Golden Summoner

Chapter 2 Ability

The shelter is located on the negative three and fourth floors underground of the building. People entering the shelter can quickly enter through the elevator, parking lot, and public access to the shelter.

The distance of a few hundred meters was not far, and Xia Pingan was very fast. In less than two minutes, under the guidance of the navigation system, he rushed to the Tieyun Building on Qingyun Middle Road, with a two-year-old boy in his arms, followed by him. A pale middle-aged woman followed the surging flow of people and entered the express passage to the building's refuge.

A red light flashed in the passage.

"Everyone enters in an orderly manner and there is no crowding..."

"Everyone enters in an orderly manner and there is no crowding..."

Several uniformed building security guards were shouting with loudspeakers in the passage.

There were panicked crowds all around. Xia Ping'an saw several female white-collar workers running over, with their high heels running away. They were barefoot when they entered the shelter.

Several potbellied men were sweating profusely as they unbuttoned their ties and shirts.

When Xia Pingan ran here, he saw a middle-aged woman getting off a private car with a child on the road. He picked up the child and ran in with the middle-aged woman. Anyway, the child was not It's heavy. It's not much heavier than a takeaway when you hold it on your body.

With the blessing of a bunch of technologies, the anti-space intrusion security APP can complete the early warning five minutes in advance when the monitoring satellite senses space gravity anomalies. In urban areas, the distance to the shelter assigned to each person through computers and big data , are all within five minutes away. As long as you enter the shelter within five minutes, there is a high probability that you will be fine.

However, everything is unexpected, and it cannot be perfect. If there is no shelter near your area, and the space invasion happens to be near you, or in some very short-term situations, a small number of space invasion monsters can break through the strong shelter. defense layer, or if you don't enter the shelter within five minutes, you're just asking for luck.

As soon as he entered the shelter, Xia Pingan handed the child he was holding to the pale middle-aged woman.

"Thank you, thank you..." The middle-aged woman hugged her child tightly and burst into tears of gratitude to Xia Pingan.

"You are welcome!"

The underground shelter is like a huge isolation warehouse. The underground shelter of Tieyun Building is divided into four parts. People entering the underground shelter are divided at the door and enter four mutually isolated shelters.

This design is to protect the safety of the people in the shelter to the greatest extent in the event of an accident.

For example, if there are monsters that can break the several meters thick concrete protective layer of the shelter and the steel safety door of the shelter, then the monsters that enter the shelter can only enter one isolation warehouse at a time. Other shelters are still safe. This design is just like the watertight compartments on a ship. If one compartment is filled with water, it will not cause the entire ship to sink.

Xia Pingan and the middle-aged woman entered Shelter No. 2. Shelter No. 2 was brightly lit and was as big as four basketball courts. The height of the shelter was not high, less than three meters. People kept coming in. In a short time, five to six hundred people crowded into Shelter No. 2.

"The refuge passage is about to be closed, the refuge passage is about to be closed..."

When the five minutes were up, the steel door of the shelter closed with a bang amid the mechanical female voice broadcasting from the shelter. The shelter was suddenly isolated from the outside, and the people in the shelter breathed a sigh of relief.

In the shelter, in order to prevent rumors from causing panic, everyone's mobile phone signals have been cut off and isolated. There are screens in the shelter that are responsible for delivering news and notices from the National Order Committee and government departments to the people in the shelter. Everyone can only awaiting notice.

Only after the space invasion outside is lifted can everyone go out.

The shelter was noisy and it was difficult to calm down for a while. Some people were sobbing softly, and others were looking for their wallets, mobile phones, and shoes that had just been lost...

Xia Pingan found a remote corner, sat down against the wall, and waited quietly.

When will the monsters invading the space be cleared away, and when can they go out? This time depends on the severity of the space invasion. The shortest time is a few hours, the long time may be several days or ten days, and even longer. , that would be a complete disaster.

Generally, public shelters have a certain amount of food and water reserves, which can allow people who enter the shelter to survive for half a month to a month.

The large public shelter is even connected to the supply warehouses and underground combat preparation passages of large supermarkets in the city.

