Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 842: Su Hanxian

Luo Wei watched the fight between Gongsun Juexin and Gu Bamo, and a complex look flashed in his eyes: "Awesome! It is worthy of being the peerless swordsman genius of Ghost Sword Sect, one of the eight gods swords. He is really too strong! I am not his opponent The same goes for Gubamo, these guys are really too powerful to be human."

Zhang Gu glanced at Gongsun Juexin, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes: "Awesome! It is indeed the strongest monster genius in the Ghost Sword Sect. One of the Eight God Swords of the Qiankun Xuanyu is so powerful. Terrible. As expected of a peerless genius who once defeated His Majesty the Sword Emperor's sect."

The ghost sword sect and the ancient sword sect have been competing for the title of the world's number one sword sect. When the ancient sword emperor was born in the sky, a peerless sword genius also appeared in the ghost sword sect.

After the ancient sword emperor made his debut, he was defeated nine times in battles of the same level. Three of them were defeated by the peerless sword genius of Ghost Sword Sect.

In the end, the ancient sword emperor merged the six basic artistic conceptions, and promoted the sword intent to the realm of sword intent, and then he was invincible in the world, invincible, and finally ascended to the throne.

The peerless kendo genius of Ghost Sword Sect and the ancient sword emperor are both enemies and friends, like old enemies. At the beginning, the two also joined forces to fight against the alien invasion. Therefore, after the ancient sword emperor ascended the throne, he did not cleanse the ghost sword sect.

After the fall of the Ancient Sword Emperor, the Ghost Sword Sect and the Ancient Sword Sect have been competing for the title of the No. 1 Sword Sect in the World, fighting constantly. When the ancient sword sect was strong, it also came to challenge the peerless genius of the ghost sword sect. It is not unusual for the ghost sword sect to come to challenge the kendo genius of the ancient sword sect.

After the sound of violent sword strikes exploded hundreds of times, a terrifying energy shock spread in all directions, and the two peak powerhouses, Gongsun Juexin and Gu Bamo, suddenly separated.

A flash of excitement flashed in Gongsun Juexin's eyes, with a fanatical smile on his face: "Amazing! Gubamo, your swordsmanship is really outstanding! It's completely different from the guy just now, it seems that you don't need swordsmanship. It's hard to beat You defeated! Pay attention! Next, I will improve the level of swordsmanship."

Gu Bamo's eyes also flashed with a scorching fighting intent, and he said in a deep voice, "Come on!"

Both Gongsun Juexin and Gu Bamo are the top kendo geniuses, and the confrontation between the two peak kendo geniuses is also of great benefit to them.

"Ghost space sword!" Gongsun Juexin's eyes flashed with solemnity, and the sword in his hand suddenly slashed into the void, in an instant. Immediately, huge openings were cut in the void.

The sword in Gongsun Juexin's hand pierced into a crack in space.

In an instant, behind Gu Bamo, more than a dozen cracks in the void suddenly appeared, and incomparably pitch-black sword light pierced out soundlessly, stabbing towards Gu Bamo suddenly.

"Empty Split Sword!"

A strange light flashed in Gu Bamo's eyes, and the artistic conception of space surged, and the sword in his hand turned into a series of mysterious and mysterious trajectories, which contained a trace of space law and cut into the void.

A huge space crack appeared. Instantly swallowed those dozens of space cracks.

At the same time, in an instant, Gu Bamo disappeared immediately, and appeared strangely in front of Gongsun Juexin. A sword contained terrifying power of space, as if it could split space, and slashed towards Gongsun Juexin.

The sword that Gu Bamo pushed with all his strength contained a terrifying law of space, even if he was a strong person at the Taixuan level. It is also difficult to resist, and will be cut by a sword.

Gongsun Juexin smiled excitedly. The sword in his hand contained the powerful power of the law of space. With a sudden slash, countless spaces were immediately opened.

Gu Bamo's sword pierced into the countless spaces, and after passing through many spaces, his power completely collapsed and disappeared.

"Ghosts destroy the sky!" Gongsun Juexin smiled excitedly. With a stern whistle, he unleashed the Secret Sword of Zhenzong in Ghost Sword Sect, and stabbed the sword into the void.

In the dark, one head seems to contain the power of endless laws, above the body. Intertwined with Dao and reason, a ten-foot-long ghost suddenly burst out from the crack in the space, with a fierce light in its eyes, and an aura of destroying the world exuded from its body, and it grabbed Gu Bamo with one claw.

Gu Bamo's face changed several times, he pondered for a while, and then retreated violently. The sword in his hand turned into an extremely bright sword light, splitting the void into a huge space crack, exuding a terrifying devouring power.

The gigantic ghost grinned ferociously, stretched out his hand to grab it, a burst of terrifying spatial fluctuations emerged, instantly pinched and closed the spatial crack, and took advantage of the momentum to slap Gu Bamo fiercely.

Gu Bamo's face suddenly changed, the sword light flickered, and the artistic conception of the space surged. A layer upon layer of sword space containing countless layers of space immediately appeared in front of him.

