Gods: Starting with the Goblins

Chapter 497 The Nine-Winged City

Rodan covered his racing heart and tried to calm it down as quickly as possible, while at the same time focusing on the monster in front of him.

"I didn't expect that you haven't fainted yet after drinking my peach blossom wine. It seems that you are much more powerful than these stinky men in the restaurant."

If her true colors were not revealed, the lady's face would appear to be charming and weak. Unfortunately, her eyes were glowing green and she became extremely terrifying at this moment.

"What effect does this wine have? You don't want everyone to be buried with you, right?!"

Rodan was a little incredulous when he said this.

But judging from the kind of wine he drank for the first time, the amount of medicine in the wine was not fatal.

He just analyzed the effect of the medicine in detail and found that it was a spell that attached to a man's body and could absorb his yang energy for a long time.

"I also want them to be buried with me, but you came a little early today, so I can't let them go, as long as you can beat me."

After speaking, the wine lady revealed her sharp fangs, and her body no longer looked like a human, but turned into a blue and white fox. However, what impressed Luo Dan was that the belly of this blue and white fox was still high. The bulge seemed to be a sure sign of pregnancy, and there was no way she could hide this feature.

"I think these men here have never offended you, why do you want to put them to death!"

Luo Dan needs to judge whether the demon in front of him is good or bad. If the demon is good, he can break up the cultivation and let her go. But if he has evil intentions, he doesn't mind giving the demon a ride.

"Men deserve to die, do they need a reason? The more sanctimonious an immortal you are, the more disgusting it is. I wish I could eat all of your corpses into my stomach and use your flesh and blood to commemorate myself!"

The wine lady completely transformed into a fox, and Luo Dan observed carefully that she didn't just have a fox tail.

On the contrary, it should have been a nine-tailed fox, but for some unknown reason, all those tails were gone, except for the last one.

Luodan understood. It seemed that there was a man who had a grudge with her, so she wanted to take revenge on him so crazily.

"You can't think like this. There are many good men in this world. How can you deny them all just because of one? Now remove all your spells and stop absorbing their yang energy. Maybe I can let you go! "

The wine lady seemed to have heard something funny and burst into laughter. Luodan could feel the sadness in that voice just by hearing it.

The wine lady cried until her eyes were filled with blood and tears, but she did not stop. Instead, she told Luo Dan the evidence of the crimes of those men at the top of her lungs.

"I was originally a little demon from the nine-tailed fox tribe, but I was deceived by a man before I got into the world. He drank wine and threw me into a brothel. I was ridden by thousands of people and scolded by thousands of people! Later, I met an immortal who said he could Save me from the fire, I foolishly believed it, loved him for 500 years, and spent seven fox tails for him, but in the end!"

"In the end, he found out that I was pregnant with his child and wanted to kill me. I had no choice but to cut off another fox tail to escape! Tell me what is true!"

The wine lady's shouting at the top of her lungs made Luo Dan startled. He had never thought that the demon, which was given a bad name by the world, could be deceived by humans.

But this is reasonable, because humans have never been kind.

Luo Dan knew what happened, and he also understood that the wine lady in front of him was just a little more accomplished in wine, and her cultivation was really not that high.

What's more, now that there is only one Kyuubi, she has only one life left, and her strength is only one city. It is impossible to have the power to fight with her.

"Stop it, I will break your cultivation and let you go."

Luo Dan thought that this was a kind of pity for the wine lady, but the smile disappeared from the wine lady's face after hearing this.

"You men are always so arrogant and impose the results you think are good on others! You think others will also like this result! But I tell you, just dream, I will let all the men in Baihualou be buried with me!"

The wine lady no longer restrained herself, but instead recited a spell. Before the spell ended, Luodan could feel the effects of the medicine that had not been completely discharged from the body just now taking effect, making his heart hurt like thousands of ants biting him.