Within a few minutes, Xia Pingan heard the faint sound of an explosion outside. As soon as the sound came, the noise in the shelter stopped instantly. The entire shelter was quiet, even the people who were sobbing quietly just now. They all stopped, and those who were looking for things stopped looking...

"Drones, our drones should have arrived first. They are already clearing away the invading creatures from the outside world..." Next to Xia Pingan, there was a man in his forties sitting on the ground and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. While whispering to himself, this man seemed to have rich experience in facing space invasion, "In urban areas, the drones of the Order Committee can rush to the scene of space invasion as soon as possible to launch the first wave of attacks..."

"The explosion just now was so loud that it could be transmitted to the shelter. It may be that a high-altitude thermobaric bomb was used. The sound came from the air..." An intellectual man wearing glasses pushed up his glasses and whispered. He said, "The high-explosive ammunition of the drone will not fall in densely populated urban areas and mountain forests that are prone to fires. If it is an urban area, the drone will use more accurate blade missiles..."

"Everyone will be fine..."

Just as the man next to him finished speaking, the lights in the shelter flashed, and the entire shelter suddenly fell into darkness, and then someone screamed.

Two seconds later, the dark red lights in the shelter were turned on, and a voice appeared from the loudspeaker.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. In order to avoid causing a fire, the public power supply in the city has just been cut off. The emergency engine in the shelter has been started. The situation in the shelter is normal. Please wait patiently..."

The restlessness in the shelter subsided.

Xia Pingan, who was sitting in the corner, closed his eyes and began to concentrate. In just a few seconds, a clear picture appeared in Xia Pingan's mind...

That's the scene outside the building.

In just a few minutes, there was no one on the street outside the building. The street was full of parked vehicles. It was still raining in the sky. In the clouds above, strange dark red clouds were rolling in the sky. Then, the rotating clouds branched out like tornadoes and octopus tentacles, extending from the sky to the ground...


A harsh whistling sound filled the air.

Two drones roared quickly from the left and right in the sky on the top floor of the building, rushing towards the swirling clouds in the sky.

After flying a thousand meters, the two drones each had a flash of fire under their wings, and the two missiles drew two lines of fire in the air and flew towards the rolling dark red clouds.

Two huge dazzling lights exploded in the gloomy sky, and then a huge explosion sounded in the sky of the city, like thunder, and the glass on the windows of a tall building in the distance was shattered.

Two tornadoes of clouds and mist extending from the strange dark red clouds in the sky were broken in the explosion.

Red rain and pieces of meat fell from the sky.

After more than ten seconds, the sound of the explosion reached the shelter again.

Amidst the loud rumbling noise, dark red clouds and mist rolled on a street more than a thousand meters away from the Tieyun Building. After the clouds and mist dissipated, more than twenty magic rats suddenly appeared on the ground. .

The demon rat was bigger than a lion, nearly two meters long without its tail, with blood-red eyes and sharp teeth...

The magic rat that appeared on the ground stayed there for two seconds, took stock of its surroundings, and then began to scatter in all directions.

A magic rat was running like a rhinoceros. It rushed onto the road, slammed a car parked on the roadside, ran onto the city road, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

There were also two magic rats that smashed the door of a nearby hotel and immediately rushed into a nearby hotel...

A demon rat moved a little slower. Just after taking a few steps, there was a strange sound in the sky. A missile with a blade fell from the sky and hit the demon rat accurately. The sharp blade cut at high speed. Then he completely smashed the demon rat's body into pieces, turning it into a pile of flesh and blood, leaving only a pit on the ground.

Several helicopters flew in from a distance. The helicopter had just hovered in the air and dropped the rope. Teams of heavily armed special operations teams in black combat uniforms on the helicopter grabbed the ropes and flew off the helicopter.

One team entered the hotel, and another team was chasing other magic rats.

Helicopters kept flying in, dropping groups of heavily armed combat teams in the area where the demon rats appeared.

Xia Pingan saw a man wearing a black leather trench coat and sunglasses. In the wind and rain, he jumped directly from a helicopter more than ten meters above the hotel roof without holding on to the rope, and landed steadily in the hotel. on the roof, and then entered the hotel in a flash.

