Gods: Starting with the Goblins

Chapter 652 Self-made List of Gods

The expedition team carefully shuttled between the nebulae,


A huge alien warship rushed out of the darkness,

Launched a fierce attack on them.

Countless particle cannons comparable to the sword star beam level bombarded wildly,

Rodan quickly commanded the battleships to counterattack,

At the same time, he ordered the team members to put on their mechas,

Be prepared to fight.

A fierce interstellar battle unfolds deep in the starry sky.

The firepower of the alien battleship is extremely fierce,

Lordan's battleships were damaged in many places.

The team members also suffered heavy casualties. At this critical moment, Rodan remembered the mysterious stone. He held the sacred stone tightly, closed his eyes and meditated, and a powerful force poured into his body. His battleship seemed to be given new life, and its firepower increased greatly.


The underworld is beginning to rise,

Return of the underworld

In the vast world of heavens,

There is a forgotten corner——

The land of hell.


It is the boundary between life and death,

It is the final destination for the soul.


An ordinary boy,

I have lived in this land that is feared by the world since I was a child.

But he has extraordinary dreams.

Training and promotion

In the vast universe, there is a planet named Lan Yao, which is like a bright gem embedded in the depths of the starry sky. On the Lanyao planet, there are many sects and colleges, and the Interstellar Federation rules this vast land and maintains peace and order among the stars.

Luo Dan, a young man who was born in a small town on the edge of Lanyao Planet, has shown amazing talent in cultivation since he was a child. His parents were once well-known explorers of the Interstellar Federation. They disappeared during an expedition deep into the unknown star territory, leaving behind young Rodan and a mysterious sacred stone. This sacred stone is said to contain endless power, but only a true king can unlock its secrets.

Luodan discovered an ancient practice secret book among his parents' belongings and embarked on the path of practice. He is extremely talented and has made rapid progress. He has become a leader in the sect at the age of only twenty. He was even admitted to the academy of the Interstellar Federation and became a genius in the eyes of everyone.

In the academy, Rodan not only learned advanced martial arts and interstellar knowledge, but also made a group of like-minded friends. They practiced together, explored the mysteries of the unknown star field together, and dreamed of one day being able to drive a battleship, shuttle between the stars, and explore the end of the universe like Rodan's parents.

Finally, Rodan graduated from the academy with honors and was appointed as a young battleship commander by the Interstellar Federation. His promotion is not only a recognition of his personal abilities, but also an inheritance of his parents' legacy. Rodan knew that his journey had just begun, and the real challenge was still waiting for him ahead.

Crisis deep in the starry sky

Shortly after Rodan was promoted, the Interstellar Federation's detection system captured an abnormal energy fluctuation coming from deep in the starry sky. This energy fluctuation is powerful and mysterious, and seems to indicate that some unknown crisis is approaching. The Interstellar Federation immediately summoned many elites, including Rodan, to form an expedition team to investigate the source of this energy.

Rodan drove his battleship and led the expedition team through the long interstellar channel, and finally came to the source of the energy fluctuations - an unknown star field shrouded in darkness. The place is filled with a strange atmosphere, with rolling nebulae and thunder and lightning, as if it is the abyss of the entire universe.

Under the leadership of Rodan, the expedition finally repelled the alien warship, but they also paid a heavy price. Rodan knew that this was just the beginning of the crisis, and the real challenge was yet to come.

Dark chaos and monsters

The expedition continued deep into the unknown star territory, and they discovered a planet shrouded in dark power. The creatures on this planet are mutated, monsters are rampant, and the entire planet seems to be plunged into an endless dark turmoil.

Rodan and his team members landed on the planet and prepared to investigate the situation here. As soon as they landed, they were violently attacked by monsters. These monsters have different shapes, some are like giant insects, and some are like terrifying monsters. Their power is so powerful that ordinary weapons cannot harm them at all.

Rodan and his team members had to put on their mechas and fight to the death with the monsters. During this battle, Rodan discovered that the power of the divine stone seemed to have a special restraint effect on these monsters. He used the power of the sacred stone to emit rays of sacred light and repel the monsters one by one.

