The visitor was dressed in a red lotus shirt. Although it seemed that he was young, Li Zhen and Zhu Yunqi knew that he was definitely not young.

A red ribbon was wrapped around the body, and a hot wheel was stepped under his feet, and he was carrying a fire-tip gun.

The person facing the Hall of Shadows glared with anger.

The next moment, when the visitor waved his hand, the circle of light flashed away, and it hit the person who fought with Zhu Yunxuan, and then the speed did not decrease, and it hit the person who fought with Li Tai.

"Ah! Ah!"

With two screams, the two Immortal Kings Daluo didn't have the slightest power to resist, and they didn't even see how the people came to take action, so they died.

"Master Patriarch?!"

Seeing the people coming, Li Pu looked at them dumbfounded.

In that way, it seemed that they couldn't believe what they saw.

During the annual festival, the master always took them to visit a painting. They all knew that this was the ancestor of the Golden Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, but none of them had actually seen the ancestor, even the master just said this It was a rule set in the door. As for the ancestor, no one has seen it before, I am afraid that only the first generation of masters have seen it.

But Li Pu recognized the people at first sight.

"Meet Master Grandpa!"

Li Pu and the others were almost crying for joy. It turns out that there are such strong men in their door. What is ridiculous is that they have been bullied by people in Qianyuan Mountain for thousands of years, and even some small schools dare to bully them.

No one expected that there were such powerful characters in their door.

"Get up!" The people who saw Li Pu and their miserable condition did not wrinkle. When they saw Li Pu, they were about to kneel down. When the person waved their hands, they could no longer kneel down.

Li Zhen and Zhu Yunzhen were even more excited when they saw the visitor, not knowing what to say.


"Li Zhen, descendant of Yan and Huang Dynasty, met Third Prince Nezha!"

"Zhu Yunxuan, descendant of Yan and Huang, met Third Prince Nezha!"

Li Zhen and Zhu Yunsong knelt on the ground, and worshipped them respectfully.

Old Yun: "..."

Li Tai: "..."

When the third prince Nezha heard the words "Descendants of Yanhuang and Huang", his eyes suddenly became rounded, and even Qian Yuanshan's disciples ignored him and didn't see him doing anything. Li Zhen and Zhu Yunqi had already arrived in front of him.

"You are……"

The third prince Nezha looked at Li Zhen in surprise, and felt the same blood flowing through Li Zhen and them, he smiled! Smile so happy.

At this time, Li Tai seemed to think of something, and the gazes at Li Zhen and Zhu Yunqi became much more friendly.

Only those disciples of Yun Lao and Qian Yuanshan looked dumbfounded.

They don't understand, why is Li Zhen involved in Qian Yuanshan?

"There...Is it okay?"

Nezha asked cautiously, seemingly afraid of hearing bad news.

Zhu Yunshou looked at Li Zhen, because Li Zhen was hundreds of years later than his time and had the most say.

Nezha and Li Tai also stared at Li Zhen closely.

Li Zhen didn't speak, but showed the memory in his mind to Nezha through his spiritual thoughts.

Nezha's face changed rapidly, and his expression was surprised and happy.

In a foreign country, there is nothing better than hearing about the well-being of hometown.

Li Tai stepped forward timidly, held a fist at Li Zhen, and then also watched the voice transmission.

Li Zhen looked at Li Tai suspiciously, thoughtful in his heart, but did not dare to make an opinion.

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