Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 181 Winning

Walder gave the order again.

"Instruct the gunboat troops to give up entanglement with the opponent's air troops, open the way with dense barrage, and protect the flagship to break through at full speed!"

He could no longer care about the remaining scattered divine mecha troops on the battlefield.

If we don't abandon them decisively, looking at the flying insect swarms that are rapidly surrounding us as shown on the battlefield map, even breaking out of the encirclement will be a luxury.

The remaining divine mecha formations were quickly swallowed up by the swarm of insects, and Walder's expression became terrifyingly ugly.

This battle has been completely lost.

If he can break through successfully, he will bear all the blame for the defeat after the war, and may even be sent to the stake at the stake of the Church Inquisition.

땤As the culprit responsible for the defeat of the battle, Phethius will still continue to herd believers for the gods.

"What a fucked up world..."

Walder shook his head hard, stopped the chaotic thoughts in his mind, and continued to focus on commanding the legion. Even if he wanted to be held accountable, it would have to be after the successful breakout.

If Han Fei knew what Walder was thinking at this time, he would probably laugh out loud.

Bearing the guilt of defeat, he was sent to the stake...

You are thinking too much.

I want to run, but can I run back?

Han Fei kept tugging at the thread of faith.

A cluster of thunder dragons galloped in from the farthest distance, with blue arcs flashing on their bodies.

Showing unrivaled flexibility, it made a perfect side spin during the high-speed advance, quickly completed the turn, and drew a huge arc around the outside of the battlefield.

They gathered directly in front of the gunboat troops, forming a thick arc that covered the sky, like an open mouth of blood.

"Thunder flash, self-shooting."

As Han Fei issued the order.

The thunder flying dragon was surrounded by electric light, and at the same time it sprayed out a blue beam of light that cut through the night sky, instantly covering the one-eyed aerial force in front of it.

Under normal circumstances, the aerial gunship has a divine shield that can withstand multiple lightning strikes.

Facing this dense blue beam of light that illuminates the sky, there is no way to resist at all.

Countless lightning flashes continued to pierce the night sky and illuminate the sky. Such high-energy disturbances almost distorted the light.

The aerial gunship that was bombarded had its shield transmitter instantly overloaded, bursting with sparks and bursting into pieces.

Without the divine shield, the solid hull of the boat was instantly melted through by the terrifying high temperature and even vaporized.

Just like the purgatory scene covered by the firepower of divine heavy artillery before, it has reappeared again.

놙But this time, the roles of both parties have been reversed.

As a command center, the shuttle-shaped floating ship has several levels of defensive capabilities that are stronger than those of aerial gunships.

However, after resisting the penetration of multiple continuous lightning flashes, the hull of the ship was torn apart, broken into several sections, and fell towards the ship like a meteor.

The remaining aerial gunships, without the barrage suppression of the dense formation, have been surrounded by the alienated flying dragons swooping down on them. Being completely annihilated here will be their inevitable outcome.


"Is it over?"

Seeing that the situation was decided, Han Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The remaining troops that are still struggling are completely unable to affect the entire battle situation. It will be a matter of time before they are wiped out by the insect swarm.

From dusk to night, it takes less than five hours in total.

But the intensity and casualty ratio far exceeded all the battles Han Fei had experienced in the past.

If the enemy commander hadn't rushed in and allowed him to succeed in a sneak attack, this support army of heroes and elites could have doubled the damage caused to the insect swarm.

Through Han Fei's precise control, except for the Thunder Flying Dragon group, which was almost undamaged in this battle, the rest of the insect swarms suffered varying degrees of attrition.

There are tens of thousands of self-exploding springtails left. Based on the size of the Zerg population, the group is basically wiped out.

It is estimated that Han Fei will no longer hatch self-destructing springtails in the future, and will use Pyroblast Dragonfly to obtain them.

The more than 200 million alienated springtail swarms were brutally attacked by artillery fire during the retreat, and were chased and killed by tens of millions of divine mechas.

At this time, it has dropped sharply by half, and I am afraid that there are less than 100 million left.

The alienated flying dragons and flying springtail swarms were first bombarded by heavy weapons, and then faced attacks and intensive strafing by gunboat troops.

The encirclement and annihilation style has not yet been completely concluded. The remaining gunboats and divine mechas trapped in Youdou are still causing casualties to the alienated flying dragons and flying springtail swarms.

Han Fei estimated that when the enemy forces are completely wiped out, the 140 million alienated flying dragons brought out yesterday will be lost by about 40 million.

In addition, the more than 200 million flying springtail swarms, with their defense power similar to that of the alienated flying dragons, also suffered heavy losses in the face of the barrage. It is conservatively estimated that the number of flying springtails shot down must exceed 100 million.

In one battle, more than 250 million of Han Fei's insect swarm units were wiped out, which made him feel heartbroken!

If we can't repair the pseudo-hero-level heavy-armed V3 and give him some blood, this battle will really be a loss.


The killings and flames in the sky gradually decreased until they completely dissipated.

The insect tide that covered the sky gathered again, and in the dark night, countless insect eyes shining with light dimly lit up.

Han Fei led a part of the Thunder Dragon, slowly dragging the heavy armed wreckage back to the industrial city first.

The remaining insect swarm units followed Han Fei's orders and began to clean the battlefield. The One-eyed Man prisoners who gave up resistance were taken away, and the rest were eaten.

However, all mechanical debris that fell to the surface need to be searched and taken away as much as possible.

There was a group of Zerglings that had mastered the door-breaking technique, so Han Fei didn't have to worry too much about the cleaning work of the Zerg this time. He only needed to take a look from time to time to see how the battlefield was being cleaned.

Countless Zerg units quickly wandered around and searched in this battlefield. Their strong night vision made them clean the battlefield just like during the day, maintaining the Zerg's usual high efficiency.

When it got light, this Zerg army dragged all kinds of spoils and rushed in the direction of the past like a tide.

In an area around the town of Sans, countless craters and charred marks were left, but the choking smoke and strong smell of blood had not yet dissipated.

In this fierce large-scale battle, Han Fei kept finely controlling the Zerg to fight, which consumed a lot of his energy.

After dragging the heavy-duty wreckage back to the city, Han Fei directly activated the line of faith and gave all the aftermath work to Osem, while he emptied his mind and had a good rest.

Time passed quickly as Han Fei rested peacefully. By the time he recovered, more than a few hours had passed.

Han Fei, who hadn't been so relaxed for a long time, suddenly felt refreshed.

He immediately checked Osem's work status through the line of faith again.

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