Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 508 Anderson's deterrent attack

Lyman, who knew the characteristics of the red-eyed barnacles, made his judgment on the Zerg based entirely on his experience with Wilson.

The attack range of the Voidworms was actually outrageous in his opinion.

Who would have thought that this could be even more outrageous!

Compared with the hive, the Voidworms' body size determines that the energy reserves they can carry cannot be compared with Anderson's planetary hive, which has been operating for hundreds of years.

Faced with this sudden attack, even the experienced Lehman almost didn't react.

After being stunned, he quickly came to his senses and issued a defense order in an instant, almost like a conditioned reflex.

With such a hasty order, the commanders and operators of each ship could only barely activate the defense system even if they reacted.

For most of the warships, the energy infusion of the defense shields has not yet reached the maximum value, and the violent ray flow has already poured in.

The entire cone-shaped arrow array immediately ushered in a seemingly endless fire attack.

After crossing a long distance, the high-energy rays inevitably have a certain degree of energy attenuation and dissipation.

With such a high-frequency intermittent shooting, the rapidly spreading violent particles soon brought up a raging energy tide.

The defense shields that have not yet been fully loaded cannot remain safe and sound under the continuous impact of the scarlet ray tide.

The shields of a large number of Type 5 warships that were hit were gradually penetrated.

Fortunately, the front end of the array on the Leman fleet side, all the heavy warships that faced the impact of the ray flow, were also blessed by the divine light emitted by the obelisk.

After the defense shield was penetrated, the thick special armor flashing with runes did not have any problems in the face of the sweeping energy tide.

But the fleet is not in a defensive formation now, and the medium-sized warships in the middle and rear end are inevitably affected by the scarlet rays.

Especially the light frigates, whose shields and hull armor can be easily penetrated.

Some of the hulls brushed against the scarlet rays and avoided the frigates that were directly hit.

After the energy shield was removed, the crew also escaped the fate of being exposed to the energy tide.

Before they felt any pain, these lives had quietly passed away in the violent energy tide.

Some people even maintained their expressions and postures before death after they lost their lives.

The frigates that were instantly turned off were left as tombstones of their existence...

The only one that was not affected was the obelisk made of multiple large components at the front of the array.

A few moments after the detection spell gave an alarm, the powerful defense array was automatically activated.

The divine pattern etched on the monument body is said to be both offensive and defensive.

The defense light shield with divine power flowing only caused a few ripples under the bombardment of the ray flow.

The scarlet rays, which have undergone energy level attenuation, obviously still caused enough damage to this layer of divine power barrier to pose a threat.

As the energy reserves No. 1 to No. 99 were exhausted, the scarlet rays that had been attacking non-stop for more than 10 minutes gradually stopped.

Both Lehman and Anderson had gloomy faces at this time.

They both had a clearer understanding of the strength of their opponents.

At this moment, the two lives far away actually had the same idea in their minds at the same time, as if they had a telepathic connection.



Through the consciousness network, watching the huge fleet in this wave of attacks, the damage suffered was very limited, and there were no expected heavy casualties.

Anderson just felt that the whole worm was fine.

In a fleet of tens of millions, the opponent was far from being seriously injured when millions of medium-sized warships were damaged.

Especially the large obelisk-shaped structure in front of the fleet, which was covered by high-energy rays for more than ten minutes.

It was nothing!

This is outrageous!

Even if the intensity of the scarlet rays was scattered and attenuated due to the long distance.

The results of the battle should not be so bleak!

As a successful brain worm without any debt, Anderson's deterrent attack can be said to be a big deal among the brain worm group.

The energy consumed in this minute is enough for a pioneering fleet of tens of millions to fight a high-intensity battle.

The effort is completely proportional to the reward.

"The opponent of the super boss is just average, no wonder the other party dares to be so arrogant."

"It is indeed arrogant."

Looking at the Lehman fleet that changed into a defensive formation after the scarlet ray attack, the speed has slowed down, and there is still no intention of turning around.

After silently comparing the strength of both sides, Anderson decisively gave up the idea of ​​dealing with the opponent alone.

"That huge void creature has such a strong defense capability, and its attack means must be extraordinary."

"An opponent of this strength is indeed beyond the reach of a slacker like me."

"According to the opponent's current speed, it is enough for me to retreat into the void ocean current."

"Take us to the neighbor's plate."

After making a plan, Anderson, who urged his men to continue running, immediately began to contact several neighbors through the consciousness network.

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