Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 30 This is not right

The two previous waves of invaders faced endless harassment and sneak attacks after entering Les's divine domain.

In the continuous attrition, the morale was dragged down by this shameless tactic and had to retreat, while also contributing more than 2,000 square kilometers of land to Les.

Recently, he has also bought a large number of equipment in the market of the Gods Exchange Continent to give to his followers, which has improved the combat effectiveness of his followers.

Les believes that the result this time will not change, and victory will eventually belong to him.

Then he saw that the piercing wolf spiders pouring out of the transmission channel were densely packed and black, like a wave stacked together and rushing into the wetland jungle, which made his scalp numb.

"What the hell is this?" Les widened his eyes and asked in disbelief in horror.

In fact, Han Fei's tentative attack directly deployed 3 million piercing wolf spiders as the vanguard of the first wave of attack.

While attracting the opponent's attention, it also bought time for the scattered stinging dragonflies to build the opponent's divine domain map. Of course, Han Fei also wanted to consume some of the piercing wolf spiders.

After all, the piercing wolf spiders have now become a unit that helps the logistics spider ants in the divine domain. Their performance in logistics work is far less efficient than that of the more professional logistics spider ants.

With the continuous exploration of the stinging dragonflies, the range displayed on the map is also expanding. Through the perspective of the stinging dragonflies, Han Fei showed a puzzled expression in his careful observation.

The opponent's dependents are a kind of green lizard, living in the jungle as a family unit. The largest gathering place that has been discovered does not exceed 2,000.

The protective gear on his body was varied, including mail, plate, leather, and even a simpler one with a piece of leather tied to his chest.

The weapons were also varied, including daggers, pistols, short swords, arrows, javelins, and hand axes, which looked like a real bandit.

"Can such an army composed of dependents be combat-effective?" Han Fei couldn't help but ask in his heart, wondering if he had missed any important tactical knowledge in class?

Looking at the cluster of piercing wolf spiders rushing into the jungle, drowning all the lizards he encountered along the way, Han Fei fell into deep thought.

"This is wrong, very wrong. Where is the opponent's main force? Is it on the other side of the divine domain, just opposite to the position of the invasion?" Faced with this incomprehensible opponent, Han Fei was very alert, put forward one hypothesis after another, and began to formulate a response plan.

Regardless of what Han Fei was thinking, the Piercing Wolf Spider Group faithfully executed the orders issued by Han Fei, advancing towards the center of the opponent's divine domain and killing all hostile targets encountered.

As the stinging dragonfly went deeper, Han Fei finally found the largest lizard group so far, with a number of less than 100,000, and there were still lizards joining this group around.

Under Han Fei's careful observation, he soon came to the conclusion that this group of ordinary lizards did not have the temperament that any army should have.

All the lizards were standing crookedly, squatting idly, or lying down leisurely, walking around and chatting with each other. Han Fei even saw a few lizards defecating on the spot. The scene was simply eye-catching.

Han Fei's mind was a mess now. The situation on the scene had completely touched his blind spot of knowledge. He couldn't understand the operation of the other half-god. Why did they gather these lizards together? To facilitate the slaughter of the insect swarm?

This group of lizards without spirit and discipline, unless the other party was also full of fanatics, otherwise Han Fei dared to guarantee that these lizards would see the piercing wolf spider group coming.

There was no need to contact, the other party's morale would collapse, and they would scatter in a hurry, turning this place into a game of pursuit and escape.

As time went by, when the number of lizards reached 120,000, the group of piercing wolf spiders that had been advancing all the way finally appeared in front of these lizards.

The development of the matter was exactly as Han Fei expected. Seeing the piercing wolf spiders coming like a tide, except for a few lizards, they launched a charge towards the swarm.

The rest all showed a horrified expression and turned around to run away, exposing their backs to the swarm.

As more and more lizards saw the swarm of insects coming from afar, they also began to turn around and run away, and even gradually formed a herd effect.

At this time, a huge golden shadow condensed in the sky, and a grand voice resounded through the world: "My believers, God will watch you, those who die in battle will gain eternal life, and those who cowardly escape will face divine punishment."

As the shadow of the gods appeared in the sky, the grand voice spread all over the world, and the fleeing lizards gradually stopped.

Seeing the appearance of the other half-god's phantom and hearing the half-god's words of kindness and power, Han Fei's heart tightened: "I know things won't be so simple... Hey..."

The lizards who stopped were encouraged by the god and picked up their courage again to face the swarm of insects.

Looking at the approaching piercing wolf spider insect tide, the sharp chirping of insects gradually rang in his ears, as well as the screams of those who stopped and were drowned.

Fear once again defeated the courage that had just been picked up, and all the lizards began to run away at a more crazy speed. Some of the faster lizards even pushed the roadblocks in front of them to the ground.

The largest group of lizards faced by the swarm of insects scattered in this way without forming any obstacles.

The Piercing Wolf Spider Group continued to move forward, and through the information provided by the Stinging Dragonfly, it slightly adjusted its direction and aimed directly at the pyramid in the center of the other party's divine domain.

Les watched the followers he had gathered with great difficulty flee in all directions, and the miracles he had displayed with his divine power were useless, and he was in despair.

"I don't think too much? The other party has no backup at all, it's just weak." Through constant reflection, Han Fei finally sorted out the clues from his muddled brain.

With a strange mood, the Piercing Wolf Spider Group successfully advanced to the pyramid in the center of the other party's divine domain. The resistance encountered along the way and the losses caused to the insect swarm were basically negligible.

Under Han Fei's order, a stinging dragonfly landed on the top of the pyramid. Han Fei immediately consumed his divine power and released his divine thoughts to scan the pyramid.

As a result, he did not find the aura of the God's Domain Core inside. Han Fei, unwilling to give up, immediately expanded the search range of his mind.

"The God's Domain Core is not here? Haha, just doing these fancy things." Han Fei, who still did not find the other party's God's Domain Core, was sure that the other party did not put the God's Domain Core in the center, but hid it somewhere else.

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