Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 824: Spiritual Blood Oath

And... the three people looked at Li Zhen.

The young man in front of him is a high-grade alchemist, a family who wants to have a good relationship with Li Zhen, or a strong person, there are many.

In the next moment, they couldn't hear it. They felt a pain in their neck, and they couldn't feel anything anymore.

Seeing that Li Zhen killed the three masters without hesitation, the expressions of the masters were different.

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded.

"Ding, kill the Misty Peak traitor*2, evolution point +2000000."

Li Zhen frowned. He couldn't understand this task more and more. There were 15 traitors of Misty Peak. He has killed 6 now.

But these 6 people included the three forces of Xiaoyao Palace, Zhengyangzong and Li Family.

Who on earth betrayed Misty Peak back then?

Besides, the system didn't say what kind of power the Misty Peak was, nor did the system say when the door was destroyed. All this seemed to be too much for Li Zhen to figure out.

"What is your kid thinking?"

At this time, someone pushed his shoulders, and Li Zhen looked up just in time to see several masters looking at him.

"Seniors, do you know the Misty Peak Lingji Palace?"

These people have lived for more than a hundred years except for iron lunatics, and they must know something.

"Isn't that your sect? What's wrong?"

The iron madman asked suspiciously.

At this moment, Li Zhen instantly caught Gao Jian, Luan Yunshan, and Luo Xiangming, all of them flashing away, while the eyes of Old Jiang and the principal were a little blank.

It seems that the three Gao Jian must know something.

Li Zhen looked at the three people, especially Luo Xiangming. Since this old guy knew something, he didn't say anything.

However, when Li Zhen remembered, he didn't seem to have asked.

Also, looking at the appearance of Gao Jian and Luan Yunshan, the two must know a lot, but the two of them seem to be reluctant to speak out.

In the end, Li Zhen had to look at Luo Xiangming's body.

Luo Xiangming said angrily: "What do you kid see me doing? I know a little bit, but I certainly don't know as much as you.

Li Zhen sighed and said: "I am not strictly a disciple of Lingjiu Palace, I just accepted his inheritance."

Everyone frowned.

The iron madman curled his lips and said, "Since your kid is not a true Lingjiu Palace disciple, why are you asking so clearly?"

The other people also looked over and didn't speak.

Li Zhen glanced at everyone, and it seemed that these guys knew something inside.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Zhen had no choice but to say: "It's not that I have to figure it out, but that the old man made me take a spiritual blood oath before he died!"

Spiritual blood oath!

The combination of soul oath and blood oath is an extremely vicious oath. If the oath is taken but not completed, it will definitely be taken.

At present, no one can unlock this kind of oath!


Luo Xiangming stepped forward and squeezed Li Zhen's pulse, but as soon as his spiritual sense wanted to penetrate, he was bounced back by a terrifying mental power in Li Zhen's body.


Luo Xiangming's face changed drastically. He had not probed Li Zhen's mental power before, but the mental power that surged at that moment just now was really terrifying.

Gao Jian also found out when he saw it, but was still shocked by Li Zhen's terrifying mental power.

Li Zhen smiled secretly in his heart. The mental power of these people is like a newborn baby in front of him. It is impossible to find out whether there is a spiritual blood oath in him.

However, this scene coincided with the signs of spiritual blood oath.

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