Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 707: Seven Star Tower disappeared

As soon as Li Zhen waved his hand, the monster beast appeared outside the formation.

The whole body of the monster beast was wet with cold sweat, and it couldn't stand still. He closed his eyes tightly, and when he couldn't feel the terrifying pressure, he realized that it was safe.

First, he shook his limbs in disbelief, and then left with excitement.

In the formation, the strong men of the monster clan who saw this scene stopped talking nonsense, forced the beast spirit out of the body, and then threw it to Li Zhen.

"You can give it to me! Boy, can't you take it?" The iron lunatic's eyes were red and purple.

MMP, how many are these!

Seven or eight thousand beast spirits now!

Li Zhen was more than enough to cultivate to the real king state.

No, when I go back, I must get some beast spirits from this stinky boy.

The iron madman and Lao Jiang looked at each other, and then nodded heavily, the matter was settled.

Zhang Pinghuo and Ye Shen looked at each other, thinking of the rumors about Li Zhen and others in the Seven-Star Pagoda, and their eyes showed suspicion.

"Brother Ye! Maybe Li Zhen really is not a person in this world. What should we do if they leave?" Once Li Zhen leaves, today's hatred will definitely be counted on the human race.

"Wait and see, Li Zhen doesn't look like that kind of vicious person." Ye Shen glanced at you, Li Zhen.

The war between the human race and the monster beast is still going on, but at this time the human race has completely taken the upper hand, and more than half of the strong monsters who have given away the beasts have left.

"Those traitors!" the strong man of the demon clan roared angrily.

"Hold on, they won't be arrogant for long!"


At this moment, the mountain they were on began to fall slowly.

Li Zhen looked down, but was blocked by an unknown force.

That was... Li Zhen frowned, as if it was not the power of this world, or even any power that Li Zhen knew.

Where did the Seven Star Tower come from?

But there was no time to think about this question, they were surrounded by all the monsters.

All the way to go is blocked.

Those strong monsters who showed beast spirits stood at the outermost periphery, staring coldly at Li Zhen.

"Humans, you hand over those beast spirits and commit suicide, otherwise I will regard your behavior today as a provocation from your human race to our demons." Standing in front of many beasts is a humanoid creature.

"Plant demon!"

After seeing the pine demon transformation, Li Zhen could see at a glance that the original form of the humanoid creature headed was a willow tree demon.

Zhang Pinghuo and Ye Shen looked ugly, and what they were worried about happened.

"Our human race? Haha, who said I am a human race?" Li Zhen and Tie Madzi and the others looked at each other and laughed.

Zhang Pinghuo and Ye Shen breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time clenched their fists.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Pinghuo and the others thought, but the other strong human race felt that they were being teased, and a feeling of extreme shame suddenly appeared in their hearts.

"We are not originally from this world, you bastards|breds, using people from this world to blackmail us, are you really that stupid?"

While Li Zhen said this sentence, his heart trembled, and his light swept towards Lao Jiang.

The reason why he dared to carry out such unscrupulous massacres was because Lao Jiang and the others sensed a slight force of world rejection.

The time for the separation of the two worlds is approaching. When the two worlds are completely separated, people like them will be teleported out.

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