Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 799: Horned Demon Yuer

"Seventh-order Holy Pill Wisdom Pill? It's too precious! This kind of elixir is too precious, I can't accept it!" Feng Tianhe grabbed the jade bottle, his face changed drastically, he pushed the jade bottle, and gave it back. Su Han.

Feng Tianhe is very aware of how precious the Wisdom Pill is, it is a treasure that even those at the Sky Profound Realm would covet. Moreover, Wisdom Pill can also be taken many times, although it will gradually develop resistance and cannot continue to improve comprehension. However, at least one or two hundred Wisdom Pills would be required to develop drug resistance.

This Wisdom Pill is an incomparably precious treasure and a rare opportunity for any martial arts master.

Shu Wu Ruohan looked at the bottle of Wisdom Pill, regret flashed in his beautiful eyes, and immediately pushed the jade bottle firmly towards Su Han, "Senior Brother Su, I can't accept this Wisdom Pill!"

Relief flashed deep in Su Han's eyes, he smiled slightly, and pushed again: "This is my wish, please accept it. The entire Leijiaozhou is under my control. This wisdom pill is for me. Say it's nothing."

Hearing the words, Feng Tianhe also smiled heartily, took the jade bottle and said: "Okay! Then I will not be polite! It happens that I am still a little short, and I can't break through and be promoted to be a strong person in the undead realm. This wisdom pill is very important to me For me, it is really useful. I will trouble you to help me protect the law later!"

Shu Wu Ruohan also took the jade bottle, and gave Su Han a complicated look.

Wang Lanlan looked at Feng Tianhe and Shuwu Ruohan who held the seventh-order holy pill of wisdom, and a look of jealousy flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Su Han and his party of five went all the way, and came to the top cave of the most outstanding hotel in Naleijiao City.

Feng Tianhe and Shuwu Ruohan swallowed the two wisdom pills without hesitation in front of Su Han. With Su Han's current power, as long as he gives an order, there will be a large number of undead people working for him, and he doesn't need to do any small tricks at all.

As soon as Feng Tianhe and Shuwu Ruohan swallowed the two wisdom pills, the medicinal power of the wisdom pills exploded instantly. It turned into streams of cool breath and submerged into their sea of ​​consciousness, spreading their sea of ​​consciousness and improving their understanding.

Feng Tianhe and Shuwu Ruohan suddenly fell into a state of epiphany, and easily comprehended the most difficult law of life and death for the strong in the primordial spirit state, broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop, and was promoted to become a strong in the undead state. By.

Su Han waved his hand. Dozens of high-grade spirit crystals immediately flew out and landed beside Feng Tianhe and Shu Wu Ruohan, releasing an incomparably pure spiritual energy.

After Feng Tianhe and Shu Wu Ruohan absorbed the incomparably pure aura, their cultivation bases rose steadily, reaching the stage of Immortal Realm to the Early Stage of Heaven in one fell swoop, and breaking through to the realm of Immortal Realm to Middle Stage of Heaven.

After breaking through to the Immortal Realm First Layer Middle Stage, Feng Tianhe and Shu Wu Ruohan woke up from the epiphany.

Feng Tianhe opened his eyes, a gleam of wisdom flashed in his eyes, and he let out a long breath. Excitedly smiled and said: "Wisdom Pill is worthy of being a seventh-level holy pill! I can feel that my understanding has at least doubled. It really deserves to be a peerless holy pill! Su Han, thank you very much!"

Feng Tianhe was originally a peerless genius of the ancient sword sect with extraordinary understanding. After taking the Wisdom Pill, his comprehension more than doubled, and his comprehension immediately surpassed that of other sword geniuses of the ancient sword sect.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Su!" Shu Wu Ruohan smiled excitedly after opening her beautiful eyes, and saluted Su Han gratefully.

Although Shu Wu Ruo Han is also a genius. But among the many kendo geniuses in the ancient sword sect, he can only be regarded as ordinary. Fighting fiercely in this horned demon world for many days. The most outstanding geniuses have all been promoted to become undead powerhouses, but she still has no sign of being promoted to undead.

Now that Su Han's Wisdom Pill has unlocked the wisdom of Shuwu Ruohan, her understanding has more than doubled, and she has been promoted to a strong person in the first level of the Immortal Realm. The future is bright, and she is naturally full of Su Han's heart. gratitude.

