On the contrary, the primary farm is of great help to Caesar.

As the population in Caesar's territory increases, the food consumed every day also increases. Although the food in the territory is still sufficient because of the monsters that come to attack the territory every day and a primary farm.

But Caesar can't stop developing the territory, and as long as Caesar continues to develop the territory, the food obtained in the territory every day will not keep up with the growth of the territory's population one day.

Therefore, Caesar now needs to prepare for a rainy day and increase the source of food in the territory.

Therefore, Caesar chose the primary farm as the reward for the 100-day expansion buff for the expansion of the territory by 100 square kilometers.


In the next period of time, Caesar still took Shafulina and his troops to the outermost part of the Extreme Cold Mountains for hunting.

And as the number of troops under Caesar increased, every time he went to the outermost part of the Extreme Cold Mountains for hunting, Caesar could seize a large number of system points and a lot of spoils.

After returning to the territory, Caesar will inject a large part of the system points seized that day into the Lord's Heart to expand the area of ​​the territory. A small part of the points will be used to recruit blank low-level soldiers from low-level barracks, and to purchase equipment from the Super Auxiliary System Mall to arm the blank low-level soldiers recruited from low-level barracks.

Time soon came to the 30th day of Caesar's establishment of the territory.

As Caesar injected most of the system points obtained that day into the territory, the area of ​​Caesar's territory officially expanded to 501 square kilometers.

And as Caesar expanded the area of ​​the territory to 501 square kilometers, the rewards given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff also came.

There is nothing to say about the rewards given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff. It is still an opportunity for auxiliary functional buildings. For this, Caesar still chose the primary farm as a reward.

Then, Caesar prepared to increase his troops again to deal with the monsters that were about to attack the territory.

However, before Caesar could use the system points to recruit low-level soldiers from the low-level barracks, a prompt sound suddenly came from Caesar's mind, which directly stopped Caesar's action of recruiting low-level soldiers.

And this prompt sound was that the super auxiliary system congratulated Caesar on expanding the territory to 501 square kilometers, and specially sent a lord gift package as a reward for Caesar.

Seeing the lord gift package sent by the super auxiliary system, Caesar naturally couldn't wait to open it.

After all, every time the super auxiliary system gave Caesar a gift package, it opened good things.

And when Caesar opened the lord gift package given by the super auxiliary system this time, the super auxiliary system did not disappoint Caesar.

Caesar directly opened three recruitment orders for recruiting heroes from the lord gift package given by the super auxiliary system.

You know, before this, Caesar only got two hero recruitment orders, and it was these two hero recruitment orders that directly enabled Caesar to obtain two extraordinary beings, Safrina and Barros Okun.

If the three recruitment orders from the lord's gift pack this time are still for extraordinary heroes, then there will be as many as five extraordinary beings in Caesar's territory.

And five extraordinary beings are enough to make Caesar's territory a top force in the Boro Kingdom and a super first-class force in the Oran plane.

In the Oran plane, although the comprehensive strength of a force is very important, the ranking of forces pays more attention to the presence of strong people.

After all, if a force does not have a strong person in charge, how can this force face those forces with strong people in charge.

Even if the comprehensive strength of this force is much stronger than that of the force with strong people in charge.

Therefore, the ranking of forces in the Oran plane first looks at the number of strong people, and then looks at the comprehensive strength of the force.

And at the top of all the forces in the Oran plane are naturally the top forces with legendary beings in charge, such as the three major human kingdoms, the elf kingdom, and the orc kingdom.

After that, there are first-class forces and super first-class forces with extraordinary strong people in charge.

To become a first-class force in the Orlan plane, there must be an extraordinary strongman in charge. Therefore, those who can become first-class forces in the Orlan plane are generally the marquis lords in the three major human kingdoms, the large tribes in the Elf Kingdom and the Orc Kingdom, and some races with only five or less extraordinary people in charge.

And to become a super first-class force in the Orlan plane, there must be more than five (including five) extraordinary strongmen in charge.

Therefore, there are not many forces that can become super first-class forces in the Orlan plane, only those dukes in the human kingdom, super large tribes in the Elf Kingdom and the Orc Kingdom, as well as some powerful races and three neutral professional colleges.

And if Caesar recruits three extraordinary heroes from the three hero recruitment orders this time, then Caesar's territory can be regarded as a possibility of becoming a super first-class force.

After all, the foundation of Caesar's territory is too weak now.

Fortunately, the three hero recruitment orders are not all the items in the lord gift package given to Caesar by the super lord system.

In addition to the three hero recruitment orders, the Lord's Gift Pack also opened five primary military symbols (large). As long as Caesar chooses to use these five primary military symbols, the foundation of Caesar's territory will be instantly strengthened.

Moreover, after the Lord's Gift Pack opened five primary military symbols, there are still many things in it.

Advanced Maid Recruitment Order: After using it, you can recruit a magic maid team that is all-round in housework.

Advanced Building Recruitment Order: After using it, you can recruit a building team that is all-round in construction.

There are not many advanced maid recruitment orders, only one, but there are many advanced building recruitment orders, as many as three, which means that Caesar can recruit three advanced building teams.

Although the maid team is not very useful to Caesar (real fragrance warning), the construction team has a great effect on Caesar.

Don't think that Caesar's territory has the ability to directly build territory buildings, and think that Caesar doesn't need a construction team.

In fact, during the thirty days of establishing the territory, although Caesar did not use the direct construction function of the territory, he still understood the shortcomings of the direct construction function of the territory.

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