"This is absolutely impossible. It is our job as the police to get to the bottom of the case."

Toshiro Odagiri directly rejected his idea.

Conan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Jinjin, "Chief Odagiri, do you know what happened not long ago?"

Toshiro Odagiri said in a deep voice: "You mean the incident in the hospital? Megure told me that this is the negligence of our police."

"Not only that, not long ago, Xiaolan was also attacked. The other party attacked Xiaolan at the station. Fortunately, this little friend Conan reacted quickly and Xiaolan was safe."

Toshiro Odagiri looked at him deeply, "What do you want to say?"

"We can't trust the police. At least at this moment, you, a senior official of the Metropolitan Police Department, are still among the suspects.

For the safety of our friends, I think we have the right to know the cause and effect of this case. What do you think?"

In the end, Toshiro Odagiri was relieved, and the police investigation record was handed over to the three people.

Jinjin handed it to Conan after taking a few glances.

After reading the record, the purpose of their trip was completed. After thanking Toshiro Odagiri, everyone left the house.

"Okay, I've finished what I need to do, so I'll leave first."

Before leaving, Sakin patted Conan on the shoulder.

Looking at his back, Nino Tamaki was a little curious, "Conan, who is this friend of yours? I was almost scared when he talked to Director Odagiri just now, but I didn't expect that Director Odagiri would take a step back in the end."

"A mysterious guy."


"What, Tropical Paradise?" Conan was a little surprised to hear this arrangement when he returned to the hospital.

Sonoko nodded and explained, "Yes, Xiaolan has been to Tropical Paradise with Kudo before, and Xiaolan has a special impression of Kudo, maybe she can remember something when she goes there."

Conan suddenly realized, "So that's how it is."

Sonoko suddenly remembered something, "Speaking of which, I remember Xiaolan said that it was also at the Tropical Paradise that Xiaolan first met Sakin. Should we ask Sakin to go with us?"

Early the next morning.

At the door of the Mori Detective Agency, everyone had gathered downstairs.


"Kudo Shinichi!"

Looking at Kudo Shinichi in front of him, Maori Kogoro was very surprised.

Kudo Shinichi waved and said with a smile: "Hi, uncle, long time no see!"

Seeing him, Sonoko was also a little surprised. She put her hands on her waist, "You are finally here. Xiaolan has such a big thing, and you are not around. It's really too much!"

Kudo Shinichi clasped his hands together, "I'm sorry, I only found out about this after Conan, the little guy, called me."

In the crowd, Xiaolan looked at the boy with a stunned expression. Somehow, she suddenly wanted to cry. It was really strange.

At this moment, Kudo Shinichi also looked over, "Xiaolan, how about it, do you still remember me?"

Looking at his concerned eyes, Xiaolan slowly shook her head, "Sorry, I don't remember..."

Although he had expected it, he was still a little disappointed, but he recovered his mood after a moment, "It's okay, I will definitely remember it later."

At this time, Maori Kogoro looked around and was a little confused, "Strange, where did Conan go?"

Hearing his words, Kudo Shinichi smiled and said: "That little guy helped me investigate something.

He felt that he could not help here, so he wanted to investigate the murderer. "

Mouri Kogoro's face darkened instantly, "Really, how could you give such a dangerous thing to a child! Investigating the murderer, is it something a kid like him can do!"

Kudo Shinichi waved his hand, "Don't worry, uncle, I didn't give him any dangerous tasks, he will be fine."


"I remember coming to this place."

Looking at the amusement facilities in the tropical park, Xiaolan was distracted for a moment, and suddenly said after reacting.

Kudo Shinichi looked over, "Yes, Xiaolan, we first met the gold dust in this tropical park."

After saying that, he couldn't help but complain in his heart, "It was also here that I became Conan."

Shaking his head, he pointed to a place, "Look, it's right there, the mysterious roller coaster, it's strange, I always felt that something was going to happen at the time, but nothing happened later and I was depressed for a while.


Hearing this, Sonoko on the side couldn't help but roll her eyes, "You guy, what are you always thinking about!"

At Sonoko's suggestion, everyone decided to ride the mysterious roller coaster again.

"I see, the mysterious roller coaster is on... this magical fantasy island next to it."

Behind him, Officer Takagi was still looking for the location of the roller coaster with a map.

After a while, everyone boarded the roller coaster.

Looking at Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi in the front row, Sakin was a little emotional. He was a good person the last time he rode a roller coaster.

Ito Hitomi, he still remembers this name. Later, he heard that she came out of that relationship and decided to become a gymnastics teacher.

They rarely contacted each other, so Sakin didn't know much, but generally speaking, it was a good thing to save a lost girl... well, let's call her a lost girl for now.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shaking his head.

On the side, Sonoko was a little confused, "What's wrong? "

Shakin shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

In the front row, Xiaolan suddenly said, "Conan Deiru..."

Beside her, Kudo Shinichi turned his head with some confusion.

Xiaolan said softly, "I just suddenly remembered that someone next to me said this, Conan Deiru at that time..."

Not long after, the roller coaster started slowly, and at this time, Shakin suddenly thought of a question, if he remembered correctly...


Looking at Maori Kogoro who was retching next to him, Shakin was a little helpless, "Uncle Maori, if you are afraid of heights, don't be stubborn!"

Mouri Kogoro said a little uncomfortably, "I forgot it, and when I remembered it, the roller coaster had already started."

Looking at him like this, Kudo Shinichi handed him a bottle of water, "Drink some water, uncle. "

He then handed a bottle to Shajin and Sonoko, but theirs was Coke.

At this moment, Xiaolan looked aside, not knowing what she was thinking. Kudo Shinichi put the Coke on Xiaolan's face for a moment.

The cool feeling instantly brought Xiaolan back to consciousness.

Kudo Shinichi smiled and said, "Come on, you must be thirsty."

After taking the Coke in her hand, Xiaolan didn't know what she was thinking for a while, and finally didn't drink the bottle of Coke, but put it in her bag.

On the side, Kudo Shinichi saw all of this.

After drinking the water, Maori Kogoro, who finally recovered, leaned back in the chair and said with a look of despair: "What the hell, who invented that thing!"

Officer Takagi asked uncomfortably: "Mr. Maori, I want to go to the bathroom."

Mauri Kogoro waved his hand, "Go! "

After getting permission, Officer Takagi left quickly.

Not far away, a man in a squirrel suit handed a balloon to a child, waved to the child, and saw Officer Takagi passing by.

Seeing this, he let go of the remaining balloons in his hand and walked towards Xiaolan.

Behind him, many children gathered here looked at the balloons getting farther and farther away with some surprise, "The balloons flew up to the sky."

Looking at this scene, Guangyan on the side shouted loudly: "Sister Xiaolan, be careful!"

Hearing his words, Xiaolan raised her head, and the man in the squirrel suit hurried to the side.

Guangyan quickly threw a boomerang in his direction, but unexpectedly hit a tourist's bag and tripped the man.

"Look at the power of my pepper spray gun! "

As Genta sprayed pepper water on the other person's face, Ayumi also handcuffed the other person's feet.

Mouri Kogoro took off the other person's hood and instantly recognized the other person's identity. He said in surprise: "You Chengzhen, why is it you!"

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