Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 702: Dare to explode and destroy the whole family


The groundhog clan is wiped out!

"This is... the bloodline supernatural power of the Earth Grey Cat!" the strong man of the Tiger Clan roared in shock.

"how is this possible?"

How could a human being display the magical powers of their monster race.

Bloody fog drifted all over the sky, and strong humans and monsters were killed in the valley at any time.

Li Zhen was cruising in the battlefield, wherever he went, monsters were beheaded.

Luo Tianyi, Su Zisu and a few little guys had long been removed from the formation by Li Zhen.

"Kill the human first, as long as we kill him, we will win!" The powerhouse of the monster clan shifted his gaze to Li Zhen this time.

Array Mage, an existence that the beast can't ignore.


The spirit was surging, and the spirit power suddenly exploded. Before the strong of the monster race, he was annihilated.

Li Zhen dug out the beast spirit and swallowed it, his face turned pale, but he was laughing arrogantly!

The monsters in front of them are all evolutionary points.

Now that he has the blessing of the formation, he has the strength comparable to the real king, and none of these monsters is his enemy.

If it weren’t for the protection of Luo Tianyi and a few little guys, he wouldn’t have to urge the formation at all. The monster beasts on the scene fought alone, without his one-piece enemy, even the ninth-ranked powerhouse who understood the great road, Li Zhen can also be defeated.

"Boy, those **** are going to explode, bastard, that's my beast spirit!" At this moment, the iron madman's angry voice came.

Beast spirit!

Theirs, killing those monsters is theirs, but in order to destroy the formation, these **** actually blew themselves, and they shook the beast spirits.

These **** are willing to commit suicide, but are unwilling to leave the beast spirits behind.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Pinghuo and Ye Shen who were guarding him were in a daze. This combat body...has a thick skin.

"Damn it!"

Li Zhen saw that there were still some monsters ready to move, and burst out of mental power again, and shouted: "If you dare to explode the beast spirit, I will destroy your whole clan!"

"Asshole, dare to threaten my monster race! Let's die with me..."

An eighth-rank strongman of the monster clan was seriously injured, seeing the hopelessness of breaking through, immediately aroused the beast spirit in his body, and a terrifying and violent aura spread.

Just as this momentum just bloomed, Li vibrated.

"I've said that if you dare to explode beast spirits and destroy the whole clan, why don't you listen?"

Han Che's voice came, and the demon clan expert who exploded suddenly stunned, and the color of horror from a second ago still froze on his face.

Li Zhen withdrew his hand from its head, still holding a beast spirit in his hand.

"Oh, the color is bad! My beast spirit!"

"Cunning clan? Then kill the cunning clan first." The big hand reached out, and the next moment, a scene that stunned everyone appeared. All cunning clan were imprisoned, and slowly rose to the void. Lined up in front of Li Zhen.

Li Zhen took out the beast spirits one by one, and then fisted in the void.

"Earth God Fist!"


Flowers of blood bloomed in the void, as if a war song sounded.


All the powerful humans and monsters froze there in fright.

so horrible!

Too strong!

At this moment, no one can see how powerful Li Zhen really is!

In one blow, the cunning clan is wiped out!

Although the cunning clan is only a small clan, the strongest cultivation base also has the 9th-Rank early stage, but the 9th-Rank early strong is weak and weak in front of Li Zhen like a little ant.

Seeing this scene, Lei Qianjue's face instantly paled!

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