A few seconds later, violent gunshots were heard in the hotel.

After a while, the window of a room on the third floor of the hotel suddenly shattered. A magic rat broke through the window, jumped out from the window sill on the second floor, and landed on the ground.

The man who was hotly chasing after the magic rat leaping out from the balcony on the third floor of the hotel was the man wearing a black windbreaker and sunglasses. The man held a black short-barreled large-caliber shotgun and followed the magic rat from the hotel. He jumped down from the window and while he was still in the air, the shotgun in his hand fired.

The demon rat's body was covered in blood, and it was beaten to pieces.

Seeing the man chasing after him, the demon rat turned around and ran away.

"Fire..." The man was in the air, pointed at the demon rat with his hand without a gun, and shouted a word. A ball of blazing fire suddenly shot up on the water-filled ground and engulfed the demon rat. Rat wrapped.

The demon rat screamed and turned into an erupting and burning torch, and the water vapor around him was instantly evaporated.

A man wearing a black leather windbreaker and sunglasses fell steadily from the air on the third floor to the water-logged ground. The burning demon rat turned into a pile of ashes in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the ground suddenly bulged, and the bricks, stones and soil flew away...

A monster five or six meters long, as thick as a gasoline barrel, with a body like an earthworm but a head full of sharp teeth suddenly emerged from the ground, opened its mouth wide and bit the man wearing a black leather windbreaker and sunglasses. come over.

The man fired, and the large-caliber pistol bullets hit the monster, shooting out sparks, but the monster that emerged from the ground was not damaged at all. The monster's skin was covered with a thick layer of quartz, like armor. Same.

Seeing the monster opening its mouth to bite, the man jumped back with incredible agility. He almost immediately jumped to the balcony of the second floor of the hotel, which was more than four meters high. Then the man waved and spat out again. Two words, "slave soldiers!"

There was a flash of light on the ground, and a strong ancient warrior with bare feet, a layer of red light flashing on his body, wearing animal skins, and holding a spear in his hand suddenly appeared in front of the earthworm-like monster.

The summoned warrior swung his spear, and the tip of the spear pierced the monster. Green plasma spurted out from the monster's body and spread all over the ground. As soon as the plasma fell on the ground, it sneered. The ground was corroded into pits, and the roof of a car parked nearby was directly corroded and riddled with holes.

The monster turned around and swallowed the summoned warrior in one bite.

A few seconds later, the monster's body suddenly twisted in pain, rolling around on the ground, making a mess in the flower bed outside the hotel. But before the monster rolled a few times, with a sneer, a dagger came out of the The blame pierced my abdomen, and then with a slash of the dagger, the monster's body was cut open in the middle, cut into two halves and fell to the ground.

The summoned warrior who had just been swallowed by the monster emerged from the monster's belly covered in thick green slurry. As soon as he took a few steps, it turned into dots of red light and dissipated in the air, leaving only the corpse of the monster on the ground. .

It was only at this time that the team that had just rushed to the hotel withdrew. Of the ten people who had just entered, only seven came out. Three more people were injured and covered in blood. They were carried out. One injured team member's arm had been separated from his shoulder. Come, be held by another team member.

The helicopter landed, took several injured team members, and left quickly.

The rain in the sky becomes heavier...

While leading the other team members to chase another magic rat, the man wearing a black leather windbreaker and sunglasses suddenly stopped, turned around, and glanced at Xia Pingan.

This glance was like a face-to-face meeting with Xia Pingan. Xia Pingan felt that the man wearing a black leather windbreaker and sunglasses seemed to have seen him.

Xia Ping'an was slightly startled.

Xia Pingan, who was still in the shelter, suddenly opened his eyes and murmured softly, "Is this the summoner? He's so strong, he can actually see me..."

Xia Pingan closed his eyes again. A few seconds later, Xia Ning's face appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness. Seeing that Xia Ning was indeed in the school's shelter, Xia Pingan was relieved.

Xia Pingan's eyes opened again, and then closed again. This time, Xia Pingan really began to take a nap against the wall again, recuperating and waiting for everything outside to end.

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