Gods: Starting with the Goblins

Chapter 546 Three Towns Volcano

, no matter how eloquent the waiter is, he can't say anything in the face of Xiaobai's straightforward malice.

As for Nineteen, he is also a cunning elite, even more powerful than the waiter.

So, when the waiter looked over, he raised his glass directly, his eyes blurred as if he was immersed in the wine.

"Haha, good wine, good wine, don't you want a glass?"

After saying that, he laughed again and drank it all.

The waiter was embarrassed for a moment, and quickly persuaded him.

"Sir, the wine in our store is not bad, otherwise you can try it."

But Nineteen ignored him at all, just drinking his own wine.

He kept praising the good wine, as if he regarded the waiter's words as nonsense, and regarded the waiter as other air.

The waiter's face was unnatural for a moment, and seemed to collapse.

These three people are more perverted than each other.

I thought my shop was perverted enough, but I didn't expect to meet such perverted people. It's really hateful.

The waiter was also annoyed. Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, it was like playing the lute to a cow, so he naturally couldn't say anything more.

Luo Dan spoke at the right time.

"Okay, my friend likes to drink, and he carries a lot of wine with him. He doesn't like to drink those inferior drinks outside. You don't have to persuade him anymore. Go down. If there is anything, we will call you up."

The waiter had to smile on his face when he was evaluated as a low-quality drink. The waiter felt so uncomfortable in his heart.

After he finally managed to hold back a smile and left, the waiter's face suddenly became gloomy.

Especially when he came to the back shop and saw his own shopkeeper, the shopkeeper's face was not good either. The two quickly exchanged looks with each other.

At the same time, they also exchanged information.

[When the time comes, we must kill these three people as soon as possible. ]

After getting such information, the waiter felt a little better.

At this time, Luo Dan was also paying attention to the waiter and naturally knew some of his little moves behind him, but he didn't take it to heart.

He even thought it was a little funny.

It seems that it is not time for the waiter to attack them.

As long as the time is not right, the waiter can only swallow the humiliation no matter how big it is.

Not to mention, it is quite fun to humiliate the waiter and bully him.

At that time.

Another group of people came.

When Luo Dan saw this group of people, he was indeed a little shocked.

In such a remote place, he didn't expect to meet people.

But it's not surprising to think about it. After all, many people will fly over. There has been no place to stay in this area of ​​100 miles. There is only one place. It seems reasonable to choose to stay here and rest in the middle.

After all, they are people who are not related to him. Luo Dan just glanced at them and quickly retracted his gaze, as if he didn't take it to heart.

He didn't mean to come forward to talk, nor did he mean to say anything to them.

This group of people came in with great momentum, and they were a group of big men.

When they came in, they first glanced at Luo Dan and his group.

Seeing that they were so few in number, they first showed a look of contempt.

Then they took another look at their dishes, and showed an even more disdainful expression.

"Tsk, a group of poor people have the nerve to go on a long journey, and they only order such a few dishes when they are away from home. I don't know how they can have the nerve to do that?"

After saying that, one of the big men directly swung the big knife in his hand and slammed it heavily on the table with a slap.


The waiter was obviously more enthusiastic towards them than towards Luo Dan and his group. He came over in a hurry, and the flattering expression on his face was more obvious.

"Hey, here we are, guests, is there anything you want to eat?"

One of the big men waved his hand, looking like he had no shortage of money.

"Stop talking nonsense. Don't you see we are starving? Bring us all the delicious food. We have big appetites. Don't fool us with some underweight food. Bring us all your signature dishes, no matter how much money you pay!"

The waiter's eyes lit up and he quickly went down with the tray in his hand.

"Okay, please wait a moment, guests!"

After the waiter went down, several big men sat down directly.

While they were chatting, they did not forget to observe Luodan's team.

In their eyes, this was really a weak and weak team.

A man, an old man, and a woman, none of them looked very good.

The big men looked at each other with a little contempt in their eyes.

It seemed that they felt that they were strong and would definitely be able to beat the other party once.

"Haha, some people are really bragging. If you can't afford the dishes, don't come to the hotel. Just order so little, you don't have to worry about not being full in the middle of the night and drinking water to fill your stomach."

This was really harsh, causing the people around to laugh.

However, Luo Dan and others seemed not to hear it and didn't care at all.

The big man was a little unhappy that he didn't achieve the effect of ridiculing and belittling the other party.

While looking at the other party, his eyes unconsciously fell on one person.

Xiao Bai.

There was no way, the little fox's face in human form was too beautiful. The big men had never seen such a beauty before, and they fell in love with it at first sight.

They almost stared out of their eyes and almost glued to Xiao Bai.

But perhaps considering that they were outside, they didn't do anything to rob.

One of the big men was itching, and couldn't help but say something in a weird way.

"What a pity! Such a beautiful woman has to follow a group of people and not have enough food or clothes. If she follows us, she can have the best food and the best things. Why does she need to follow some poor people and suffer?"

"I think the beauty is willing to follow. Maybe the beauty has not seen much of the world and does not know that there are people who are better than you. It is most important to follow the strong. But I think the beauty should understand this truth."

"Haha, we are all a group of people who cherish women. If a beauty comes to us, we will not refuse. Of course, we have to flatter her and give her whatever she wants!"

This is actually a secret attempt to win over Xiaobai, but it has no effect.

Xiaobai is not an ordinary woman, not to mention Luodan's contracted monster. How can she be coaxed by a few words?

Besides, these people are not as good as the master at first glance. Xiaobai has high standards and does not look down on them at all.

Therefore, Xiaobai was playing by himself and did not realize that they were talking about him.

But Luo Dan was not stupid, and he immediately realized their intention.

Coveting Xiao Bai, ha, they are really bold.

