Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 447 New Policy-Industry Integration

The divine domain of 100 million square kilometers was reduced to a core area of ​​10,000 square kilometers.

A large number of insect swarms were almost killed or wounded, and only the brain worms that returned to the underground temple survived.

This is a bloody lesson.

The brain worms that had personally experienced that terrible disaster are still alive.

Many of them have been promoted to holy spirits or heroic followers.

In particular, Heseman, who was promoted to the first holy spirit under the Great Lord during that disaster, specially wrote a memoir for this purpose.

Among the populations of brain worms and single-eyed worms, the sales of this memoir are extremely hot.

Moreover, the big companies in the single-eyed film and television industry have tried every means to get through to Feixius, just to beg Heseman to authorize film and television adaptation.

The epic blockbuster made based on this also set a terrifying box office record in the long history of the film industry since the one-eyed tribe entered a new era.

Heseman made a lot of money just by taking the sky-high licensing fee.

After that, the revenue from the continuous re-screening and the broadcasting income from TV and online channels was like a long stream, which was continuously deposited into his account.

Although these one-eyed tribe currencies cannot be used to buy high-grade nutrient solution.

But as a highly intelligent species, brainworms, driven by their energy, often pursue a better quality of life in addition to crazy pursuit of high-nutrient substances.

Like Queen Shirley, who is addicted to online games, some brainworms with more money basically have their own hobbies.

Brainworm bosses such as Heseman will customize the latest top-level nutrient cabins from time to time, or redecorate their mansions and parasitic cars.

Don't they have to spend a lot of money to place orders with the Ocellated Tribe?

Moreover, as the pioneering plan continues.

The Zerg Holy Bank has also kept pace with the times. In response to the strong demands of many brain worm farmers, it has opened a one-way exchange business between Zerg contribution points and Ocellated Tribe currency.

All brain worms and Ocellated Tribes can exchange Zerg contribution points for Ocellated Tribe currency at the corresponding exchange rate.

This is used to pay the maintenance and repair costs of Zerg warships to the shipbuilding companies of the Ocellated Tribe.

These warships or civilian pioneering ships were purchased by them at great expense, even by loans from the Zerg Holy Bank.

It is impossible to scrap and recycle the entire warship just because there is a small problem with the engine or steering equipment?

New year, old year, knocking and hammering another year.

Even if it is completely broken during the void voyage, it can still be used for a few more years after being towed back for repair.

Anyway, most of the hulls are made of fungal blankets, so there is no need to worry about them falling apart completely.

Under such strong market demand, the shipbuilding enterprises of the Monocular tribe naturally flourished.

In addition, the high-tech divine energy technologies such as engine design and manufacturing have also improved rapidly.

Han Fei had long ago obtained a full set of technical information for building divine warships through Liu Dan.

But the scientific researchers of the Monocular tribe spent a lot of time and still could not fully understand it.

Nowadays, the engines made by the Monocular tribe can barely meet the performance requirements of civilian pioneer ships.

The high-performance engines required by the Zerg warships have to cost a lot of money and let Liu Dan's family help to build them.

I never thought that the shipbuilding enterprises of the Monocular tribe would scramble to expand their production capacity due to the market demand brought about by the pioneering plan.

In order to compete for orders, they began to roll in crazily, and even led to the rapid development of the entire shipbuilding industry.

"It's really like planting flowers with care but they don't bloom, but planting willows by accident willows grow into shades."

Han Fei took the time to read the relevant reports of Fixius during the interval of his hard work, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

Although he had already recruited a large number of scientific research brainworms to tackle the project of large transport units.

But now even the super gene of the void behemoth has not been analyzed by Han Fei, and it is not realistic to come up with decisive results in the short term.

The current Zerg warships, as a transitional solution to fill the window period, should still have a long applicable period.

If the shipbuilding industry of the Monocular tribe can really leap forward and meet the performance requirements of Zerg warships as soon as possible, it will naturally save Han Fei a lot of purchase costs.

Circulation within the divine domain.

This is a good thing.

However, he didn't pay attention to it, and the group of brainworm farmers started to make trouble again.

He actually exchanged most of the contribution points earned in the pioneering plan for a large amount of monocular currency in the Zerg Holy Bank.

He even tried to acquire the shipbuilding enterprises of the monoculars at a super high premium to form an industry monopoly.

Since Han Fei ignited the divine fire, in order to enhance the development potential of the monoculars.

He instructed his senior government officials to gradually lift the national planned production model and relax the market economy and free competition.

It is nothing more than to let the monoculars have a higher subjective initiative and enter the fast lane of development in a more intense internal circulation.

The monoculars are not his core clan, and the little faith power they contribute is not too much for Han Fei, who is now a big family.

What Han Fei really values ​​is the divine energy technology of the monoculars and the added value it can bring to him.

In the semi-god stage, Han Fei has to earn a lot of divine power by selling the military products of the monoculars.

He had to implement the planned production model in the monoculars.

But Han Fei knew that this development model lacked competition and could easily lead to laziness.

After becoming a god, he had more income channels.

The society and beliefs of the one-eyed tribe have also been completely stable, so Han Fei naturally wants to go further and relax the social control of the one-eyed tribe.

Promoting the rapid development of science and technology of the affiliated tribes is also a way to build a solid foundation.

Seeing that the shipbuilding industry of the one-eyed tribe has just stepped on the fast track of development inadvertently.

Han Fei naturally does not like to see that group of scum brainworms doing tricks to disrupt this good situation.

However, in order to fish for big fish in the long run, a small painful lesson was left for this group of speculators.

Han Fei did not stop their large-scale malicious acquisitions in time, but silently watched.

Until almost all large and medium-sized shipbuilding companies were acquired by brainworm farmers one after another, and there was a faint sign of joining forces to monopolize the entire shipbuilding industry.

Han Fei then asked Fixius to directly issue a latest decree as the highest archon.

"Execution Order for the Integration of the Shipbuilding Industry System".

The content of the decree is very simple. It is to strengthen the resource exchange and technical exchange of the entire shipbuilding industry in the Divine Domain.

Led by the Ministry of Government Affairs, relevant government departments will work together to form a special working group.

Unified management of large and medium-sized shipbuilding enterprises involved in the shipbuilding industry, and even the key downstream industrial chain, in order to carry out macro-control of resources, technology and production capacity.

In essence, it is a disguised public collection.

Of course, government departments will not take these industries for free, but will give appropriate compensation to the collection enterprises.

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