Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1327: Kobayashi's despair

"Jiang Yuchen has seen the tower master!"

Jiang Yuchen smiled slightly at the person who led him in, and then said respectfully.

The man nodded, then turned to leave.

"Xiao Lin, you have been in Dan Pago for three years, right?"

Just when the man turned to leave, the tower master suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, the man immediately turned around and replied respectfully: "It has been three years and one month since returning to the tower master!"

The tower master nodded, "Three years and one month, is time passing really fast? Your alchemy has also improved very quickly."

Xiao Lin respectfully said: "It's all the tower master's teachings!"

"You are still so humble!" The tower master smiled at Xiaolin: "Let's go, leave Kylin City, and never come back again!"

Hearing the words of the tower master, Xiaolin thought that the tower master had promoted him, but after listening to the tower master's words, he immediately stayed there.

And Jiang Yuchen's face also changed.

Not only Jiang Yuchen, but the faces of many people sitting in the hall have changed, and some people can't see any changes on their faces, as if they have known these things a long time ago.

The alchemists who came out of the aristocratic family saw this scene and looked at each other, their bodies uncomfortable.

It seems that something big is about to happen.

"How? I don't understand?"

Seeing Xiaolin frozen there, as if stupid, Ling Shiquan smiled coldly and said.

"Tower Master, I want to know why? Is it because I brought in Young Master Jiang?"

Xiao Lin ignored Ling Shiquan, but raised his head, stared at the tower master, and asked.

Moreover, he directly put Jiang's family on the table, believing that Dan Ta did not dare to move Jiang's family arbitrarily, he would take the Jiang family's face into consideration, and retract the sentence just now.

"Tower Master, I think you have misunderstood, I..." Jiang Yuchen said immediately, with a humble smile on his face.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly flashed, appeared in front of Jiang Yuchen, looking at him coldly.

Jiang Yuchen's killing intent enveloped Jiang Yuchen. It seemed that Jiang Yuchen would die without a place to bury him if he said one more word!

Jiang Yuchen stiffened, staring at Ling Shiquan in horror.


Suddenly slapped, Jiang Yuchen wanted to avoid him, but he found that he had been imprisoned.

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

Ten slaps in a row directly swelled Jiang Yuchen's face.

"Elder Ling, you... deceive people too much!"

Jiang Yuchen's next words could not be said.

Because when Ling Shiquan looked at him, he saw a dead person, and the image of that person was him.

"You can try one more sentence!"

Ling Shiquan's icy voice came into Jiang Yuchen's ears word by word, making him tremble, because he could see that Ling Shiquan was not joking.

No matter how much he dared to speak, Ling Shiquan would really kill him.

However, Xiao Lin's face changed, and his eyes were a little flustered. He quickly looked at some people in the hall, full of pleading, as if he wanted those people to plead for him.

Danta, Qilin City, is one of the most promising forces in the Eastern Desolation. Although he is a god-level alchemist, his personal safety will be threatened once he leaves the Danta.

After all, his cultivation base is too low.

In the Dan Pagoda, he can enjoy the kind of high life. After leaving the Pill Pagoda, some forces will secretly take him away. After all, a Dan slave is much easier to control than a god-level alchemist.

Xiaolin looked at those big guys pleadingly, hoping that these people would speak for him, but at this time, everyone knew that something was about to happen, who would be willing to risk it?

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