As for the words he said, it was even more ironic.

They are just a group of shameless scums who covet beauty. How dare they say that they are treated well here? If they really follow them, they may have nothing to eat.

Anyway, Luo Dan looked down on such people, and his mouth curled coldly.

Nineteen noticed it and couldn't help but follow Luo Dan to transmit the message, but he didn't care about his apprentice, but looked completely gossipy.

"These people are planning to rob your woman, why, there is no reaction at all, you are too cowardly."

Luo Dan was speechless.

"Master, please stop watching the show, okay? I am your disciple after all. Besides, Xiaobai doesn't care what these people say. Since Xiaobai doesn't understand, there is no need to argue with them. They are just a group of idiots. If you compete with such people, you will lose face."

Nineteen smacked his lips, thought about it, and said no more.

The big men talked to each other, thinking that they could irritate the pretty boy, but their mouths were dry, and the guy didn't react at all.

On the contrary, they talked about this and that here, like gossipers.

The faces of the big men who realized this were not very good.

One of them, perhaps to save face, spat.

"Hmph, he is just a coward. His woman was talked about by others, but he didn't dare to say a word back. He is just a coward!"

Even though he was ridiculed like this, Luo Dan still kept his composure.

There is a saying that goes, if a dog bites you, do you still bite it back?

What else can a person who can only talk well do?

After a while, all the dishes were served. They were all top-notch dishes, with good color, aroma and taste, and they were all served in full quantity.

It was indeed the best treatment.

In addition, the waiter was ridiculed by Luo Dan and others before, and he might have been angry, so he deliberately prepared such a table of good dishes and deliberately passed by Luo Dan and others, as if to lure them, and as if to get back on his feet.

This made Luo Dan feel very funny, and felt that this waiter was really a lot of drama.

When the dishes came up, the hungry men couldn't help licking their saliva.

"Huo! It smells so good, it's really different when you spend money!"

"Alas, it's a pity that some beauties don't have this blessing, they can only eat some bran and vegetables. If they follow us brothers, they would have eaten delicious food and drank spicy food long ago!"

While showing off their strength, the men couldn't help but get excited and wanted to show their strength to Xiao Bai.

So, every word he said couldn't help but move closer to Xiaobai.

Unfortunately, Xiaobai didn't understand what he meant at all, and didn't take it to heart.

Several big men couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

With good wine and good food in front, it would be a pity if there was no beauty to accompany him.

Besides, it was such a beautiful woman, it was rare to see.

One big man was really impatient and reluctant, so he simply walked directly to Xiaobai's table and walked to Xiaobai's side.

He showed a lecherous smile, but forced a so-called gentleman's smile.

"This girl, we have good wine and good food here, why don't you drink a glass with us, the girl is so beautiful, today we brothers are willing to treat you, treat the girl to a good meal, it is much better than eating these dry things!"

One person has already started, and the other big men followed suit.

"Yes, if other people want to eat, we brothers may not agree, but if it's a girl, we are very willing to let her come and eat."

"Girl, we brothers are giving you face, just come with us, why bother with those poor guys, there are only so few dishes, tut tut tut, it's too shabby to feed a dog!"

At the beginning, maybe he was a little polite and tempted.

Later, maybe he didn't take Luo Dan and others' strength seriously, and he spoke more and more impolitely, and even showed a bad face.

Seeing this, Luo Dan clenched his palms, and a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes.

Heh, these people are just jumping on his reverse scale.

With a loud bang, he threw the chopsticks directly on the table.

This scared a lot of people, including the big men who were bragging.

They also tried to incite Xiao Bai to rebel, and even wanted to pull people over.

As a result, they were startled by their guilty conscience when they heard this.

Seeing that it was Luo Dan, several people were stunned for a moment, and then they didn't care at first.

At first, the big man sneered and looked at Luo Dan provocatively.

However, when he met Luo Dan's cold eyes, he was slightly stunned.

How to describe that kind of eyes, as if Shura crawled out of hell, just looking at people like this, it has already made people half cold.

The big man had a lot of ridicules, but now they were all stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say a word.

The other big men were also waiting for their boss to make the decision, but they didn't wait for a long time to say a word.

The rest of the people couldn't help but urge.

"Boss, what are you doing? This pretty boy is angry, why don't you fight back!"

"Yeah, do we really need to be afraid of him? This pretty boy is getting tough, so why not just get that girl over here!"

They almost didn't avoid Luo Dan anymore, and almost discussed it in front of him.

The boss also came back to his senses at this time. Although he felt that the look was frightening, he thought about it carefully, it was just a look, and it seemed unnecessary to be so afraid.

So, he quickly recovered his composure and looked at Luo Dan, about to say something sarcastic.

Unexpectedly, Luo Dan stood up first, his face as cold as ever.

"I can't eat anymore, I'll go upstairs to rest first, Xiao Bai, Master, if you are tired, you can also come up to rest."

The two exchanged glances, but for some reason, they didn't agree.

When Luo Dan walked up, he secretly glared at the big man. It looked like just an ordinary look, but it made the big man shudder.

The big man's body trembled slightly, and an inexplicable emotion flashed in his eyes.

Then, for some reason, he sat back obediently, as if the teasing just now had never happened, and he didn't dare to say anything to Xiaobai.

The others felt strange and urged him.

"Boss, why are you sitting back again? Why don't you say those words?"

"Yes, that little girl hasn't come to accompany our boss yet, why did you come back first? Aren't you going to pull her over?"

"Shut up!"

Their boss found it difficult to describe this feeling, and he didn't want to admit that he was a coward, so he glared at everyone in anger.

Seeing their boss angry, these people reluctantly shut up.

But even if they shut up, the covetous heart in their hearts has never dissipated. (End of this chapter)

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