Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1301: Insufficiency

Hearing what Ling Shiming said, the little fat man who had just returned from the lottery looked at Li Zhen in shock.

Then, "Wow, kid, I take you as a brother, you dare to **** my wife..."


Before the little fat man finished his words, he was kicked out by Ling Shiming.

"What kind of stuff, dare to lie, is Lao Tzu's daughter you can get involved?"

Hearing Ling Shiming's words, the little fat man rolled his eyes and exclaimed: "It turns out to be the father-in-law, my son-in-law, Donglincheng, Li Donglin!"

Ling Shiming was defeated by this shameless little fat man, and he didn't even want to talk to him.

Outside the Danta, the east wind in front of the water curtain broke, and he jumped in a hurry.

Li Zhen is from Dongfeng City. When did they become the son-in-law of the lord of Qilin City?

He wanted to rush in and question Ling Shiming, the bastard.

But Ling Shiming is the lord of Qilin City, so he can enter the Dan Pagoda freely at this time.

At this moment, in order to prevent other forces from affecting the evaluation of the title, the void around the Danta has been completely imprisoned.

It was impossible for Dongfengpo to pass, so he could only jump his feet hurriedly outside, looking at the water curtain with no other way.


"Okay, take the lottery to register with me, and then start the assessment!"

Finally drove his brother away, Ling Shiquan announced depressedly that the assessment began.

Ling Ran curled his mouth slightly when he saw the lottery he had caught.

There are only seven of the ten medicines, and there is one that she is not good at.

Jiang Yuchen was very happy. He was very lucky. He caught ten of them and he was quite good at them. He was very sure about this title assessment.

Taking a triumphant look at Li Zhen, Jiang Yuchen's heart was even more triumphant.

Hearing Ling Shiquan's announcement of the start, a dozen people immediately selected the elixir they needed on the wooden shelf.

This not only tested the examiner's memory of the pill, but also the evaluation of the year of the elixir. In many cases, some people have failed the evaluation at this level because of nervousness.

Sure enough, some people had just sat down with the elixir, and before they could take out the pill furnace, they were kicked out by Ling Shiquan.

The remaining dozen people all sat down and started to make fire to make alchemy. Only Li Zhen stood by the wooden stand, frowning.

"Boy, why don't you still make alchemy? Have you forgotten the alchemy? Don't think that if you take it indiscriminately, you can pass the test!"

Seeing Li Zhen's case, the examiner angrily scolded him.

Just now I saw that the city lord and elder Ling Shiquanling were so kind to Li Zhen, some people could not stand it for a long time.

Now that they have the opportunity, they can take the opportunity to reprimand Li Zhen.

Ling Shiquan also looked at Li Zhen with some doubts.

Hearing the examiner's words, all Jiang Yuchen and others looked towards Li Zhen.

Seeing that Li Zhen hadn't chosen the panacea, everyone sneered in his heart.

What if the soul scale is high? Can't remember Dan Fang, the assessment still failed.

"You don't have enough elixir!"

Li Zhen looked at the wooden shelf in front and said depressed.


Everyone looked at Li Zhen blankly.



"Li Zhen, you are so funny. The title assessment is one of the things that Danta values ​​most. These elixir are prepared by dozens of alchemists."

"In order to prevent mistakes, they repeatedly checked dozens of times, and even the tower owner sometimes checked it again. If the elixir was prepared incorrectly, it would have been checked long ago!"

"Your Danfang didn't remember, or you remembered it wrong, you just said it wrong, don't talk nonsense here, do you know how many seniors you have offended by saying this?

Jiang Yuchen laughed and even burst into tears. He didn't expect Li Zhen to make such a big joke.

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