However, just as they were about to leave the planet, a huge monster burst out of the ground, its power far surpassing all previous monsters. Rodan and his team members are forced into a desperate situation. They must unite and use all their strength and wisdom to defeat this terrifying monster.

After a thrilling battle, Rodan finally used the power of the divine stone to completely eliminate the monster. But he also exhausted all his strength and fell to the ground. The team members quickly lifted him up and injected him with recovery medicine. Thanks to everyone's efforts, Rodan finally regained consciousness.

The Holy Son and Cultivation

After this crisis, Rodan and the expedition team returned to the planet Lanyao. The Interstellar Federation highly praised and rewarded their heroic performance. Rodan also became a hero of the Interstellar Federation, and his name spread throughout the planet.

However, Luo Dan was not satisfied with this. He knew that his strength was far from enough. Only by constantly practicing and improving his abilities could he better protect his homeland and loved ones. So he decided to go to the holy place of the Interstellar Federation, the Holy Mountain, to find the legendary Son of God and practice more deeply.

The Holy Mountain is located at the northernmost end of the Blue Star Planet and is a towering mountain. It is said that in the temple on the top of the mountain, there lives a Son of God with endless wisdom and power. Only the true king can see him and get his guidance.

After going through untold hardships, Luo Dan finally came to the top of the Holy Mountain. He met the legendary Son of God, a white-haired old man. The Son of God looked at Luo Dan, and a glimmer of approval flashed in his eyes.

"Young man, you have extraordinary talent and courage. But your cultivation is far from enough. You need to understand the true meaning of the universe more deeply to become a true king." The Son of God said.

So, the Son of God began to guide Luo Dan to practice more deeply. He taught Luo Dan many advanced martial arts and interstellar knowledge, and also made him comprehend the mysteries and laws of the universe. Under the guidance of the Son of God, Luo Dan's cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds, and his strength also made a qualitative leap.

Sects and Colleges

During his practice, Luo Dan also met many practitioners from different sects and colleges. They exchanged experiences, learned from each other's skills, and improved their strength together.

Luo Dan found that each sect and college had its own unique practice methods and martial arts. He humbly learned from them, learned from their strengths and made up for their weaknesses, and constantly improved his own practice system. At the same time, he also shared his experience and experience with them to help them improve their cultivation.

During this time, Luo Dan not only made many like-minded friends, but also became a bridge and bond between the sect and the college. He interpreted the true meaning of unity and mutual assistance with his actions, and won the respect and trust of everyone.

Interstellar Federation and Battleships

After the practice, Luo Dan returned to the Interstellar Federation. He reported his experience and what he learned to the top leaders of the Federation, and put forward many useful suggestions and opinions. The top leaders of the Federation spoke highly of Luo Dan's performance and decided to give him a more important position.

Luo Dan was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the warships of the Interstellar Federation, responsible for commanding the entire Federation's warship formation. He knew that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders and must always be vigilant and sober to ensure the safety and stability of the Federation.

Under Luo Dan's command, the warship formation of the Interstellar Federation carried out many successful exploration and patrol missions. They not only discovered many new planets and resources, but also successfully resisted the invasion and threat of alien forces.

Luo Dan's command ability and heroic performance won wide praise from the top leaders and soldiers of the Federation. He became a legendary figure of the Interstellar Federation, and his name was forever recorded in the history of the Federation.

Mecha and Saint

During an exploration mission, Luo Dan and the warship formation encountered a powerful alien civilization. This civilization has advanced technology and powerful mecha troops, and their strength far exceeds any force of the Interstellar Federation.

Faced with such a powerful enemy, Luo Dan did not back down. He used his wisdom and experience to develop a set of exquisite tactics and strategies. He commanded the battleship formation to fight fiercely with the mecha troops, and used the power of the magic stone to deal a huge blow to the enemy.