Most of the supernatural powers bombarded in that layer upon layer of alien space will be swallowed by that alien space and cannot harm Gu Bamo. This move is the strongest defensive secret sword of space kendo. Only peerless kendo geniuses who have extraordinary comprehension of that space kendo can perform this move.

The gigantic ghost laughed ferociously, stretched out its palm, traveled through countless spaces, appeared in front of Gu Bamo, and slapped Gu Bamo's body fiercely.

In an instant, Gu Bamo was like a rotten catkin, his protective energy was shattered, turned into a stream of light, and ruthlessly hit the wall of the ancient sword sect.

Seeing this scene, the kendo geniuses of the ancient sword sect stopped breathing, and panic and nervousness flashed in their eyes. Gu Bamo was the first person in the last genius training camp of the Ancient Sword Sect. It is also one of the five strongest geniuses of the younger generation of the ancient sword sect.

If Gu Bamo was also defeated by that Gongsun Juexin, among the younger generation of the ancient sword sect, few people could become the number of that Gongsun Juexin.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and Gu Bamo flew out from the wall of the ancient sword sect palace. His face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. Looking at Gongsun Juexin, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he said slowly: "I lost!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Bamo immediately returned to the crowd, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in his own world.

Gongsun Juexin took a deep look at Gu Bamo, smiled faintly, looked straight at Zhang Gu, and said aggressively: "Senior Zhang Gu, Gu Bamo has been defeated by me. I heard that the ancient sword sect's class In the genius training camp, many top swordsman geniuses have appeared, and even those who have stepped into the realm of the saint. Please let them come out to compete with me and defeat me. Otherwise, if I leave like this, those ignorant It is inevitable that there will be some silly rumors that all the kendo geniuses of the ancient sword sect are trash, and all of them were defeated by me."

As soon as Gongsun Juexin said this, all the swordsmen of the ancient sword sect in the hall glared at him.

If it weren't for the kendo geniuses of the ancient sword sect in the hall who knew that they were not Gongsun Juexin's opponents, they would have already come out to fight Gongsun Juexin.

Zhang Gu's face twitched slightly. If such rumors spread, it would be extremely detrimental to the reputation of the ancient sword sect. He hesitated for a while, then glanced aside, and said in a deep voice to a true disciple, "Let Su Han come over!"

"Yes!" The figure of the true disciple flickered, and then disappeared from the spot.

Gongsun Juexin stood in the center of the hall with a smile, took out a pill and swallowed it in one gulp. The battle with Gu Bamo consumed a lot of his mana and physical strength.

A quarter of an hour later, a young man with black hair and black clothes slowly walked in from the side of the hall. As soon as he entered the hall, all eyes immediately focused on him.

"Here he comes! Su Han, he is here!"

"Since Su Han is here, he should have no problem defeating Gongsun Juexin, right?"

"Su Han is a peerless swordsman genius who has stepped into the realm of the Holy Lord and entered the eighth floor of the nine-story sword tower. Now that he has gone through half a year of hard training, his swordsmanship has improved so much!"


When the kendo geniuses of the ancient sword sect saw the black-haired and black-clothed boy, everyone's eyes flashed with excitement, and they talked a lot.

Gu Bamo, who had been keeping his eyes closed all this time, also opened his eyes suddenly, staring at Su Han firmly, his eyes full of solemnity.

Su Han is a peerless genius who has entered the field of saints in the genius training camp of the ancient sword sect. He is a rare genius in the ancient sword sect.

Many geniuses of the ancient sword sect had never seen Su Han in real life. Now that Su Han appeared in front of their eyes, he was naturally eye-catching and attracted all their attention.

Gongsun Juexin glanced at Su Han, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he smiled excitedly, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com's eyes filled with burning intent: "You are Su Han, not bad! Back to basics, even I can't see through your swordsmanship, it's really good, you can be my opponent."

"Su Han, this one is Gongsun Juexin from the Ghost Sword Sect, one of the eight **** swords of the younger generation in the Qiankun Xuanyu. He came to challenge our Ancient Sword Sect, I hope you can give him some good advice. "Zhang Gu glanced at Su Han, and said slowly, and after the word pointing, his tone sank.

Su Han smiled confidently, and strode towards the center of the hall: "Yes! I will definitely teach Gongsun Juexin's swordsmanship and let him know the strength of my ancient sword sect's swordsmanship."

A strange light flashed in Gongsun Juexin's eyes, he smiled slightly, pointed at Su Han with his sword, and said in a deep voice, "If you want to teach me swordsmanship, it depends on whether you have the ability. Su Han, I'm ready!"

"Then, take my sword!" Su Han smiled lightly, took a step forward, and appeared in front of Gongsun Juexin strangely, stabbing Gongsun Juexin with his sword flatly.

"It's too common. This kind of attack, even if it takes ten thousand years, can't hit me!" Gongsun Juexin smiled coldly, the light of the sword in his hand flickered, and the artistic conception of space surged. A barrier of three-dimensional space immediately appeared in front of him. (To be continued..)

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