Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1130: Li Zhen Chuangdao

Hearing this voice, Tao Ming's whole body stiffened, with an incredible expression on his face.

Because this voice is...Li Zhen's.

Everyone looked forward and saw Li Zhen surrounded by a chaos-filled space. At this time, Li Zhen was lying on the ground, unharmed and miserable.

But he was not dead.

Despite his miserable appearance, Li Zhen was not dead.

But... how is this possible?

The coercion just now was so terrifying, even if the immortal King Taiyi met, it would only end up being crushed to death.

But why did Li Zhen have nothing to do?

This is incredible!

"What is being tested here is not only the comprehension ability of people, but also our godhead space. Brother Li may not have enough control over his godhead world. However, the tenacity of his godhead world is indeed beyond doubt."

Seeing Chen Meisheng's few people staring blankly, Xiang Yu explained lightly.

"After a while, after Brother Li comes down from above, you also go in and exercise your godhead space."

Upon hearing this, Chen Meisheng nodded frantically.

If their godhead space is so tough, wouldn't it be possible for them to escape safely even if they met the Immortal King Taiyi?

Taking a look at the appearance of the three Chen Meisheng, Xiang Yu knew what they were thinking, and could not help being speechless: "You can also recover infinitely like Brother Li?"


The three of Chen Meisheng swallowed. This was scared because they were scared by the dangerous thoughts.

Yes, their godhead space needs the power of great avenues to mobilize. They have so much power of great avenues?

If you encounter the Immortal King Taiyi, I am afraid that he will resist at most one blow, and he will die.

At this moment, not only Tao Ming was sluggish, everyone was sluggish.

Such attack power and crushing pressure can't kill Li Zhen, so how terrible is it to kill Li Zhen?

Could it be that only the powerhouse above Taiyi Immortal King can kill Li Zhen in the future?

Thinking of this, a look of horror appeared in their eyes.

From now on, I will never provoke Li Zhen again.

This is the thought in everyone's mind at this moment.

At this moment, Li Zhen didn't know the other people's thoughts. At this moment, he was lying on the trail.

"Madan, almost dead!"

Li Zhen slowly recovered. In the attack just now, if his godhead world had not been created, I am afraid he would have been crushed into powder.

He just felt that the current anti-crushing ability of the godhead world probably allowed him to withstand the random blow of the mid-term powerhouse of the Taiyi Immortal King.

Li Zhen sat cross-legged on the trail, feeling the mysterious and unpredictable pressure.

I have to say that this heavenly palace is really magical, and such wonderful places have been built, which can quickly enhance people's control over the world of the godhead.

At this moment, this coercion is like the majesty of the world, but he wants to challenge this terrifying force.

Li Zhen stood up and walked forward.

Feeling the crushing power from all around, Li Zhenjing heartily experienced this terrifying power, and then tried to use the godhead world to resist this power.

The stone statues released a terrifying coercion rushing towards him, but Li Zhen seemed to have not noticed it, and continued to walk forward without feeling any resistance.

Soon, Li Zhen came to the place where Xiang Yu had turned fifty steps before.

He smiled faintly, then turned around, and walked back.

The power emanating from the stone statues is not enough to allow them to completely control the world of the godhead. They only have to go back and do it again. Perhaps that power can be tried.

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