Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1107: Tianhe Road

Several people went on.

Of course, not long after he left, he was stopped by an infinite river.


The turbulent waves hit the shore, the violent waves swept, and the waves soared into the sky. The turbulent current seemed to tear the void, and even the sound of deafening came out.

The river is vast, but this is not the most dangerous place. In the most dangerous place, there are shadows in the river water.

Xiang Yu glanced, his eyes full of caution.

When Li Zhen saw this river, a name suddenly flashed through his mind, Tianhe.

Several people walked along the shore. Sure enough, Tie ruthlessly found it, and fell on the ground. There was a dilapidated stone stele on which was carved with two words: "Tianhe!"

Suddenly, Li Zhen thought of the former General Tianhe, is he in charge of this place?

But how did they get there!

Seeing the shadows below, one by one, the cultivation base is definitely not lower than the initial stage of the fairy king, no matter how powerful they are, they can't make it through.

There are too many things inside.

If this jumps in, it will become scum in seconds, and there will be no power to fight back.

"Made, there is no road ahead, what should I do?"

Tie Wudi asked distressedly.

Li Zhen thunder smashed into the Tianhe River without even a splash of water, and the power of the thunder was swallowed by the Tianhe water.

Then the spirit power surged, but it was still the same as the thunder power, and disappeared without a trace as soon as it submerged in Tianhe.

"I don't see it, I am immune to all spell attacks." Li Zhen was speechless. He could only enter the river if he wanted to attack the monster inside.

Understand this scene, the faces of several people are even more ugly.

At this moment, a small black spot suddenly appeared from a distance.

The next moment, a broken ship seeping water appeared in front of them.

A few people looked at each other, should they let them cross the river in this boat?

However, at this rate of water seepage, they were trapped in the river before they passed.

"This boat has been seeping water, but how many years has passed since, why has it not sunk?"

Chen Meisheng spoke.

When a few people heard it, it was the same.

At this moment, several figures suddenly walked over.

Li Zhen looked at it, but it was a few people he didn't know.

Several people didn't pay attention to Li Zhen's plan, and they embarked on the boat without fear of Li Zhen's sneak attack.

Then he saw a person input the power of the avenue into it, and the ship started to start.

These people seemed to know something. Several people took turns instilling the power of the avenue into it, and the speed of the boat became faster and faster. After a while, those people disappeared in front of Li Zhen and the others.

At this time, someone else rushed over from another direction.

Someone among them recognized Xiang Yu, with fear flashing in his eyes.

Li Zhen glanced at these people. They should have embarked on different roads, and on different roads, the opportunities will be different.

On these people, some of them are not messy, their breath is stable, and they should be lucky without encountering any danger, while some of them are replaced with the armor of the heavenly guards, but they are still breathless.

However, these people, although their auras were sluggish, Li Zhen could feel that these people must be just like them and had received certain benefits. If these people returned, they would surely stand out in their sect quickly.

At this moment, the ship returned.

Li Zhen took a look, and the boat was covered with blood. They didn't know whether it was those of them or the monsters.

Seeing this scene, those who wanted to get on the boat backed away, with hesitation in their eyes.

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