Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1154: Dong Shi Xiao Ning

As if feeling Li Zhen's disgust, the thunder hammer returned to the original point in frustration, and it looked like an abandoned child.

Xiang Yu and others knew Li Zhen's craftsmanship, and knew that Li Zhen might not appreciate the things here.

But those people don't know, seeing this scene, their mentality exploded directly.

Mad, why?

They want to be unavailable.

Li Zhen looked disgusted, but these fake magic weapons turned out to be annoyed. Why?

"I don't believe it!"

An immortal genius stepped up with anger, came to the thunder hammer, stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward.

No one noticed the smugness on this person's face.

This person saw the frustration of Thunder Hammer. He thought it would be easier to get Thunder Hammer's trust if he took action at this time.

The result was that at the moment he stretched his hand to the thunder hammer, he was suddenly enveloped by the power of a violent thunder. The man had no resistance at all and was instantly shattered.

Seeing this scene, those people's eyes froze and their pupils shrank suddenly.

"Brother Li, can you make a discussion..."

"go away!"

Just when someone next to Kanazawa spoke, he was roughly interrupted by Li Zhen.

The man looked stiff and looked at Li Zhen, his eyes full of resentment.

"Brother Li, we all..."

Yu Jinze wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Li Zhen directly waved his hand, "You guys in the great emperor realm can't do things, why bother to talk to me, a small person in the true king realm."

Hearing Li Zhen's words, the other alliances around him looked different.

"Haha, Yu Jinze, with such a peerless genius as Brother Li, you don't have a heart-to-heart, and you have to be pregnant. Do you have the face to ask Brother Li to do something for you?"

Yi Yangxi of Qianjianmen said jokingly.

Yu Jinze's face was ugly, but he didn't dare to tear his face with Li Zhenzhen.

After all, Li Zhen killed the two people just now, but he didn't have a real cultivation base, but directly used the power of his flesh to kill them.

Although Li Zhen exudes the breath of True King Realm, it gives him a sense of danger.

He trusts this intuition.

"Brother Li, it was me before..."

Yu Jinze also wanted to explain, at this moment, Xiang Yu suddenly walked towards an iron gun.

This gun is one foot long, and the gun body is carved with a dragon, and the aura of a king radiates outwards. Around this gun, there is no fake magic weapon approaching.

When everyone first came, they saw this gun, but no one dared to try it.

Seeing Xiang Yu walking by, the people next to him were joking.

Xiang Yu walked over, and as soon as he held it tightly, the gun immediately released a blast of air.

Seeing this scene, those people almost laughed out loud, but in the next scene, they couldn't laugh anymore.

"Trash, dare to resist!"

He only heard Xiang Yu's loud shout, and then the gun seemed to be stunned by the domineering spirit emanating from Xiang Yu's body, and immediately became extremely well-behaved.


The people around were dull, and they didn't know what language to use to describe their mood at the moment.

Could it be that they were too polite and gentle before?

A disciple of Jijiao walked to a sword next to him, and the people around looked at it, wanting to see the result.

As soon as the person grasped the sword, his face suddenly turned red, and this person urged the power of the Great Dao to the extreme.

"Trash, dare to resist!"

At the next breath, that sword seemed to be annoyed, and suddenly burst into a more domineering aura.

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