Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 648: See the same race

For a long while.

Li Zhen gritted his teeth while watching the delicious grilled dog monster meat on the shelf.

On the side, Luo Tianyi couldn't help but laugh.

Li Zhen's looks like a money fan is really cute.

There was a sound of footsteps, very quiet.

Luo Tianyi was nervous, and Li Zhen was roasting the meat leisurely, as if he hadn't seen it.

The two of them looked at each other and met the eyes that came by.

A pair of big pointed ears topped the round little head, which looked very cute. The light blue eyes were cute, and the little nose was towering. It should be attracted by the fragrance here.


Seeing these cats, Li Zhen suddenly felt a kind of kindness, and that feeling came from the bottom of his heart.

"Meow meow meow!" One of the cats is very delicate, with amber eyes looking at Li Zhen with doubts, and his voice is soft, exceptionally cute.

The one in front of him is obviously human, but it gives them a feeling of the same kind.

As soon as he saw these cats, Luo Tianyi's eyes showed a little love, and these cats really showed a pleasing breath.

"Why does your body give us a special feeling? Are you really a human?" The cute little cat tilted her head and looked at Li Zhen suspiciously.

Before Li Zhen could answer, a few kittens ran over in very elegant small steps.

"Can we eat it?" As he said, his little tongue stretched out and licked, the cute appearance made people unable to refuse.

"No!" Li Zhen's words made several kittens extremely depressed.

"It's not cooked yet." Li Zhen said as he took out some condiments and sprinkled them on.

"Storage ring!" Seeing Li Zhen waved something and something appeared, the little guys exclaimed, and several pairs of cute big eyes stared at Li Zhen's hand.

"Don't you?" As one of the five major races, the Cangcat clan's children storage ring should be standard.

Li Zhen looked at a few kittens in confusion. The lowest cultivation level was also in the early master stage. Didn't the Cats give them to them?

Upon hearing Li Zhen's questioning, one of the kittens said angrily: "Our storage bag was buckled by those bastards!"

"Cangming, don't talk nonsense, the elder said that he would come back for us."

"I want to come back? Since Elder Cang Min disappeared, do those cats in the clan still regard our line as a clan member?"

"Cats with different veins have storage bags at Rank 6, but we are only eligible to receive them from the Clan at the seventh level. We finally cultivated to the seventh level, but they told us that there are no storage bags in the clan for now Nothing. Why does the other cat have two storage bags." Cang Ming said angrily.

Hearing these cats mentioned their mother|'s name, Li Zhen's eyes gleamed, no wonder seeing these cats, his heart feels intimacy, it turns out that they are in the same vein as him.

My mother mentioned that the cat tribe has five main veins and many branch veins. The five main veins are Earth Grey Cat, Hyun Jin Cat, Qingquan Miao Cat, Chimu Grey Cat, and Burst Fire Cat. , The biggest pulse is the Earth Cangmao pulse.

As the largest main vein, the Cyan cat's line should have the best resources. How to listen to the meaning of these cats, the Cyan cat's line is very unsatisfactory.

And all this seems to have something to do with his|mother.

Isn’t the patriarch of the cat tribe his grandfather the cat? With his grandfather here, it is impossible for the cat in the earth to be so miserable.

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