Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 971: Life is so lonely as snow

Seeing Dabao Daochang's expression, Li Zhen knew what he thought.

The inheritance here, he is really not rare.

"Old Dao, I think your cultivation base has not been completely stabilized now, and you can't show two or three out of ten of your strengths. Why don't you try another way!"

"Go away, Lao Tzu will definitely stabilize his cultivation in another year."

As for Li Zhen to be able to see his cultivation level, Dao Bao Taoist did not go deep, this little boy is very demon, he can see that nothing is strange.

However, this kid has such a high level of formation skills, he should be most keen to comprehend the formation, but how did he see this kid so repulsive.

"One year, too slow!"

It's really too slow. The worlds of several parties are about to merge. There is no Da Luo Xiu. It is estimated that I want to survive. It is not realistic. In a year, the day lily is cold.

Many treasures are speechless!

One year's time for a steady cultivation base, this is definitely a fast-moving speed in Country H, this kid actually said it was too slow.

"How many big Luos are in country H?" Li Zhen wanted to ask for a moment.

"..." Daobao Daochang was silent. This kid meant that only the realm of Da Luo was worthy of attention. He, Taiyi, would not enter the eyes of this little king|badan.

"You should know, you will eventually know, you are a ninth-rank little vegetable chicken. At this time, ask how many strong Immortal King Daluo has. Don't you worry about eating carrots?"

Mad, talking to this kid is not only heartbreaking, but also tired!

"I am now at the ninth rank, but I am going to break through Da Luo. It is estimated that one year is about the time. If you spend one year, you can only stabilize your cultivation. You are too stupid. Even SHI can't even eat hot food. ."

Dabao Taoist: "..."

"Boy, speak well, you will die!"

If a strong man in the pinnacle state of Taiyi said in front of him, it would be reliable. Li Zhen, a ninth-order little demon, said in front of him, the immortal king of Taiyi, that it would break through the immortal king in a year.

Isn't this nonsense?

Li Zhen squinted at Duobao Dadao. Oh, the qualifications are too rubbish!

Duobaodaodao is speechless, what kind of eyes this kid, this kind of eyes, is to be beaten.

At this moment, where they were, a green-red fruit suddenly appeared.

Daobao Taoist and Li Zhen glanced at each other, with doubts in their eyes, it was a little coincidence that this fruit appeared.

The next moment, they were enveloped by a force of space.


Familiar scene!

Li Zhengang opened his eyes and saw rows of bookshelves. The difference was that there was no one in front of the desk.

Li Zhen sighed slightly, the only fun was gone.

"Boy, what are you sighing?"

This little king|a bastard, old-fashioned.

It looked like he was older than a man several thousand years old.

"It's been seven or eight months since I practiced. I used to think that cultivation is such a fun thing. Now I feel that this is the case for the Ninth Stage, the True King, and the Great Emperor. Only Daluo and the Heavenly King are worthy of my pursuit. a bit!"

"Life is so lonely as snow!"

‘Seven or eight months! ’

Dabao Daoist was struck again.

"Don't brag, let's find a book and practice quickly, otherwise this trip will be in vain."

Dubaodao Chang laughed and cursed, this little king|Bad, absolutely deliberate!

The conversation between the two of them was not small, but it didn't seem to be heard by anyone. Those who came in were all watching with relish holding a book.

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