Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1197: Powerful interception

In the world of holy beasts, whoever is the most famous is Li Shaobai.

Genius cat!

Peerless cat!

Five-hundred-year-old achieved the position of Da Luo, but isn't it rumored that Li Shaobai was killed? How can we condense the phantom?

The master of the Da Luo phantom must exist before this phantom can be used, otherwise even one ten thousandth of the phantom's power will not be able to be used.

"This matter must be told to the patriarch!"

It is rumored in the Holy Beast Realm that Li Shaobai is dead. Who is talking nonsense?

Moreover, Li Zhen is actually Li Shaobai's son!

No wonder such a genius!

"Li Zhen, spare my life!"

Ye Feng shouted loudly, and at the same time used his body skills to the extreme.



As the word "dead" was uttered, Ye Feng, a peerless genius of the Ye family, was smashed to pieces by a paw.


At this moment, in the ancestral hall of the Ye Family and the Immortal Realm, an identity card cracked open with a click.

The person guarding the ancestral hall was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the shattered identity card in a daze!

In the Ye family, only peerless geniuses can the next successor of the Patriarch be qualified to place the identity card in the ancestral hall. The broken identity card is the latest.

"It's not good, Master Ye Feng is dead!"

The man staggered and ran out, falling a dozen somersaults at a distance of ten meters.


A deacon who was about to come in was stunned when he heard the words, and then stared blankly at the shattered identity card, and the thing in his hand fell to the ground with a "pop".

The fairy world is boiling!

Everyone who entered the secret realm of the true king in the Ye family was dead!

Even Ye Feng, the next successor of the Ye Family, is dead!

"Who did it?"

At this moment, the entire immortal world heard this roar from the ancestor of the Ye family, and then everyone saw a person leaving Ye family in the air.

In the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared on Qianyanzhou's site.

"Fire spirit out!"

The man didn't hesitate at all, he just took a palm to the territory of Jiejiao, without any hands left, looking at it, he clearly wanted to erase Jiejiao in the immortal world.


At this moment, a palm was shot out of the Jiao Jiao, and the palm was blasted away.

"Huoling, you turned out to be Hunyuan!"

This exclamation spread throughout the fairy world.

Our Lady of Fire Spirit Breaks through the realm of Hunyuan!

This news is shocking to the fairy world.

"Since it's here, then, die!"

Said a gentle female voice.

With that, a jade hand suddenly shot out of the void

Seeing this hand, the Ye Family's ancestor turned pale, and without any hesitation, he turned and fled.

But that jade hand had already locked him, and he couldn't move at all.

"Senior Huo Ling, spare your life!"

At this time, what can be more important than life?

The ancestor of the Ye family quickly begged for mercy.

The next moment, the jade hand patted it.

There was no sound, as if the hand had never been shot.

Many powerful eyes in the fairy world looked here.

God, it collapsed!

The avenue broke suddenly!

Infinite blood clouds appeared in the void.

Ye family heard howling and crying!

The sixth ancestor of the Ye family is dead!

A strong man in the early days of Da Luo was just killed!

"Jiejiao has no intention of being an enemy of the Immortal Realm, but he will not allow you to be insulted. If there is a similar situation, kill the whole clan!"

The gentle female voice continued.

As if to prove her words, dozens of terrifying auras spread from the interception teaching.

At this moment, the fairy world was in an uproar!

Especially those holy places, all silenced!

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