Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1032: Unimaginable victory

Seeing the appearance of North China, Li Zhen knew what he was thinking.

With a cold smile, his mental power surged, and Li Zhen's violent mental power was felt, and North China's face changed drastically.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned and fled.

The reason why he dared to kill Li Zhen was because he thought that Li Zhen's mental power blew himself up so many times, and now he can't blew himself up.

The last time Li Zhen escaped was also because Li Zhen often blew himself up because of his mental power, so he hurt his foundation.

It has only been a while, and even if Li Zhen's divine consciousness is 100% realized, it is impossible to recover so quickly.

But feeling Li Zhen's mental power, there was no doubt in his heart.

Li Zhen's mental strength has been restored.

Exclaimed in my heart, this is impossible, but the body did not delay fleeing.

"Brother Hua, would you like to stay and fight me?"

Li Zhen laughed, and stepped forward to a disciple of Chanjiao, but his eyes were fixed in the direction of North China, his eyes were full of jokes.

When the disciple saw Li Zhen in front of him, his eyes were startled, then his eyes changed rapidly, and finally stopped in a desperate expression.

Li Zhen put away this person's storage ring, and walked to the next person without stopping.

Seeing Li Zhen running towards him, those who explained and taught were all shocked.

As Li Zhen shot, the energy burst into a violent roar in the void.


Below everyone, the ground collapsed because of everyone's fight.

After killing some of them, those people of Chanjiao were scared to be killed, and there was no intention to fight against those people of the four great families.

At this time, the people of the four great families also shook.

To these people in the Immortal Realm, no longer fear, but beheaded without scruples.

"It's so fun!"

People from the four great families were stained red with blood, but their faces were particularly happy with smiles, but if you look closely, you will find that the smiles on their faces are full of coldness and mercilessness.

"Brother Hua, take revenge for me!"

"Kill all the people in the realm of cultivation!"

The surrounding energy suddenly became violent.


A huge explosion sounded ten miles around.

The strong man in the fairy world roared, the energy on his body became extremely violent, and some even burst into brilliant light.

Not just one person, but dozens of people at the same time.

"They are going to blew themselves up!"

"Everyone retire!"

Seeing the people in the fairy world like this, the people of the four great families also frowned.

Unexpectedly, people in the fairy world would be so brave and fearless of death.

"Everyone, leave a breakthrough point for people in the fairy world!"

Li Zhen quickly reminded everyone in the four major families.

The family of the four great worlds instantly understood Li Zhen's thoughts, and immediately revealed a mouth intentionally or unintentionally.

People in the fairy world, when they saw it, immediately swarmed towards that place.

Seeing Li Zhen's unscrupulous beheading among the crowd, some people blew themselves up in despair, some were fighting desperately, but in the end they were helplessly beheaded by Li Zhen.

Successive mental strength exploded, Li Zhen was dizzy and would fall to the ground at any time.

Fortunately, these people in the immortal world were scared by him. Even without Li Zhen, these people had no fighting spirit in their hearts and only knew to flee.

The battle begins quickly and ends quickly!

People from the four great families, seeing the powerful immortal realms lying on the ground, they were dull!

Then, shocked!

They, facing the people in the fairy world, can actually have such a big victory!

Before I came in, I couldn't imagine it.

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