Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1157: Get a piece for the kitten

"Brother Li, take this opportunity to kill these villainous people, how about?"

Yu Linglong took the opportunity to propose, with a pair of beautiful big eyes eager to try.

When Yu Jinze heard this, his face became even more ugly.

The faces of those who had been taught by Jiejiao changed, because their allies had already revealed the intention of not helping each other in their eyes at this time.

If they were jointly shot by the two great emperor peak powerhouses, they would undoubtedly die.

Moreover, no one can guarantee the realm of Li Zhen's true cultivation level. Thinking of this, their faces are even more ugly.

"Everyone, how about giving me the face of Tianguyun, it's best not to use swords and soldiers here. This is a soldier's grave, which will disturb the real magic weapon here."

At this moment, Tian Gu Yun of Tian Gu Holy Land spoke.

Upon hearing this, Yu Linglong looked at Li Zhen, Li Zhen smiled faintly, and motioned Xiang Yu to put away the spear.

They saw that the real intention of these people here is probably to get a real magic weapon, so these people will never allow them to really fight.

When Xiang Yu heard Li Zhen's words, he put the spear away, but the people who looked at Jiejiao showed a joke, and seemed to take action at any time.

Perceiving Xiang Yu's eyes, those people felt a chill in their bodies.

At this moment, Chen Meisheng woke up, threw his original saber in place, and hugged the newly received sword in his arms.

This is the swordsman's way of raising the sword, holding the sword, and fostering a tacit understanding with the sword.

Yu Jinze's face was ugly, but he hated the disciple who took the shot without permission. He had already made plans in his heart, otherwise, why would he waste so much time?

But all this was interrupted by the idiot.

He valued Li Zhen and the others so much, just because he liked Li Zhen and their talents, but he didn't want to let Li Zhen and others get out of control, so he deliberately didn't teach the exercises.

Now it has been proved that he is right, Ye Wuqing and Chen Meisheng have both obtained fake magic weapons, and Qi Yu has not succeeded so far.

At this moment, the kitten woke up on Li Zhen's shoulders. The little guy stretched his waist, then yawned, and suddenly saw the thunder hammer, and his jewel-like eyes glowed with excitement.

"Meow meow!"

The kitten licked Li Zhen, then pointed his little paw at the thunder hammer.

"you want?"

Li Zhen had forgotten that this little guy, like him, had dual attributes, one of which was the Thunder attribute.


The little guy nodded sharply.

Li Zhen petted the little guy's head, then shouted at the thunder hammer: "Come here!"

The scene that shocked everyone's jaws appeared. When the thunder hammer heard the words, he immediately came to Li Zhen's side with joy, and then became smaller and was swallowed by the kitten without Li Zhen's command.

Tian Gu Yun: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Especially, their mentality has collapsed!

They are not as good as a cat?

Li Zhen casually took out a hammer and threw it to the original place.


The kitten looked at a wooden helmet again, holding Li Zhen's hair with her small paws, and called out.

"Do you still want it?"

Li Zhen laughed dumbly. This little guy is really greedy, but that helmet really suits it.

The little guy stretched out his tongue and licked Li Zhen's face. Li Zhen helplessly walked towards the helmet.

Everyone watched nervously.

It is not uncommon for Li Zhen to get the thunder hammer. At this time, Li Zhen's performance in front of the soldiers has been spread.

Everyone waited quietly, wanting to see if Li Zhen could do it.

Li Zhen ignored other people's gazes, came to the front of the helmet, and stuck out his big hand...

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