"Li Zhen is going to die!"

"He fights against a family alone, to this point, he has proven that this person is powerful!"

"But no matter how strong it is, if you continue to fight, he will definitely die!"

The warriors onlookers watched the scene nervously.

It's really wonderful!

The two strongest men have deadly moves, they don't care about the injuries on their bodies at all, they are almost exchanging lives.

Over the years, there has been no war on the earth, and everyone is developing steadily. Where can I see this kind of battle?

Even the struggle against the cult is not as violent as it is today!

The sixth ancestor of the Li family laughed exaggeratedly, and the Zen stick in his hand was waving like lightning, and every step he took could cause a shock in the void.

Li Zhen didn't say anything, just do your best, the cat is killing you old bastard!

Once the golden light was flowing, Li Zhen's body became even more dim.

Everyone in the Li family looked at the scene in front of them excitedly, and their ancestors were looking forward to victory.

The ancestor of the Li family looked at Li Zhen faintly, "Boy, I admit that you are very strong. In this huge country H, your strength can also be in the forefront, but you should not provoke me to the Li family! Boy, as long as you give out your soul Oath, I will be loyal to my Li family in the future, I can call the shots and spare your life!"

Li Zhen glanced at him coldly, and the Chi Xiao Sword flew up, cutting off half of his head with a sword.

The sixth ancestor of the Li family was angry, and the **** Li Zhen was absolutely deliberate, as if he had spotted his head, and hit his head every time.

And every time the sword is dropped, it is his mouth. If this is not intentional, his name is written upside down.

"If you dare to talk nonsense, even the mouth below you will be cut off for you!"

Li Zhen said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent!

Li Zhen didn't say, they really didn't realize that every time the ancestor of the Li family was hit in the head, looking back now, he almost couldn't help but laugh.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The sixth ancestor of the Li family was pale, and the love of talent in his heart disappeared with Li Zhen's voice.

Looking at Li Zhen coldly, at this time Li Zhen's golden body is already bleak, and after a few more attempts, Li Zhen will never recover.

Even so, his heart was still horrified.

You know, what he used to recover was the Li family's heritage, while Li Zhen and him fight until now, but use his own energy.

Comparing top and bottom, he still lost.

"There must be some secret in this kid, he must get it!"

The sixth ancestor of the Li family's mind changed sharply.

It is impossible for a person to have so much true blood. Li Zhen and him have recovered dozens of times. If Li Zhen had no secrets, it would never be possible.

In the blink of an eye, the two had already fought a hundred moves.

The head of the sixth ancestor of the Li family had been beheaded more than a dozen times, and Li Zhen's golden body had also dimmed more than a dozen times. Now Li Zhen has basically not recovered, so he fixed the hole in his whole body to fight him.

This is a great opportunity!

The sixth ancestor of the Li family sneered coldly, restored his body to perfection again, and then screamed out his hands.

This time, he wants to capture Li Zhen alive!

At this moment, Li Zhen also gritted his teeth and killed him.

Sixth Patriarch looked at him coldly, boy, how can you be brave?

Fall down!

A vigorous palm force was going to pour on Li Zhen's body, but he obviously kept a little bit of strength.


An extremely alert heart palpitations suddenly appeared.

Where does the danger come from?

The six ancestors of the Li family's spiritual consciousness spread all over the world.

The next moment, he watched with a dumbfounded look at a dazzling golden glow emerging from Li Zhen's body...

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