Su Han saw that Feng Tianhe and Shu Wu Ruohan were successfully promoted to become undead powerhouses. There was also a look of relief in his eyes. In that day's battle, at the most dangerous time, only Feng Tianhe and Shuwu Ruohan stood by his side, they were already regarded by him as good friends who could make friends.

Su Han smiled slightly and said, "How about we go have a drink together?"

Feng Tianhe also smiled and said: "I originally planned to do this."

The five walked out of the cave and arrived at the top floor of the luxury hotel. I ordered countless delicacies, spirit fruits and spirit wine, and while tasting them, I talked about various things in the ancient sword sect.

Different from Su Han, Feng Tianhe is a peerless kendo genius who grew up in the headquarters of the ancient sword sect in Qiankun Great World. He is very clear about all kinds of allusions and inside stories in the ancient sword sect.

Feng Tianhe took a sip of the spirit wine, then let out a long breath, and smiled slightly: "Su Han, among the geniuses of the younger generation in our ancient sword sect, as far as I know, there are only five who can be called your opponents .It is impossible for the rest of you to surpass you in future achievements."

Su Han smiled slightly, and asked curiously: "Oh! Who can be my opponent?"

Shuwu Ruohan and Wang Lanlan also showed an attitude of listening. At this time, Su Han has become the majority owner of Leijiaozhou. If there is no accident, it is only a matter of time before the entire Leijiaozhou is suppressed.

Su Han's achievements at this time are already comparable to the master of the Sword Palace in the Profound Sky Realm, and his future achievements will be even more limitless. However, Feng Tianhe thinks that within the ancient sword sect, there are still five young people who can be called his opponents. It is conceivable that those five people are strong and talented.

Feng Tianhe smiled slightly and said: "The first one, you have seen it before. It is Jian Caiying, the daughter of our suzerain. In fact, she has already cultivated to the Ninth Heaven Realm of Yuanshen Realm when she was seventeen years old. It's just that she realized my After the ancient sword sect Wushen passed the sword scriptures, her cultivation slowed down, and she did not make any progress for eleven years. But according to my observation, her eleven years of hard work were not in vain. Just like you, Su Han, once she A breakthrough will definitely be earth-shattering, invincible at the same level, and the speed of cultivation after that will also increase by leaps and bounds, and the future is limitless."

Su Han pondered for a while when he heard the words, then nodded slightly, agreeing with Feng Tianhe's words.

As soon as Su Han saw Jian Caiying, he felt the extraordinaryness of that beautiful girl with peerless swordsmanship. He could vaguely feel that there was an incomparably terrifying power in Jian Caiying's body, once it broke out. Even if he is as tyrannical as him, he may not be able to stop it.

Feng Tianhe continued: "The second one is Gubamo! Legend has it that he is the reincarnation of the sword master. As soon as he was born, he held a magic weapon, the Moxuan sword, that could evolve with his master in his right hand. The whole world celebrates, countless swordsmanship Laws appear all over him. He has a flowing sword body! He is only 30 years old this year, and he has already cultivated to the third level of the immortal realm. Master. When he comprehended the sword scriptures, the countless spiritual swords in the entire Jianjing mountain trembled. He is a sword genius who is recognized as rare in a thousand years in my ancient sword sect. It can be compared to Yang Ye, the destroying sword master."

Su Han's eyes froze, and he said slowly: "Is it a rare sword genius in the ancient sword sect in a thousand years? If he is such a person, he is qualified to compete with me!"

The Ancient Sword Sect is a gigantic force that occupies several middle thousand worlds, and its power covers an unknown number of small thousand worlds and middle thousand worlds.

Every year, the Ancient Sword Sect will absorb more than one billion kendo geniuses into their power. Those more than one billion kendo geniuses are the top swordsmen in every world. Among the countless geniuses. Gu Bamo is known as the rare genius of the ancient sword sect in a thousand years, so one can imagine how evil he is.

"the third…"

"Wait a minute, I'm going to deal with some small troubles! There are still people who dare to behave wildly on my territory. They really don't know how to live or die!" Suddenly, Su Han's face changed suddenly, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he smiled coldly, stand up.

Su Han took void steps. Taking a step forward, his figure immediately merged into the void. Disappear.

"Awesome! This martial skill is really powerful." Feng Tianhe saw Su Han's disappearing figure, a look of envy flashed in his eyes, and he sighed slightly.

The martial skill Void Step is one of the strongest martial skills in the Great Void Scripture. Whether it's chasing down the enemy or escaping. All have great benefits. In terms of speed alone, it is enough to rank among the top ten martial arts for long-distance flying in the Qiankun Great World.

