Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1382: The world is going to merge

0,1.506 million cubic meters!

Li Zhen finally found out what was wrong with these two sets of numbers.

His previous evolution point is simply not enough to expand the Godhead world to 1.506 million cubic meters.

But perhaps it was his epiphany that accelerated the expansion of the godhead world, but the evolution point has always been in deficit, so his body will be sealed. Now these deficits have been filled, so his cultivation level will naturally come back. .

After finding out the reason, Li Zhen began desperately refining the spirit pill, and then helped everyone in Qian Yuanshan refining a simple magic weapon.

Li Zhen still wants to continue refining, but the development of the matter is not allowed.

There are signs of convergence in the major worlds.

He must go back.

Seeing that he has so many allies in the realm of cultivation, plus the Thunder Beast and the Cat Clan in the Holy Beast Realm, Li Zhen discovered that the mortal realm is not alone.


Back to Li's position again.

This place has become a ruin.

Li Zhen approached cautiously, because he knew that there must be a spy from the cultivation world.

The closer you are to the mortal world, the more warmth in your heart.

Separating from Duan Yushan, Li Zhen got into the family land of the Li family.

Inside, the void became extremely fragile, but inside, Li Zhen did not notice the atmosphere of the war.

Here, it is more like the Li family deliberately made it like this.

At the moment Li Zhen arrived at Li's house, Dongshan City, Cang Min was looking at his four children.

The four little guys finally transformed.

It is a pity that these four look too young, they look three or four years old at most.

Not as burly and handsome as Li Zhen at all.


The door opened and the four women walked in happily.

Seeing the four little guys, the eyes of the four women clearly showed joy.

Cang Min glanced, a faint smile appeared on her peerless face.

She had to admit in her heart that all of the four wives her son looked for were one in a thousand. Not only did she find her son, but she also found four all at once.

A cell phone rang.

Cang Min took out her mobile phone. Only the few people in country H knew her mobile phone number. These people didn't have important matters and wouldn't look for her.

"Sword Mountain Forest Region has changed!"

Gao Jian's words made Cang Min's beautiful eyes widen.

Seeing Cang Min's appearance, several little guys notified the play, and the four women also looked at Cang Min nervously.

"Tianyi, take care of them, I'll take a look!"

Cang Min said to Luo Tianyi with the highest cultivation base.

Luo Tian Yidai frowned, then nodded.

Jianshan Senyu.

There was a riot of spiritual energy, the towering giant mountain suddenly appeared, and for no reason, it appeared suddenly, magnificent and endless.

When Cang Min arrived, there were already a dozen people standing there.

"how long it has been!"

Cang Min asked Gao Jian.

Gao Jian did not dare to neglect, facing the strong man, respectfully replied: "It's been an hour!"

Cang Min watched quietly. Before, the highest place of Jianshan Mountain was only 100 meters high, but now, it is more than 1,000 meters high. The mountains are connected one after another, like the backbone of the world, lying in front of everyone.

Cang Min stepped into the void, and only then did he know the origin of the name Jianshan Forest Domain. A dozen giant mountains were connected together. Seen from the sky, it was like an unsheathed sword, exuding terrifying power.

This sword was powerful and sharp, even Gao Jian and others were forced to retreat by the sword light that bloomed from time to time.

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