Heren’s face, who was watching, was also darkly shaded, and Elika frowned at all.

“What? Fail?”

There was a reason why Elika reacted violently.

If Tom’s skills were clearly perceived to be lacking, there was no reason not to be meek.

However, in her view, the ability of Tom and the one who narrowly passed among the two previously selected were not much different. But one sticks and the other falls.

“The center of gravity of the body is not stable when swinging the sword. It’s not without qualities, but it looks like you’re still lacking in many ways.”

After saying that, Varian turned to one side.

There were a total of three people in charge of the judgement, including him, who fought directly with the applicants, and the other two Paladins.

However, they, who had an ambiguous expression on their face, nodded to Varian’s evaluation, and eventually gave the same result.

“Unfortunately, it’s a failure. Focus on your training and try your hand at the next opportunity.”

Tom’s skills were at an ambiguous level, barely reaching the pass line, no matter how strong or failed he was.

So, if Varian had passed, there was a possibility that the other two people would have followed suit to some extent.

It was unknown whether he was rejected because he truly felt that Tom was lacking, or if there was even a little bit of personal emotion.

But Tom couldn’t take it.

If you protest anyway, the result will not be overturned.

Thinking about the next test, he knew it was right to step back quietly without having to look hateful in the eyes of the Paladins.

“······thank you.”

Tom murmured with his sword tight, and finally uttered only those words, bowed his head in greeting, and had no choice but to back away.

And Elica saw.

The moment Tom turned around and returned to his place, the faint scorn that crossed Varian’s lips.


Sensing this, Elica raised her hand and shouted.

“I will apply for the exam!”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Elika at the outrageous cry.

Heron looked back in surprise.

I knew right away from her expression and voice that she was completely feverish.

“Hey, hey… Elika?”

“I’m going to have to feed that damn bastard.”

After muttering like that, Elica took a step forward.

Although there was nothing in his usual light and serious corner, he was a serious guy as much as he dreamed of becoming a paladin.

When he became convinced that Varian had dropped Tom with only the slightest ill-will, he couldn’t stand it.

Tom approached the center of the vacant lot with a look of surprise and bewilderment and looked at her, and the paladins all opened their eyes.

“Are you serious, Elika? Are you going to apply for the screening test?”

Until now, despite the persuasion to become a paladin, she had no choice but to suddenly apply for the exam.

Elica, who took the sword from Tom, stood in front of Varian.

“Dalian, please immediately.”

Varian’s eyes twitched.

“・・・・・・Okay, do your best to spread your swordsmanship.”

Elika, who raised her sword at him, ran straight towards him.


I watched the situation in the vacant lot, where the next match had just begun.

I knew there was a test for selecting an apprentice paladin today, so I was watching from a distant location for a while.

‘Did you get angry because you dropped your friend?’

Elica wielding her sword with fierce momentum against the examiner.

She seemed dissatisfied with Tom’s dropout and rushed to take the screening test.

You could tell from the level, but Elika’s swordsmanship was the best among the applicants.

I was watching with a little interest to see how the match would turn out, but I suddenly felt a sign approaching from behind.


I slowly turned my head back.

I had no choice but to do so.

Because it wasn’t just a sign of a monastic passerby. The aura it harbored was quite huge.

【Lv. 81]

What came into view was a middle-aged man wearing a gray robe.

He didn’t know all the faces of the Monastery, but he immediately realized he was an outsider.

He made eye contact with me, smiled softly, and naturally came towards me. Then I asked politely.

“Excuse me. Are you a priest here at the monastery?”


I glanced at him.

On the man’s neck was a rosary engraved with the symbol of the Church of Rael. From that, the fact that he was a priest could be inferred.

Looking at the sword at the waist, was it a paladin? Someone from another denomination branch?

Whatever it was, just looking at the level, I couldn’t tell that I wasn’t an ordinary person. Level 81… Who are you?

“No. I’m an outsider in the monastery for a while. Are you?”

The man answered.

“I’m a believer passing by by chance. But can you explain what you’re doing over there?”

He asked me out of the blue as he turned his gaze to the empty lot I was looking at.

I answered once.

“It’s called a screening test for apprentice paladins.”

“Hey, that’s right. Apprentice Paladin….”

The man let out a low exclamation.

He did not disclose what the business of entering the monastery was.

He turned his gaze again and watched Elika’s battle for a while, then immediately noticed a difference in his eyes and said:

“He’s an outstanding kid.”

Then they stood next to me and naturally started watching Dalian together.

I was a little embarrassed and looked at him like that. what suddenly?


Varian felt a little startled and defended the attack.

It was because Elika’s all-out offensive was much higher than expected.

‘Is this enough?’

All the paladins of the monastery already knew her excellent swordsmanship, but they did not expect it to be this much.

Of course, compared to his age, it was just that, but compared to the official paladin, it was still not enough.

The two swords interlocked low at the bottom.

The workshop was sufficiently divided. It was the moment when Varian was about to strike the sword to end the match.


Elica’s sword blade suddenly drew an arc. Then, he immediately aimed at Barion’s neck and stabbed him.

Varian, who had been moderately vigilant in the counterattack that was far beyond the level of a beginner, was slow to react.

Naturally, the battle was unfolding without using magic power, but he reflexively raised the magic power and struck out a blow aimed at the neck.