"Let's go and have a look too!" Feng Tianhe smiled, his figure flickered, and he slid towards Su Han's position.

Wang Lanlan and Shu Wu Ruohan also flickered. It flew up directly and swept towards Su Han's direction.

Jiao Zhitao glanced at Su Han's back with some envy, and stood there quietly without any movement.

Jiao Zhitao is just an ordinary mixed-race horned demon girl, and in the former prince's mansion, she just existed as an ordinary singer. She also practiced some body-building exercises for women, but her current cultivation level is only a mere True Yuan Realm Dzogchen.

If a warrior wants to break through from the realm of true essence to the realm of mana, he needs to understand the laws and a lot of cultivation resources. For ordinary horned demons, it is not difficult to become a master in the mana realm. But those horned demon mixed-race beautiful girls were only trained as singers, so naturally no one taught them the best skills. Without good exercises, it will be very difficult for them to break through. This is true even if the aura here is far stronger than other places.

More than 30 kilometers away from Leijiao City, three men and one woman, four horned demon masters of the first level of the undead realm, are running wildly on the ground. Mana, using all kinds of supernatural powers, attacked the three men and one woman in front of him.

Among the horned demon masters of three men and one woman, the three men are extremely handsome and have cultivation bases of the first level of the Immortal Realm. The woman was tall and slender, with a pair of slender and beautiful long legs like a deer, a wasp waist and buttocks, wearing black leather armor, the two peaks almost came out of the clothes, with an alluring appearance, a peerless immortality beauty.

The eyes of a heavenly demon master who possesses the fourth level of immortality and looks extremely handsome turned cold, and his voice was full of temptation: "The horned demon Yu'er! You surrender! As long as you are willing to surrender. We, the demon tribe, will definitely I will treat you generously and let you enjoy endless glory and wealth. And you have the opportunity to break through to a higher level. Withered bones regenerate, as long as you are willing to surrender to our Heavenly Demon Clan, our Heavenly Demon Clan will definitely provide a lot of resources to allow you to be promoted to become dry bones A strong person at the regeneration level. With your beauty and temperament, it is not impossible to become one of my great concubines of the Heavenly Demon Great Saint Ji in the future."

A flash of determination flashed in the beautiful eyes of the horned demon Yu'er, and said coldly: "The demon is approaching! Don't think about it! I will never give in to you bastards! This place is already the territory of the commander of the horned demon bitter army. Since you dare to Hunt us down here. Aren't you afraid that Lord Horned Demon Ku will kill you all here?"

"The horned devil suffers? The main force of his Holy Horn Legion has been transferred from here, and went to suppress the rebellion. His own strength is only the ninth level of the Yuanshen realm. If he dares to come here! I will definitely send him to the underworld, let him He will accompany you for a walk! Horned Demon Yu'er, with a beauty like you, I think he will be very happy when he arrives in the underworld!" Tian Mojin smiled ferociously, stepped on the Heavenly Demon Step, urged the supernatural power to the Heavenly Demon Sword, and A huge Heavenly Demon Sword descended from the sky, and slashed at the Horned Demon Yu'er.

The horned demon Yu'er has experienced countless fierce battles along the way, and she is already a little exhausted and her mana is dry. Facing that huge Heavenly Demon Saber~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she can only bite her silver teeth and activate the supernatural powers. , evolved a huge magic horn and slammed into that day's magic knife.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the huge demon horn was cut open by the Tianmo knife, and the terrifying Tianma knife continued to slash towards the horned demon Yu'er.

The horned demon Yu'er twisted her delicate body desperately, and her body moved slightly sideways. The dark sky demon knife passed by her delicate body, and a huge cut was made on her right shoulder, dripping with blood. The dense demonic energy lingered in her right shoulder and could not be dispelled. Drops of blood dripped from the huge wound without any sign of healing.

The horned demon Yu'er is a strong person in the undead realm. Her body's resilience is extremely strong. An injury like her right shoulder can be recovered within a few breaths. However, Tian Mo's recent attack contained a powerful force of law, so her injury not only failed to recover, but showed signs of deterioration.

A look of ferocity flashed in Tianmo's near eyes, and he smiled ferociously: "Surrender! Horned Demon Yu'er, although I don't want to kill you! But if you insist on going your own way, I will cut off your limbs, put you in a box, and dedicate it to you!" Grand Commander! Even if there are no limbs, the Grand Commander must like a toy like you very much!" (To be continued...)

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