Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 762: People of Thunder Beast

It's almost dawn!

There is almost no time!

Li Zhen directly jumped into the air, facing the monster who dared to intercept, he killed him with a punch!

Soon he came to the place Zhang Xuan said, and sure enough, there were also a few rock turtles lying there.

Just when Li Zhen wanted to step into the bottom of the lake, suddenly a group of monsters and humans stopped in front.

"Huh? Li Zhen?" A female voice came.

Hearing this name, the monster beasts "walala" backed away.

"Perilla?" Li Zhenxun went to fame, and saw Su Zisu in the crowd at a glance.

"You are not dead yet?"

Su Zisu exclaimed with excitement, in such a dangerous environment, when he met someone he knew, he felt inexplicably safe in his heart.

"..." Li Zhen's face went dark, how could he answer these words?

"What do you want to do?" Su Zisu also realized that she was wrong, and immediately changed the subject.

"I want to enter!" Li Zhenyi pointed to the bottom of the lake.

"No, inside..."

Hearing Li Zhen's words, Su Zisu and several humans were anxious, but before she could finish her words, they were stopped by a monster.

"Get out of the way, in front of Li Zhen, you thought you were in charge!"

Su Zisu glared and scolded angrily.

The waists of those human beings who were originally only non-committal are also straight. Li Zhen is so awesome, they have seen that with Li Zhen, these dozens of monsters are not enough for Li Zhen to pinch.

"Oh, he is the strong Li Zhen you humans call? Is he really as powerful as you said?"

A voice came from the back of the crowd, and Li Zhen looked over and saw someone walking over.

No, it's not a human being. Although this person has a perfect form, Li Zhen still sees that this person is not a human being.

"What are you?" Li Zhen said lightly.

"I am Li Mingyu from the Thunder Beast clan!" The man walked over slowly with a arrogant face. Wherever he went, the strong monsters gave way.

"..." Li Zhen was speechless, this guy is very funny, but the Thunder Beast clan, are they from his father's race?

That said, this guy is still his tribe.

Li Zhen fixedly looked at Li Mingyu, did this person come to look for his father?

My mother said that my father is very prestigious in the Thunder Beast clan, if it weren't for his father to bother to take care of things in the clan, the position of patriarch would definitely not belong to others.

"..." The powers of the human race were startled first, and then couldn't bear it anymore, and laughed.

Li Mingyu is a little baffling seeing human beings like this. Is his name so funny?

"Why, is Big Brother Mingyu's name so funny?" A negative voice suddenly came.

As soon as this remark came out, Li Mingyu was furious, with a fierce light in his eyes.

"Boy, you better give me a reasonable explanation." Li Mingyu locked Li Zhen and a hammer appeared in his hands.


Li Zhen frowned. It was not from his father's line. The father's line used swords and sticks. The hammer and axe were representative weapons of Li Taishang's line.

"The people of Wan Jianzong are in a valley not far away. Go and look for them."

Li Zhen gave Li Mingyu a faint look, and then said to Su Zisu.

"Zhang Ping, are they here?"

When everyone heard what Li Zhen said, they instantly became excited. In this barren ancient forbidden land, encountering more human races, undoubtedly the greater the possibility of surviving.

"Boy, Brother Mingyu asked you something, didn't you hear it?" A Thunder Tiger's eyes were full of fierce light, and the big abrupt claws came over.

Seeing this scene, those monsters instantly dispersed.

"Li Zhen, they have nothing to do with me!"

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