Barion’s sword, unable to control his strength, shattered Elika’s blade. It didn’t stop there and kept going.

Elika’s weak shoulders were exposed to the sword attack with unusual power.

At this rate, it was the moment before even her shoulder was shattered like a sword blade.


A small magic bullet that suddenly flew like a beam of light struck Barion’s sword. His blade was likewise shattered.

“························ Well!”

Varian, who had missed the hilt, sat down on the floor and grabbed his wrist.

Elica, who lost her focus and pounded her butt wheel, stared blankly at him.

Even those who watched Dalian couldn’t figure out what had happened at the moment, but they suddenly came to their senses and looked away.

A strange man was walking slowly towards this side.

“I’m sorry, Sir. Dalian seems to have gotten too intense, so I’ve been forced to interfere.”

The man in the robe offered an apology in a very polite voice.

“Who are you?”

Varian got up from his seat and looked at the man with hostile eyes. The other paladins also had their eyes filled with vigilance.

It was obviously Varian’s mistake for not being able to control his power, but it was only natural that the reaction to an outsider who suddenly intervened in the match was not good.

The man with the hood down of his robe answered with a gentle smile.

“I am a believer who happened to pass by.”

“Are you a believer, in which denomination branch…?”

A paladin, who was talking, saw the pattern engraved on the sword hilt the man was wearing, and immediately opened his eyes wide.

A brilliant golden cross engraved inside a pure white border.

“And, the knight of brilliance…?”

Encounter (8)

Brilliant Knight.

Everyone could not help but be surprised by the words that the Paladin had unknowingly uttered.

For those who did not know what the name meant, at least, were not here.

How could you not know?

The Twenty Paladins, directly under the Papal States, the center of the Church, are the highest power of the Church.

The people of the monastery, who had been stunned for a while, immediately came to their senses and looked at the man with a long, anxious look.

It was because the situation that such a great giant, one of the most prominent in the church, came to a monastery like this out of nowhere did not make sense.

However, the man did not deny it, smiled mischievously, and introduced himself.

“This is Jerel, the 16th splendid knight of the Order.”

“········Oh, Sir Zerel!”

The sixteenth knight of brilliance, Zerel.

A name that anyone who is interested in the denomination’s high-profile figures can’t know.

All of a sudden, the paladins around them were making expressions of great emotion.

The Knight of Brilliance, which is the pinnacle of all the warriors of the Church, was especially admired and revered by the Paladins.

The man, Jerel, turned his gaze to one side.

He moved slowly and stood in front of the fallen Elika. and held out his hand.

“Are you okay, kid?”

Elica nodded with a puzzled face and stood up holding out his hand.

One of the most senior among the gathered priests asked.

“It’s really an honor to meet you like this, Sir Jerel. But why did you visit our monastery…”

Jerel answered.

“As I said, it’s a coincidence. I was passing by and found out that there is a monastery here, so I just came to visit.”

“Ah… that’s right.”

“Can you guide the Abbey? If there is any problem, I will leave immediately. Please don’t be in trouble and treat me comfortably.”

The priest hurriedly clapped his hand and said:

“Is that possible? I’ll take you right now. Of course, the director will be happy to welcome you.”

“Thank you. Then…”

Jerel, who turned his gaze, smiled brightly at Elica, and followed the priest.

After the hustle and bustle, the screening tests of the remaining applicants continued anyway.


‘Were you a knight of brilliance?’

I crossed my arms and watched the man disappearing in the distance.

After all, he wasn’t an ordinary person at an unusual level.

A knight of brilliance, one of the most elite forces in the Rael Church.

The real influence in the church is those next to the cardinals who are in power after the pope.

‘I’m glad you didn’t recognize me.’

My appearance is already spreading as it spreads across the continent.

But since I can’t imagine that the Lord of Calderic would be in a monastery on the outskirts of St.

If he had remembered my existence, of course, he would have taken it as an illusion. I am not the only person on this continent with black hair and golden eyes.

I wondered why a person less than that had come to a monastery like this on the outskirts.

He said that he was just passing by by chance, but it was unknown if he had any other purpose.

Of course, unless it was related to me, I didn’t know anything about it, so I decided to turn my attention off right away.

‘I have to go in.’

I quit watching Dalian and went back to my room.


“You have a very precious guest visiting the monastery. It is an honor to meet you, Sir Jerel.”

At Abbot Dihod’s praise, Jer’el modestly expressed humility.

“No. It must be sudden, but I am so grateful for the hospitality.”

A formal greeting followed, and the Dehorde asked cautiously.

“However, what reason did you have for coming to our monastery…?”

“Oh, no. It’s just a coincidence as I said. On my way back from a mission, I stopped by a nearby village, and the locals told me that there is a monastery here. So all I did was visit on a whim.”

“I see. If you want, I will guide you around the monastery myself.”

“Thank you, but that’s fine.”

After talking for a while, the conversation ended, and Jerel got up from his seat.

“Then please stay as comfortable as you like.”

“Yes, thank you for your consideration.”

After leaving the director’s room, Jerel walked down the hallway.

Then he stopped walking a little further away and turned his head to look at the closed door. Then he shook his head and muttered.

“…is it because of your mood?”

He turned his gaze away from the door and moved on.


“Hey, it’s really absurd. That the knight of brilliance that we had only heard of is coming to our monastery…!”

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