Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1079: Wang Jinghai, falling


"In the end what happened?"

"How can Wang Jinghai's name become flickering!"

"This is the third strongest in the rankings"

"Could it be Ye Ruqing or Xu Zhu made the move?"

The land of the true king, at this time, all people became silent!

All the people practice again, but quietly watching the list.

In a dense forest, a person was fighting fiercely with a monster at the peak of the Great Emperor. Suddenly, an abnormal change appeared in the void.

Seeing the list appearing in the void, this person suddenly took a step, appeared in front of the monster beast, and then smashed the monster beast with a punch!

That fierce murderous aura caused those monster beasts around to disperse.

Why is this person more like a giant monster than them?

This person looked at the list, frowning, "Ye Ruqing, is that you?"

At this moment, someone passed by this person. After seeing this person, he quickly slowed down his steps, and then slowly moved away. It was a long sigh of relief until he was far away.

"That's... Xu Zhu!"

"Yes, it doesn't seem that Xu Zhu made the move, then, it must be Ye Ruqing!"

"Unexpectedly, Ye Wuqing would directly kill Jia Jingshan and Wang Jinghai!"

"Everyone said that from tenth to second in the rankings, these nine powerhouses combined are not Ye Ruqing's opponents. I don't know if it is true."

"It should be true. It is rumored that Ye Wuqing is the rebirth of the ancient power and the rebirth, still carrying the memories of his life, so in this life, only a teenager, he has already cultivated to such a cultivation level!"


Just when they were talking, it was abrupt!

The eyes of a few people suddenly went round!


"this is……"

"Wang Jinghai...dead?"

On the list, Wang Jinghai's name suddenly became dim, and then he was instantly replaced by Li Zhen! The rankings below were all mentioned at once.

"Ye ruthless!"

"It must be Ye Ruqing!"

"Does Ye Wuqing want to kill all the people who threaten him before entering the real king's secret realm?"

Such discussions appeared everywhere in the land of the true king, and everyone was talking in low voices.

Almost at the same time, the two powerhouses ranked ninth and tenth, at this moment, their faces changed!

Although they were very happy to be ranked ninth and tenth, if the one who shot was Ye Ruqing, then their fate would be miserable!


Seeing that his name rose by one place, Li Zhen smiled faintly.

The body of the Bone Eater slowly disappeared!

It is just a projection that has been summoned, and when the time comes, it will return to its own world.

Li Zhen was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

In which world is Bonebreaker King?

Holy Beast Realm?

I never heard my father say it!

Dad told Li Zhen about all the strong men in the holy beast world, and there is no such strong man named Bone Crawler.

But Wang Jinghai summoned it.

A projection has such strength, the real cultivation base is absolutely above the fairy king realm.

The strong in the fairy king realm will never be unknown.

Li Zhen frowned. Could it be that there are other worlds of life in this universe?

If before, Li Zhen must have doubted, but how did he get here?

Can this be imagined in the past?

Since he can come to this world, and there are other worlds besides the five worlds, what is impossible?

Thinking of this, Li Zhen's eyes froze.

This world is getting more and more fun!

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