Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 923: Li came one day

Li Yitian!

Feng WeChat!

Hearing Li Zhen mentioned these two names, the faces of the few people changed and hesitated, because it didn't look like Li Zhen was lying.

But a few people will not be easily frightened because of Li Zhen's words.

Who are they?

Seven Young Masters on Quiet Street!

If you get scared so easily, why do you still mix in this circle of Kyoto?

Seeing the expressions of these people, the secret paths of those around them are broken, I am afraid these people will be out of luck.

"Fuck you Mad, what are you doing with so much nonsense? Go to hell!"

One of them shot suddenly.


Before everyone could see clearly, the man had flown upside down and landed suddenly, splashing dust.

"Do you dare to fight back!"

The others were furious and all rushed up.

Li Zhen is speechless, you all started, why didn't I fight back?

At this moment, two people ran over and just saw this scene and shouted: "Stop!"

Hearing the sound, Li Zhen was taken aback.

"Brother-in-law, are you here?"

Li Yitian glared at those people and shouted respectfully to Li Zhen.


The four women and a few little guys all looked at Li Zhen.

After being rescued by Li Zhen one day, Li went home.

But I didn't expect to come back until now.

Li Zhen felt four murderous auras, and quickly pulled Li Zhen'er out, and said to Li Yitian, "Did you not see your sister?"

Li Yitian saw Li Zhen'er for a moment, then jumped up excitedly.


Li Zhen kicked out.

Especially me, although you are half-brothers and sisters, but after all, there is a difference between men and women. You are suspected of taking advantage of my wife.

"Cousin, this is Feng WeChat, and my aunt is Feng Nannan."

Li Zhen'er was taken aback when she heard her mother's name, and then dumbfounded.

The other three women looked at Li Zhen suspiciously.

Li Zhen said angrily: "What are you looking at? I have four of you enough. How could there be other women?"

"That kid is Zhen'er's half-brother, and this is Zhen'er's cousin."

After speaking, I said all the reasons again.

"Zhen'er is the daughter of the Li family?" Li Xiaoman was dazed for a while.

Such a big background.

"Then you are Zhen'er's murder of his father's enemy?" Lin Zixi highlighted the shocking words.

Li Zhen'er also looked at Li Zhen with a look of surprise, disbelief, and a hint of panic.

"How could I kill my own father-in-law, they are not in Kyoto!"

Li Jidong has been searching for his daughter's whereabouts. He was rushed to the fringe area by the Li family a long time ago and is now in another city.

"Then Zhen'er's grandparents were killed by you too?"

Lin Zixi continued to open his mouth to kill.

"His grandparents have passed away long ago, otherwise Zhen'er would be left outside?"

Li Zhen was speechless. Seeing Lin Zixi still wanting to speak, he hugged her and patted her butt, causing Lin Zixi to roll his eyes.


Li Zhener walked over one day in a serene manner, and Li Zhen'er just looked at him so surely without any expression.

Li Zhen walked over, hugged her, and whispered: "You don't want you to be burdened. Now you are the woman of Li Zhen, the only **** fortune in country H. Others will only cheat you, and you will never be cheating on others. opportunity."

"You guys come here for me!"

Li Yitian, but the Lord who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, he shouted when he saw those people who wanted to sneak away quietly.

The Seventh Young Master in Jingjie was originally led by Li Yitian and Feng WeChat. How could they not be afraid when they see them here now?

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