Godly Talent Duplicate System

Chapter 39 The Three-House Competition, 2

Next is Bai Jun from An Yue College versus Huang Qian from Sky Lan College.

Bai Jun and Huang Qian are also junior reserve warriors.

The two began to fight.

Bai Jun and Huang Qian were similar in strength, and the two fought inextricably, but in the end, Bai Jun won.

Bai Jun from Anyue College wins!

Next, Yang Feng came on the field and instantly defeated his opponent.

The same goes for Mu Hai and Jin Cheng from Tianlan Academy.

Both Mu Hai and Jin Cheng became senior reserve warriors.

Ye Chen naturally understands that they have become high-level reserve warriors, after all, they are all medium-level cultivation talents.

When it was time for him to make a move, he, like them, defeated the students who were fighting against him in an instant.

The second round has begun!

There are still twenty students left, and ten students will be eliminated.

All the warriors on the jury were talking about it.

If I'm not mistaken, there are five senior reserve warrior students among the twenty students. It seems that the quality is very high this time. A warrior said with a smile.

I know four of them, the other...

A martial artist thought about it, and then he was very sure that he didn't know Ye Chen.

Five senior reservists out of twenty students:

Ye Chen, Liu Qianqian, Mu Hai, Yang Feng, Jin Cheng.

His name is Ye Chen. Liu Xinghe suddenly said, and after speaking, he looked at the people on the left and right, Maybe this time he will win the competition.

Yang Feng's father, Yang Kun, smiled coldly and said to Liu Xinghe, Brother Xinghe, not every clown who jumps on the beam can win the first place.

Liu Xinghe did not answer, but continued to look at the test bench.

After the second round, the five senior reserve warriors from the three academies would definitely win. After the ten junior reserve warriors were eliminated, five senior reserve warriors and five intermediate reserve warriors remained.

Next, is the competition!

There is no doubt that these five intermediate reserve warriors cannot beat the advanced reserve warriors.

They won 6 to 10 places respectively.

They shook their heads, they didn't get the top three rewards, but fortunately, at least they got a place to go to the Baiyun Middle Cultivation Academy.

The top five are very important, and everyone is a senior reserve warrior.

The following is the competition for the top five in the three-house competition. As long as you win the top three, you can get the rewards of this competition!

Okay! Go! Hit!

Thousands of spectators cheered again.

Yang Feng from An Yue College, against Mu Hai from Sky Lan College!

Mu Hai and Yang Feng are both senior reserve warriors.

They came to power because they both pursued Liu Qianqian before, and the two were like enemies, and they were jealous when they met each other!

Suddenly, Yang Feng moved!

here we go!

A spectator exclaimed.

The two began to fight, which was extremely tragic.

Brother Mu, Brother Yang, who do you think will win? a warrior looked at Yang Kun and Mu Feng and said.

Mufeng is Muhai's father. Although the Mu family is not the three major families in Dongji City, it should not be underestimated.

The two of them didn't answer, they just looked at the two figures on the trial platform. Of course, they hoped that their son could win.

After all, Mu Hai's advanced body forging technique is a great achievement, and his body attributes are much stronger than Yang Feng's. It didn't take long for Yang Feng to be unable to support it.

In the end, the battle ended with Muhai winning.

Tianlan Academy Mu Hai wins!

(To be continued)

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