Just when Luo Dan couldn't stand it anymore, a green light suddenly bloomed from the center of his eyebrows, covering his entire body in blue light.

A warm current flowed through his body, washing away all the pain.

Luo Dan's frown finally relaxed. When he opened his eyes again, he didn't notice that there was a trace of cyan light in his eyes.

"Since you insist on doing this, I won't keep you here."

After Luo Dan finished speaking, spiritual energy was already hovering around him.

He is a master at manipulating spiritual power, so even without melee weapons, he can rely on the spiritual power in the air to attack the opponent.

This method seems weak, but in fact it is an unexpected killing move.

Luo Dan used his spiritual power to draw a confinement array on the ground to prevent the Wine Lady from escaping. The Wine Lady was not to be outdone. When she looked at Luo Dan, her eyes had changed from the previous green light to red light.

The wine lady was pregnant, and she was giving birth tonight. She didn't plan to take the risk, but her encounter with Luo Dan tonight reminded her of the man who had lied to her for 500 years.

That man is also an alcoholic.

Originally, the wine lady hated wine and other things the most, because she lost her virginity because of wine, but because of that immortal, she fell in love with wine and learned to make wine for that man.

Since being betrayed, she no longer believed that there was any true love in the world, and only believed that all men deserved to die.

Luodan's imprisonment disease was shrinking, and the places where the wine lady could escape were getting fewer and fewer. Her claws kept grabbing those spiritual powers in an attempt to break through a gap and escape, but Luodan's formation was not something that ordinary people or ordinary monsters could break.

So the wine lady grabbed there in vain for a long time and could not grab a path.

In the end, the wine lady was tired, and she no longer took the initiative to attack. She thought that if the opponent was a weak immortal, she could still deal with it.

But she didn't expect Luodan to be the boss of the second floor of the Holy Seat.

If she was at the peak of her nine tails, she could also fight Luodan, but unfortunately, she could only think about it, and there would never be that opportunity in this life.

The wine lady was tired, and her fox eyes were full of tears. When she blinked, two tears fell into the formation underground.

Seeing that the wine lady stopped struggling, Luo Dan stopped exerting pressure on her in the formation.

The wine lady panted heavily.

"It's good to die. I can finally die with this evil seed. I originally hoped to give birth to him so that he can also experience the pain I suffered in the past. I want to repay him in every way for the pain his father caused me!"

At this point, the wine lady's fox tail swayed miserably, and her fox claws could not move. A large mouthful of blood gushed out of her mouth.

"But it seems that I don't have this opportunity..."

"It's better to die, and I will be freed if I die..."

Luo Dan didn't even do anything, and the wine lady who had been trapped in her inner demon died.

Luo Dan sighed and sighed at the same time for the wine lady's experience.

He couldn't guarantee that everyone in the world of cultivating immortals had a magnanimous path in their hearts, but he couldn't let the monsters who were hurt by their ancestors harm others like this.

Luo Dan walked over and lifted up the body of the fox of the wine lady.

Her last tail was also cut off.

All nine lives were gone, it seemed that she could not die any more.

Luo Dan subconsciously used his spiritual sense to scan the body of the wine lady, but found that the little life in her belly still had a heartbeat, and the heartbeat was steady and powerful, which was enough to show that it would definitely be a good seedling for cultivation in the future.

Luo Dan's mind moved, and he remembered the words of the wine lady before her death.

She wanted to take revenge on men because she was hurt by other immortals. Although she hated the unborn child, she never took out her anger on the child in her belly because of her hatred for the immortal.

Does it mean that she still has this child in her heart?

Maybe the words just now actually hope that he can shift all his attention to her, so as to ignore the little life that survived accidentally in her belly.

Luo Dan shook his head.

It must be said that this wine lady is really a person who is very wary of men.

Luo Dan took out a knife and cut open the wine lady's belly. As expected, he saw a blue and white little fox inside.

The little fox still had its eyes closed and had not woken up. Luo Dan carefully used a towel dipped in water and wiped the little fox's body before putting it into the space ring that can store living things.

