Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 199: Finally see Qinyuan

Qinyuan, I am waiting for you at the foot of the mountain.

A light and fluttering sentence, mixed in the wind, the volume of the sound remained unchanged, and it spread at the Wuyu Peak.

In an empty place on Wuyu Peak, dozens of people practiced together, breathing uniformly, and the sentence came over lightly, everyone was stunned.

"Where did the voice come from."

"Didn't you say to wait under the mountain! It should be under the mountain!"

"But there are hundreds of meters away from here under the mountain. Why is it the same as what I said in my ear? What's the matter?"

"You didn't pay attention to how you still thought about it. Did you pass this to Senior Sister Qinyuan?"

"Who is waiting for Senior Sister Qinyuan to fall to the ground at the foot of the mountain? No, I'm going to see."

"I'll go as well……"


Most of a group of people stood up and walked toward the foot of the mountain mightily.

The same thing happened in every corner of Wuyu Peak.

Whether they were practicing outdoors or indoors, except those who could not leave in retreat, they all got up and walked down the mountain.

In the main hall of Wuyu Peak.

Peak Master Mingyuexian sat in the main seat, and her eight true disciples sat opposite her and listened to her preaching.

Halfway through the sermon, a breeze blew in.

At first, everyone didn't care, but in the next moment, everyone's expressions changed.

Mingyuexian opened his eyes and glanced at the new apprentice who was sitting at the back, as well as the other disciples.

The eyes of these people were a bit ambiguous.

There was also a person who frowned and looked gloomy, as if thinking about something.

The female disciple who was followed by everyone opened her eyes, and a pair of narrow and charming phoenix eyes revealed a hint of joy.

This woman is no one else but Wang Yu's maid, Qin Yuan.

Today is the time for her Master Mingyuexian to preach to all the disciples. She did not practice in the courtyard, but heard it in the hall.

Wang Yun couldn't find her even if she was not stopped.

Qin Yuan heard this familiar voice, the voice she was thinking about, her expression was a little excited, stood up, and gave a hand to Mingyuexian: "Master, under the mountain is a very important person for the disciple, and the disciple wants to go down the mountain and have a look. ."


Before Mingyuexian spoke, the young woman seated on the second futon stood up. With a serious face, she looked at Qinyuan and said righteously: "You know that Master only waits for me to preach three times a year, and each time is hard to come by. This meeting has not been finished. You are leaving now. Everyone is waiting for you, or you are not ready to listen to the preaching, where do you put the face of the master? Just because of the wind

I would like to ask you the voice from the middle, how important is that person? Or does the teacher respect it? "

Qin Yuan didn't expect that the second elder sister, who used to treat herself and her face, would suddenly attack her.

If the second elder sister yelled at her, she would listen and would not refute it at all. However, this time was different. The person who came was too important to her.

Qin Yuan looked at Mingyuexian, and Mingyuexian did not stop the second disciple Luo Xirou from launching an attack.

Seeing Qin Yuan looking towards her, she did not speak, as if she also wanted to know the answer in Qin Yuan's heart, her face was also extremely calm, and there was no waves.

Seeing that the master did not speak, Qin Yuan looked at Luo Xirou again and said: "Second Sister, the people under the mountain are very important to me."

"How important is it? Is it better than Master?" Luo Xirou seemed to be dissatisfied with Qin Yuan's answer and asked.

"He is more important than my life. I can do anything for him." Qin Yuan said without hesitation, and said firmly, the "he" in her mouth also made everyone present curious.

What kind of person can make Qinyuan fall in love with this.

Even Mingyuexian was no exception. He took a deep look at the little apprentice, no anger, and calm.

Luo Xirou's face is even more ugly, she is different from others, she has her own careful thinking, she yearns for strength and power.

And the bargaining chip she wants to gain strength and power is Xiaojun Qinyuan.

As long as the little junior sister is sent to that person, she will be able to obtain the power and strength she wants. She is like Dong Qianqian and is for someone to match Qinyuan.

But now, a single voice can make Qin Yuan so excited that even Master can give up.

This is not good news for her. The person down the mountain is definitely a stumbling block on her way to power. Thinking of this, Luo Xirou's eyes flashed with a fierce chatter.

However, she hid very deeply and disappeared at once.

Qin Yuan didn't notice, she looked at Mingyuexian and said, "Master, I beg you to let the disciple go down."

"If you are told by the teacher, if you leave halfway, you will not be able to listen to the teacher's lecture in the future, can you go down?" asked Mingyuexian.

Qin Yuan nodded without hesitation. As she said before, she can do anything for him.

Mingyuexian took a deep look at Qinyuan, and was silent for a while before he said: "Go, go and meet him, and bring him to the hall."


Qin Yuan opened his eyes wide, looking at the honorable master, he couldn't believe his ears.

Looking at the little apprentice's dumbfounded appearance, Mingyuexian smiled: "Why? Master, I want to see what kind of outstanding person is that man who can make my little apprentice abandon everything!"

Qinyuan finally reacted.

"Thank you, Master!"

Qinyuan bowed to Mingyuexian, turned around and ran out. The wind-like woman was stunned by the others.

It's hard to imagine that the usually well-behaved little junior sisters would have such rash moments.

At the same time, everyone was even more curious about him in Qin Yuan's mouth.


There is one scene on the mountain, and another scene under the mountain.

Dong Qianqian was a little confused. He watched Wang Yu shout, but his voice was not loud. It would be good if he could reach a hundred meters. How can the people on the mountain hear clearly!

He thought that Wang Yu could let Feng deliver the letter for him.

Wang Yu didn't care about them. After sending the voice up the mountain, he stepped aside and waited tightly.

During the waiting period, the people on the mountain came one after another and saw the female disciple Shoushan at the foot of the mountain. They came forward and asked. When the female disciple Shoushan saw so many senior sisters coming down, they were a little confused. Hearing what the senior sisters said, they subconsciously pointed. Refers to Wang Yu.

The female disciples of Wuyu Peak came down in groups, and the waiting men under the mountain were dumbfounded.

What is going on, how come so many people come down.

Could it be that the Wuyufeng mountain is so wonderful that people on the mountain can hear it by shouting from below?

The female disciple of Moriyama raised a question, and the female disciple who came down said something inexplicable, "There is a sound in the wind!"

When everyone was puzzled, a rush of footsteps came from the mountain.

"Master, you are finally here."

A pleasant voice sounded, and at the foot of the mountain, countless male disciples felt their hearts broken.

When Wang Yu heard the words, he looked up and saw the beautiful figure rushing down from the mountain. He smiled, and the others looked over. Qinyuan was really called down by Wang Yu.

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