In this battle, Luodan also accidentally discovered an amazing secret: the leader of the alien civilization turned out to be a saint! This saint has endless power and wisdom, and he can control the laws and rules of the entire universe.

Luodan knew that he could not defeat this saint alone, so he decided to unite all the forces of the Interstellar Federation to fight this powerful enemy together. With the efforts of everyone, they finally succeeded in defeating the saint and defending the safety and stability of the Interstellar Federation.

Blood Rain and Rebirth

After the battle, Luodan and the battleship formation returned to the Blue Star Planet. They were warmly welcomed and celebrated by the top leaders and the people of the Federation. However, behind this victory, Luodan felt a deep worry and uneasiness.

He knew that there were many unknown crises and challenges hidden in the depths of the universe. Only by constantly improving his strength and wisdom can he better cope with future challenges and adventures.

So Luodan decided to continue practicing and exploring unknown star fields. He led the battleship formation and mecha troops to shuttle between the stars, looking for new planets and resources. They experienced countless storms and obstacles, but they were able to overcome danger and win every time.

During an expedition deep into an unknown star field, Luodan and the battleship formation encountered a sudden blood rain. This blood rain was like a natural disaster, bringing a devastating blow to the entire planet. However, in this disaster, Luodan unexpectedly discovered a new life form-a creature that can survive and reproduce in the blood rain.

This discovery shocked and surprised Luodan. He realized that the mysteries and laws of the universe are far beyond human imagination and understanding. Only by constantly exploring and discovering new life forms and powers can we better understand and understand the true meaning of the universe.

So Luodan decided to bring this discovery back to the Interstellar Federation and share this amazing secret with everyone. He believes that in the days to come, humans and these new life forms will work together to create a better and more prosperous universe.

Faced with the sudden bloody rain crisis, Luodan showed his rich imagination and calm judgment as a novelist. He knew that in the face of this natural disaster, a simple armed confrontation was futile, and the source and cause of the rain must be found to fundamentally solve the problem.

Luodan first ordered the battleship formation to raise the protective shield to protect the ships and personnel from direct damage from the bloody rain. At the same time, he sent the mecha troops to explore the planet and collect bloody rain samples for scientific research and analysis.

Among the samples brought back by the mecha troops, Luodan discovered a strange microorganism. This microorganism will multiply rapidly under certain conditions and release an acidic substance that can corrode metals and organic matter. Luodan realized that it was this microorganism that caused the formation of bloody rain and caused a devastating blow to the planet.

In order to deal with this crisis, Luodan decided to take a two-step strategy. In the first step, he used the high-tech equipment on the battleship to create a chemical reagent that can neutralize acidic substances. This reagent was sprayed on the surface of the planet, effectively preventing the further reproduction and spread of microorganisms.

In the second step, Luodan decided to go deep into the interior of the planet to find the source of microorganisms. He led the mecha troops through the rugged terrain and harsh climate, and finally came to a huge underground cave. In this cave, they found the cultivation pool and breeding base of microorganisms.

Luodan knew that only by destroying this cultivation pool could the blood rain crisis be completely eliminated. However, he also realized that this cultivation pool might hide some unknown power and secrets. So he decided to conduct scientific research and analysis on the cultivation pool first to ensure that it would not cause a greater disaster while destroying it.

After some hard work and exploration, Luodan finally found a way to destroy the cultivation pool. He used the power of the god stone and the weapon system on the battleship to launch a powerful energy beam at the cultivation pool. This energy beam penetrated the protective layer of the cultivation pool and completely destroyed it.

With the collapse of the cultivation pool and the demise of the microorganisms, the blood rain crisis was finally resolved. The ecological environment on the planet gradually returned to normal, and the creatures began to reproduce and survive again. Luodan and the battleship formation were warmly welcomed and grateful by the creatures on the planet.

In this crisis, Luo Dan not only showed his wisdom and courage, but also his respect and awe for life. He knew that the mysteries and laws of the universe were far beyond human imagination and understanding. Only by constantly exploring and discovering new life forms and powers can we better understand the true meaning of the universe. (End of this chapter)

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