This space ring that can store living things was the reward for him winning the second place in the competition.

When he first got it, he felt that it was a bit useless because there was no need to store any living things now. He only needed to sign a contract with the favored person, so there was no need to put it in the storage ring.

But after thinking about it, since it was a reward given by the competition, it was more or less a treasure, so he quickly dripped blood to recognize the owner.

Now it just came in handy. Luo Dan was very glad that he won the second place at that time, otherwise he would have nothing to store living things.

If he carried the fox out like this, it would cause an uproar.

Luo Dan cleaned up the scene, dispersed all the smell, and packed up the body of the wine lady, wrapped it in a cloth bag, and then left the box.

When he went to the first floor, Luo Dan found a strange phenomenon. All the men seemed to have not returned to their souls and were still in a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness.

Although the wine has the effect of absorbing yang energy, it would not make them like this.

Luo Dan casually grabbed a man's wrist, put two fingers on his pulse, and the spiritual energy entered the other person's body along his fingertips and began to explore his body.

There was nothing wrong with his body, and there was nothing strange about his yang energy except that some yang energy was lost. Luo Dan was wondering when he suddenly found that this man had lost one of his three souls and seven spirits.

No wonder he looked so stupid, it turned out that one of his three souls and seven spirits had been robbed.

Fortunately, I paid more attention when I came out, otherwise if the three souls and seven spirits of these men were forced to be separated here for too long, they would most likely die.

The drunkard really hated men, and she still had this trick up her sleeve.

Luo Dan shook his head and sighed.

He didn't want to see more killings, so he set up a huge formation on the spot in the entire Baihua Building.

The spiritual power in the air burned quickly, and Luo Dan used the spiritual power skillfully to complete the formation.

When the formation was activated, the souls that were scattered around without a home seemed to have found their direction and began to rush towards their masters.

When this was done, Luo Dan was exhausted. He flicked his fingers and the formations gathered by spiritual power dissipated.

Outside the city, Luo Dan buried the body of the wine lady and returned to the city lord's mansion with the little fox who had not yet opened his eyes.

All this took only one night.

Originally, Nineteen gave Luo Dan three days to solve it within three days. Today, seeing that the person he chose was so powerful, he was even more happy.

So when Luo Dan returned to his room, he saw Nineteen sitting at the table and opening a jar of wine by himself, looking at him with a smile.

"My apprentice came back so quickly. It seems that three days is too much time. Then I believe you will definitely have no problem in the next secret realm."

His words revealed two pieces of information.

The first is to accept Luo Dan as a disciple, and the second is that the next opportunity he gave Luo Dan was to go to a secret realm.

Luo Dan did not hesitate. Since he had already promised someone, it was not a good behavior to go back on his word. He immediately knelt down on the spot and kowtowed to Nineteen.

"Master, please accept my disciple's kowtow."

Luo Dan's straightforwardness pleased Nineteen, and he knew that he had not misjudged this kid.

Although he refused to recognize him at first and was tough, at least the matter was finally done.

For him, the result was good.

"My dear disciple, there is no need to kneel. Is the little fox with you?"

Sometimes Luo Dan was really curious about Nineteen's identity. He was like installing a camera next to him, and his every move could not escape his eyes.

"Yes, Master, the fox is with me. It is currently recuperating in the space ring."

Luo Dan took out the little fox with trust.

The fox was really small, only as big as a palm.

But it looked very pleasing to people. After all, who doesn't like a furry little thing?

Nineteen looked at the little fox carefully, nodded from time to time, and then shook his head.

Finally, just when Luo Dan thought he was going to say something, he said nothing.

"Okay, that's it. Next, I will go to the entrance of the secret realm with you, and then it's up to you."

Luo Dan was a little confused. What kind of secret realm is it? Why didn't he hear that there would be a secret realm opened recently? (End of this chapter)

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