Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1086: Ye ruthlessly shot


A sword glow rose to the sky, and it was not weaker than the pressure brought by Ye Ruqing Fang Tian's painting of a halberd.

At this moment, Ye ruthlessly made a move.

Shaking the Fang Tian painting halberd in his hand, everyone hadn't seen it clearly, and a violent shock came from the void. As they approached, those people who wanted to see clearly were swallowed by this violent space crack before they could react!

"It's a space crack!"

"A touch at will, leading to a crack in space, Ye Ruqing, really amazing! Ye Ruqing, No. 1 in the rankings, deserves his name!"

At this moment, even Xu Zhu had to admit that he was really not Ye Wuqing's opponent.

But he also strengthened his judgment, Li Zhen, this time he was dead.

As for the royal people in the ancient world, they looked over with fear, but there was too much dust, and the space was so violent that their vision was blocked, and they couldn't see what was happening inside.

"This person, don't provoke!"

The ridiculous people looked at each other, and then nodded in unison. At this moment, they all thought of going together.

But before everyone could see anything clearly, there was already a fierce collision in the void.

"This is... Li Zhen is not dead yet!"

"With such a terrifying blow, Li Zhen didn't die!"

The people around were shocked!

Ye Wuqing's blow just now was hardly weaker than the half-step Immortal King Realm powerhouse's casual blow.

The powerhouse at the peak level of the Great Emperor, if he encounters Ye Wuqing, he will probably hate him.

In the entire land of the true king, there is absolutely no possibility that anyone can stop Ye Wuqing's blow.

But now, Li Zhen is blocking it!

"This is impossible!"

Xu Zhu didn't believe what he saw before his eyes.

At this time, Li Zhen was not only okay, but was inseparable from Ye Wuqing.

"Look, that seems to be... the fast sword of the fast sword gate!"

A person pointed at Li Zhen suddenly and exclaimed.

However, Chen Meisheng was stunned.

He was earlier than others could tell.

At this moment, Chen Meisheng was straightforward.

The fast swordsmanship, in the hands of Li Zhen, was easy to come by, and Li Zhen used some tricks, even more exquisite than him.

Feng kind-hearted poked Chen Meisheng aside, "Brother Chen, Li Zhen will not be your disciple in Kuaijianmen!"

This kind of exquisite swordsmanship, Kuaijianmen could not be spread out casually.

Chen Meisheng: "..."

Seeing Feng Shanliang wanted to poke him, Chen Meisheng immediately signaled Feng Shanliang to silence.

Because he has seen Li Zhen display a more subtle sword technique.

There is no sign of this kind of swordsmanship, there is no fixed swordsmanship, it seems that ordinary people are doing it indiscriminately, but every sword can hit Ye Ruqing's flaws.

There were some flaws, they didn't even notice it, but when they knew that Ye Wuqing had to return to defense, they could see why Li Zhen stabbed there with the sword.

"Li Zhen is a swordsman!"

Li Zhen's swordsmanship has reached its peak.

At this moment, Li Zhen frowned.

Ye Ruqing is really terrifying!

Moreover, he felt more deeply than others.

Ye Wuqing didn't have any moves at all, but was waving that Fangtian painting halberd with the power of his body.

Li Zhen didn't know, Ye Ruqing was also surprised at this time.

Among the martial artists of the same cultivation level, Li Zhen was the first to be able to fight him with so many moves and still remain invincible.

Moreover, Li Zhen's swordsmanship is really wonderful, every time he has exquisite swordsmanship, he has to return to defense.


At this moment, a loud roar came out.

An aura of horror suddenly appeared.

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