Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1276: Kylin City

"Brother Li, do you feel strange?"

On the way, Dongfengpo suddenly said.

Their speed is extremely fast. Although the people in Danta have taken a step first, they are almost reaching the Qilin City, and they have not seen the trail of those people, which is very suspicious.

"Perhaps they went to other places and did not return to Kylin City!"

Li Zhen is very confident in his speed, even if the east wind breaks, he needs to do his best to catch up with him.

Although there are masters among the people in Danta, the most are those whose cultivation base is not very high.

It stands to reason that they should have caught up long ago, but if these people really go in other directions on the way, it is not surprising that they can't catch up.

"No matter what, let's go directly to Danta!"

Dongfengpo said, pulling Li Zhen and flying towards a giant city with magnificent splendor.

Standing under the giant city, looking at the towering city walls, Li Zhen couldn't help but look at the Dongfengpo beside him. How could Dongfeng City be so shabby compared to Qilin City?

Three characters were written in front of them, "Kirin City".

The city wall was smelted and cast from a special metal.

This metal is expensive at first glance.

The above is full of layers of formations, and the defensive ability is extremely terrifying.

Perceiving Li Zhen's gaze, Dong Fengpo's face was a little embarrassed, and he couldn't help but explain.

"Because of the existence of Danta in Qilin City, they are especially rich!"

"If Brother Li wants to refine a pill here, just enter a store, and the elixir in it can definitely guarantee you to refine it for days and nights without sleep!"

As soon as Li Zhen heard his eyes turned red, he was so rich.

"However, all stores that sell elixir in Kylin City only recognize titled alchemists or alchemists who come out of the pill tower!"

Dongfengpo then explained.

"go in!"

Dongfengpo, as the lord of a city, entering Kylin City, he also needs to line up to enter the city according to the rules of Kylin City.

"This rule is stipulated by Dan Ta!" Dongfengpo explained before Li Zhen asked.

Li Zhen was a little shocked, the power of this Danta is so powerful and terrifying? Even the Immortal King Daluo, Dongfengpo, was so afraid to mention it.

Entering the city, the two went straight to Danta.

"City Lord, when will you attack Li's house?"

Li Zhen asked inadvertently.

"The exact time has not been set yet..."

After thinking about it, Dongfengpo quietly explained to Li Zhen: "Brother Li, let’s tell you, we have no idea of ​​attacking the Li family at all. Dongfeng Group took the initiative to raise this idea."

"Their idea is probably to use this action to increase their prestige."

"This kind of thing is thankless, who wants to do it?"

Hearing the words that the east wind broke, Li Zhen had a murderous intent in his heart!


Li Zhen replied faintly, as if he had asked inadvertently just now.

At this moment, they arrived in front of Danta.

Kylin City is worthy of being the center of the East. Kylin City has no distinction between inner and outer cities.

There will not be many small cities around the outer city like Dongfeng City.

There is only one city in Qilin City, and there are no other small cities around him.

But no one dared to be wild here. If you offend Qilin City, it is equivalent to offending the entire Eastern Wilderness.

Danta is a very special existence.

Not everyone can get in and out of Danta.

Only two kinds of people can enter and exit the pill pagoda. One, warriors with a cultivation level above the fairy king realm can enter the pill pagoda at will, and two, a god-level alchemist.

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