Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1249: Kill Li Wusheng

"Li Zhen, what do you want to do?"

"Hurry up and let him go! Don't you dare to risk the world?"

"Go on, kill Li Zhen, he is just a true king, how powerful can he beat so many of us?"

Li Zhen looked at Li Wusheng faintly, with the corners of his mouth tucked slightly, his eyes were full of jokes.

"Li Zhen, I have already told the pavilion master what happened to you, just wait. Even if you kill me, you are not good."

Li Wusheng said, "I will show you a clear way to join Dongfeng Group and be the alchemy machine of my alchemy pavilion. You may still have a trace of vitality."

Li Wusheng threatened, his eyes were full of mockery.

Seeing the people around him being incited by him, his emotions are getting higher and higher, and his arrogant face, no matter where he is, as long as it is human, he can use it!

Li Zhen, how strong can you be? Isn't it played by me?

But he still doesn't understand how Li Zhen sees through his substitute?

"You threaten me?"

Li Zhen looked at Li Wusheng coldly.

"Li Wusheng, do you know that the people who threatened me are dead!"

"Put him down! Dare to come to my Dange to make trouble, Li Zhen, I think you are tired of life!"

Those offerings of Dan Pavilion stood up and looked at Li Zhen coldly.

"kill him!"

The crowd onlookers around also shouted.

"Master Li Zhen, stop! If you have something to discuss!"

At this time, there was a wave of fluctuations in the distant void, and the city guards came.

Seeing the city guards, the pride on Li Wusheng's face was even more unabashed.


His smile is destined to freeze on his face!

The sound of the avenue collapsed, and there was a crackling sound in the void.

"I said that the people who threatened me are dead! Why don't you believe it!"

"Ding, mission four, kill traitors, currently 1/5!"

The system prompt sounded, Li Zhen killed the human skin mask on this person's face and threw it on the ground.

"I went out to treat illnesses today to save people, and I was chased by this person!"

"Fart, Li Zhen, you spit less blood!"

"Yes, don't you let you say this?"

Those onlookers scolded loudly one by one.

"Do you have evidence?"

The people in Dan Pavilion were all trembling with anger. Li Zhen beheaded their people so unscrupulously. If this is not handled properly, what prestige does their Dan Pavilion have in this Dongfeng City?


Li Zhen took out a small thing, urged by his internal force, and an image instantly appeared in the void. It was exactly the scene when those people from Dan Pavilion were killed in Li Wujiu's home.

"that person……"

Dan Pavilion is a very powerful force in this Dongfeng City. Their guards are all celebrities and are known to everyone in the city. As soon as these people appear, they are recognized by the crowd.

Now those onlookers stopped talking!

Li Zhen looked at the people in Dan Pavilion coldly. You idiots know what this is. It was made by the cat master based on the video recorder. It was made by refining it before, but he didn't expect it to be used today.

Seeing this image, the expressions of those people in Dan Pavilion changed. If this image were transmitted to the City Lord's Mansion, it would be extremely detrimental to their Dan Pavilion.

"Li Zhen, there is little blood, who doesn't know that you are a craftsman, who knows if you made this thing yourself!"

After a fairy king finished speaking, he immediately took one step forward, and the terrifying sword force locked Li Zhen, this matter must be eliminated invisible, otherwise, their Dange's reputation would be stinking.

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