Godly Dragon Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 4006: Evacuate Pantaoyuan

The flat peach garden occupies an area of ​​about thousands of miles, and the surrounding area is filled with rolling cold fog. The flat peach tree I saw is just the tip of the iceberg, and you will definitely be rewarded if you look for it carefully.

Shen Lang opened the eyes of the holy demon and carefully searched the Pan Taoyuan.

Before taking two steps, Shen Lang touched the ban.

Under the ice layer on the ground of Pantaoyuan, there is a kind of peculiar spar bricks, these bricks are engraved with insignificant rune marks, once stepping on them, it will trigger a certain kind of prohibition, releasing golden light energy .

These golden light energies will condense with each other and turn into a yellow turban warrior, attacking the intruder.

Shen Lang casually released the Jiu Mei real fire, attacking the attacking yellow turban warriors.

"Bah Bah Bah!"

The dazzling fire surging, accompanied by the sound of one after another burst, the yellow turban warriors who hit were all burned to slag.

The power of Jiu Mei True Fire is determined by the cultivation base and control of the monks. Since Shen Lang broke through Luo Tianshang, the power of Jiu Mei True Fire released has greatly increased, far better than before, and it is enough to deal with these yellow turban warriors.

The turbulent fire light was scattered everywhere, it seemed extremely hot, but it was unable to melt the ice in this flat peach garden!

Even if these frozen flat peach trees were completely swallowed up by the Jiumei real fire, the hard ice attached to the surface of the fruit trees didn't mean the slightest melt.

On the contrary, the burning hard ice on the surface of the fruit tree turned into an extremely cold white mist, quickly suppressing the true fire of Jiu Mei.


Shen Lang smacked his lips.

No wonder Moon Palace Fairy said that this frozen flat peach cannot be eaten unless the ice layer on the surface is melted first, which seems to be the case.

Even the true fire of Jiu Mei couldn't melt this ice layer, which shows how huge extremely cold energy is contained in this ice!

Shen Lang released the true fire of Jiu Mei, and after killing several yellow-turbaned soldiers, he came to a flat peach tree.

This flat peach tree is about three feet long, and it releases an astonishing cold air. There are only two slightly ripening flat peach fruits on the tree, and a layer of hard ice is attached to the surface.

Shen Lang used the Immobility Golden Body Jue, his right hand was wrapped in dense golden runes, like a golden glove.

After taking defensive measures, Shen Lang tried to pick the flat peach fruits from the tree. After touching the flat peach fruits, he felt the extreme cold force released by the ice.

Fortunately, his strong physical quality, coupled with full defense, barely resisted the extremely cold force on the surface of the flat peach fruit.

Shen Lang grabbed a flat peach fruit on the tree with his right hand and tried his best to pull it hard, but found that he could not pull the fruit off the branch.

In desperation, Shen Lang had no choice but to offer the Xuanhua axe, struggling to chop, and finally cut off the branches of the fruit, and saw the slightly ripening flat peach fruit on the tree.

Shen Lang's eyes were quick, and he turned his hand and took out a huge jade cauldron from the storage ring. The flat peach fruit was collected in the jade cauldron.

After the operation was feasible, Shen Lang took the fruits in this way, and successively split the flat peach fruits on the nearby flat peach trees, and collected these flat peach fruits into the Yuding like picking up dates.

Along the way, Shen Lang never let go of a flat peach fruit, even the first-born flat peach fruit must be included in the Yuding.

Anyway, I have obtained the consent of the fairy of the moon palace, don't do it for nothing, Shen Lang intends to empty all the flat peaches in the flat peach garden!

Even if you don't need it, you can give it away. A heaven and earth spirit fruit like flat peach fruit that has no side effects can be met but not sought. Naturally, the more the better.

The prohibition in Pantaoyuan can be seen everywhere, but wherever Shen Lang passes, there are a large number of yellow turban warriors appearing and attacking.

These yellow turban warriors have limited combat power. Shen Lang vigorously used their magical powers to destroy all these yellow turban warriors who were not afraid of life and death.

Not long after, Shen Lang had already arrived in the central area of ​​Pantaoyuan.

The chaotic celestial energy here is as strong as the substance, and the air is filled with white haze. Just a deep breath will make people burst into blood.

It is a pity that the chaotic immortal energy in the air cannot be collected, otherwise Shen Lang would want to take away all the chaotic auras here and use it for himself.

The flat peach trees in the central area of ​​the flat peach orchard are getting taller and taller. There are more flat peach fruits and higher quality on the trees. There are many half-ripe flat peach fruits growing on the branches.

Shen Lang ransacked, wishing to empty all Pan Taoyuan!

Before he knew it, he actually collected thousands of half-ripe flat peaches! I feel incredible.

Although the half-ripe flat peach fruit is not very useful to Luo Tianshangxian, it can also replenish vitality, slightly prolong life, and even detoxify, eliminate curses, etc., which are rare treasures!

For monks below Luo Tianshang, the half-ripe flat peach fruit is even more useful. In addition to greatly prolonging life, it can also greatly increase cultivation, greatly boost soul power, strengthen physical fitness, and so on.

However, the flat peach fruits of the same grade can only exert 100% effect after the first consumption, and the effect of the second consumption does not exist, unless the flat peach fruits of higher grade are taken.

Shen Lang used to consume flat peaches that were half-ripe, but now it has little effect.

The collected half-ripe flat peach fruits are more useful as gifts.

Shen Lang continued to go deep into Pantaoyuan.

There is a small square in the center of Pantaoyuan. The square is only a thousand meters wide, and there are a lot of spiritual flowers and grasses planted around it.

It's not so much a square, it's a sea of ​​flowers, but it's all covered by ice.

In the center of the Flower Sea, there are three huge glazed trees. Different from other flat peach trees, the three flat peach trees in the center of the sea of ​​flowers are unusually tall, with a height of one hundred meters, and extremely luxuriant branches and leaves. The leaves of the trees can even pass through the ice layer to release a wonderful glazed glow, giving people. A gorgeous

The sense of sight!

Shen Lang's eyes were shining, and fools could see that the age of the three flat peach trees in the center of the square far exceeded the other flat peach trees in the garden!

This is not the point, the point is that on these three giant flat peach trees, there are a total of ten crimson, **** flat peach fruits scattered! Although the fruit was also frozen, it still couldn't conceal the aura released.

"Firm ripening period flat peach fruit!"

Shen Lang was overjoyed, his hard work paid off, he finally found a real good thing!

The flat peach fruit in the ripening period has a miraculous effect on Luo Tianshangxian, which can obviously promote Luo Tianshangxian's cultivation, enhance physical fitness, delay the five decay of heaven and man, and so on. The effect is excellent.

In the age of the Five Emperors, this is definitely the spiritual fruit of heaven and earth that Luo Tianshang dreamed of!

In front of these three giant flat peach trees, there are actually ten hard-ripening flat peach fruits!

Shen Lang was so excited that he was about to step forward to get the fruit and stepped onto the steps of the path at the entrance of the sea of ​​flowers.

The moment Shen Lang stepped into the trail, the sudden change suddenly appeared.

"Buzzing!"    The sea of ​​flowers covered by the ice seemed to come to life, suddenly a large number of colorful petals surged, covering the entire square in an instant.

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