The two of them were so excited.

"I suddenly feel so excited!"

At the celebration site, Xiaolan looked at the people coming and going and seemed very excited.

Heye nodded happily, "That's right!"

Even Conan and Hattori Heiji were somewhat infected by the lively atmosphere, not to mention Maori Kogoro.

The beauties coming and going around were enough to overwhelm him.

Only Shajin seemed to have no interest in anything.

Xiaolan was a little curious, "Shajin, you have no expectations for this celebration at all?"

Shajin shook his head, "I have seen such a scene once before, and I participated in the last dugong celebration, so it doesn't feel special to me."

"Oh, is that so?" Xiaolan was a little surprised.

Compared to Xiaolan, who was more surprised that Shajin had been here, Heye was different. She was more interested in the legendary dugong arrow. "Did you draw the dugong arrow at that time, classmate Shajin?"

Shajin smiled and said helplessly: "No, but I don't have any desire for the dugong arrow."

Heye was puzzled, "Why? Don't you have a desire for immortality?"

"I don't think an arrow can do this. Besides, I have seen the appearance of the longevity woman. If immortality is like that, it is better to live a plain life.

Apart from this, immortality is not as beautiful as imagined."

Xiaolan was a little confused, "Is that so?"

Shajin nodded, "Immortality is accompanied by endless loneliness. When you watch people around you die one by one, that loneliness is hard to bear."

Hearing her words, the two girls were thoughtful. Heye, who was looking forward to being hit by the dugong arrow, no longer cared so much.

Seeing that the two were not as excited as before, Shajin teased: "But I have three ways to achieve immortality!"


Hearing his words, the two looked over in surprise, and even Maori Kogoro and the other two looked over.

After all, in their hearts, Shajin would not shoot without a purpose.

Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted, Shajin slowly said: "This is what I heard from a friend. People there realized the disadvantages of immortality, but also summed up several methods, which I think make sense.

The first is to establish morality; the second is to establish achievements; the third is to study well."

After speaking, Shajin looked at everyone and observed their reactions.

Among them, Xiaolan and Kazuha were obviously confused, while Conan and Hattori Heiji smiled at each other, and Maori Kogoro also smiled.

Seeing Xiaolan and Heye's puzzled expressions, Shajin explained: "A person's true death should actually be divided into three stages. The first is physical death, the second is mental death, and the third is complete disappearance.

So what I mean is that people with virtue, courage, and wisdom can all obtain eternal life."

Xiaolan and Heye looked at each other, and they also reacted. They could easily figure out the reason, but they preconceived that it was a method of eternal life in the physical sense, which led to some confusion at the first time.

Xiaolan couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Shajin can always say some very profound truths!"

In response, Shajin didn't explain too much, just said: "Instead of caring about the distant future, it's better to think about how to live well in the present. Life will eventually return to dust. It's better to do more meaningful things during this time.

The value of a person's life is not measured by the length of life, but the width of life. Therefore, it is not how many days we live, but how to spend these days."


"It's the longevity woman!"

"The longevity woman finally appeared!"

Hearing the voices from the crowd around, several people also looked at the stage.

Looking at the old man on the stage, Conan was a little curious, "This is the longevity woman!"

Mouri Kogoro was also a little surprised, "This... so small!"

Hattori Heiji on the side couldn't help but complain: "It's just an old woman with heavy makeup!"

On the stage, as the longevity woman slowly moved forward, one end of the stick in her hand reached into the stove.

Then the stick touched the paper door.

Hattori Heiji was a little shocked, "Why did she light a fire on the paper door!"

As the flames spread, the word "参" slowly emerged.

Watching this scene,

Conan was also a little surprised, "The fire actually burned out a word!"

As the longevity woman tapped the paper door a few more times, "hundred and seven" and "ten eight" slowly appeared.

Hattori Heiji suddenly realized, "I see, so the winning number is what was burned on the paper door!"

"Oh my god, it's true, great, I won!"

The cheers of the winners suddenly came from the crowd.

Several people turned their heads and found that it was Ebihara Sumi whom they had just met today.

"Xiaolan, look, my number is the winner!"

As she said that, Kazuha took out the number card in her hand, and saw that the number on it was "ten eight".

Xiaolan smiled and said, "Congratulations, Kazuha."

On the stage, the longevity woman left after announcing the winning number, leaving a few staff members there to put out the fire on the paper door with a fire extinguisher.

At this time, Shimabukuro Kimie, who everyone had seen not long ago, walked out of the house wearing a shrine maiden costume.

"Everyone, please listen carefully. We will officially award the Dugong Arrow in an hour. Please gather at the Mermaid Waterfall immediately!"


In front of the waterfall, Shimabukuro Kimie shouted: "Now please invite the three lucky guests tonight to come to the front."

Hearing her words, Kazuha raised her hand happily, "Okay, I'll be there right away!"

Seeing Kazuha, Shimabukuro Kimie's eyes flashed with surprise.

She didn't expect that one of the last two number cards sent out would actually win the prize.

Following Kazuha, the one who walked forward was Miss Naoko Kuroe who everyone saw in the store in the afternoon.

Seeing that the last winner had not shown up for a long time, Shimabukuro Kimie shouted: "Who is the other one? Has the other one arrived?"

At this time, a man who looked drunk came out, "Hey, it's me!"

As he said that, he also took out the number card, which read the last "hundred and seven".

Seeing this, Hattori Heiji was a little surprised, "Strange, this is not right, I thought that lady was also drawn!"

Conan also nodded and looked around, "Yes, why can't I see her?"

"Thank you!"

He Ye took the Dugong Arrow handed over by Shimabukuro Kimie and thanked her.

"Now please accept the light of bliss!"

As Shimabukuro Kimie finished speaking, fireworks began to be launched all around.


Looking at the fireworks blooming in the sky, the audience present were a little amazed.

"Look, what is that!"

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