilities and financial investment, it must at least ensure that it does not lag behind in this field.

The feeling of being choked by others in future generations is really uncomfortable.

The two parties communicated for more than an hour in a friendly atmosphere, and then Chris led the team to lead Liu Qingshan to visit.

Old Bob is old, so naturally he has no companion.

Without his father present, Chris seemed much more relaxed. When introducing Liu Qingshan, he showed a bit of complacency unknowingly.

He certainly has the right to be proud, because Motorola is indeed very strong.

Liu Qingshan has been listening, and he has benefited a lot from Chris's words.

"Mr. Mountain, this is our company's R\u0026D department. It is not open to the public. Sorry."

Chris pointed to a small building and said, then walked through the door.

Liu Qingshan smiled and nodded, expressing his understanding. Generally, such places are absolutely confidential to the company. Of course, outsiders cannot be allowed in casually, especially his competitor.

He went to several branch factories in the town and took a look around. They all produced various parts. The modern management also opened Liu Qingshan's eyes.

In comparison, his Bluebird company was not rigorous enough in this regard.

"Mr. Mountain, this is our new model. It is more compact and has better signal."

Chris was playing with a new mobile phone in his hand, looking like he couldn't let it go.

As a result, someone next to him suddenly interrupted: "Mr. Mountain, the mobile phones produced by our Motorola have surpassed Bluebird mobile phones in sales, and this latest model will be launched in October. I believe the sales will be even higher."

Liu Qingshan glanced and saw that the person who spoke was Gary Twain, one of the two CEOs.

This guy's voice is a bit shrill, which doesn't sound very pleasant.

Especially, his words and deeds are full of the meaning of belittling Bluebird and praising himself too much, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Liu Qingshan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "What a coincidence, our Bluebird also has a new model, which will be launched in October. Mr. Twain, how about we compare?"

"Bet? I don't have 100 million US dollars." Gary is not stupid at all, and said half-jokingly.

Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "We are business partners. If we use money, it will hurt our feelings."

"How about this, if the sales of your mobile phone are high, then you can use the lithium battery patent for free; if the sales of our Bluebird new mobile phone are high, then we can use your company's patent in the wafer field for free."

"In this way, it can be regarded as a healthy competition between our two companies. Even if we lose, it will be a good story."

Liu Qingshan talked freely, without belittling the other party or being aggressive. What he showed was just a strong self-confidence.

After finishing speaking, Liu Qingshan looked at Gary, and then cast his gaze on Chris. With a faint smile on his lips, he just stared at the other party and waited quietly for a reply.

Gary was a little annoyed, feeling that he was despised by the other party. He couldn't help but raise his voice, and his voice became sharper:

"Mr. Mountain, I also think that healthy competition is conducive to the development of the company."

Liu Qingshan nodded gently: "What about Mr. Chris's opinion?"

Chris's face also showed strong confidence: "I am now the vice president of the company. Of course, I have to listen to Mr. Gary, because he is the CEO of the company."


March, early spring.

Download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters. The latest chapters are already on the Aiyue Novels app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The gloomy sky is gray and black, revealing a heavy depression, as if someone had splashed ink on rice paper, and the ink soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, spreading crimson lightning and rumbling thunder.

It was like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, fell on the earth.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim bloody rain.

The city was in ruins, everything was withered, collapsed houses could be seen everywhere, and blue-black corpses and pieces of meat were seen everywhere, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The streets that used to be bustling are now bleak.

The sandy road that was once crowded with people is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with pieces of meat, dust, and paper remained, and it was indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fur had long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie and weirdness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some resentment, looking alone at the mottled stones in front.

There, a figure was lying.

This was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, with ragged clothes and full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his shabby coat from all directions, swept through his whole body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close, download the Aiyue app to watch the latest content for free. But even if the rain fell on his face, he did not blink his eyes, staring coldly at the distance like a hawk.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog, and sometimes vigilantly observing the surroundings.

It seems that in this dangerous ruin, the slightest movement will cause it to take off instantly.

Download the Aiyue Novels app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely buried its head in the belly of the wild dog.

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