Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2321: Open the barrier!

Even if the treasures in the treasury are emptied, the main reason is that even the fragments of the heavenly secret scroll are stolen. The Golden Beetle King is as uncomfortable as eating shit.

He furiously rushed into the first floor of the hall, and yelled at the five elders in the hall: "You all come with me!"

As soon as the shout fell, the Golden Beetle King rushed out of the Golden Armor Palace.

The five elders saw the anger of the insect king, look at me and I see you, confused, but they still followed the Golden Beetle King and flew out of the Golden Armor Palace together.

The Golden Beetle King released his spiritual sense and found that Shen Lang was no longer covered by his spiritual sense.

Shen Lang's Demon Butterfly Transformation has the function of concealing aura, which is stronger than the monks in the late stage of the fit. Unless the power of the soul is far beyond the same level, it is extremely difficult to find Shen Lang through divine consciousness exploration.

But the Golden Beetle King has other means to track Shen Lang. He immediately took a piece of crystal-clear color like a star from his arms, it was the celestial map scroll fragment!

After injecting spiritual power or demon power into the celestial secret map fragments, you can sense the location of other celestial map scroll fragments nearby. As long as the Treasure Treasury's celestial mystery map scroll fragments on the treasure thief, he will not lose it.

The Golden Beetle King hurriedly poured demon power into the fragments, and quickly sensed the location of a nearby fragment, and hurriedly pursued Shen Lang.


At this moment, Shen Lang had long transformed into the appearance of a white-robed priest. He originally wanted to lurch in the Scarab tribe as a white-robed priest and pass the test.

But this idea was quickly rejected by him. The Scarab tribe was extremely difficult to get in and out. If the Golden Scarab King had a slightly higher IQ, he would definitely find out the monks who entered and leave the Scarab tribe recently, and his situation would be very dangerous.

Instead of playing some meaningless tricks, it is better to leave the Scarab race as quickly as possible!

Shen Lang turned into a white-robed priest. The mixed element cloak on his shoulders and the mixed ingot boots under his feet rose sharply. The whole person turned into a stream of light and flew towards the exit of the southeast border of the Scarab tribe.

Along the way, he deliberately restrained his breath to avoid being easily traced to the escape track.

The Scarab tribe has only one entrance, which is where Shen Lang came before.

About ten minutes later, Shen Lang arrived at the border and came to the exit of the Scarab Clan border barrier.

There are two guard towers on the border, and the center of the two guard towers is the exit of the enchantment, but the guard who guards the exit must activate the token to open the exit.

"I have seen Priest Bai Yuan!"

Several patrolling demons saw Shen Lang floating under him, and immediately bowed to salute.

"No gift, quickly open the barrier exit!" Shen Lang said hurriedly.

"Priest Bai Yuan, didn't you just come to the clan? Why are you leaving so soon?" the patrolling demon repair leader asked curiously.

"I am ordered by the high priest to go out to perform an urgent task! Stop talking nonsense here, and quickly open the barrier exit!" Shen Lang looked anxious and found a reason casually.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The patrol leader hurriedly clasped his fists, but he did not dare to offend the priest in white robe, and immediately ordered two guards to say: "Quickly open the barrier and let the priest Bai Yuan leave!"


The two guards immediately responded, just when they took out the gold and silver tokens from their waists.

"According to the king's order, close the barrier exit, and let go of a monk!!!"

There was a loud roar from the horizon.

The roar is full of endless murderous intent, like the sound of rolling thunder, the sound is tens of thousands of miles, the ground is roaring and trembling, extremely harsh!

The extremely violent momentum gives people a kind of trembling on the soul! The demon cultivators of the Scarab tribe around, heard the roar, their scalp numb, and their hands and feet trembled.

Just a roar contains such a terrifying sense of coercion, and the owner of the sound can only be the Golden Beetle King!

The patrolling demon cultivators were shocked and at a loss for a moment.

"Okay...it seems to be the voice of Lord Insect King, Priest Bai Yuan, please don't go out yet, wait here for a while!" The leader of the patrol demon repair respectfully held his fist at Shen Lang.

"A bunch of idiots, Lord Insect King is not referring to me! Hurry up and open the enchantment. I have missed my major event. You are asking me!" Shen Lang roared.

The patrol leader said, "Forgive me! Lord Insect King has just issued an order to close the barrier exit and not allow a monk to leave the barrier. If Priest Bai Yuan leaves the barrier at this time, it is considered a violation of Lord Insect King. Order, let’s wait a moment here."

"Oh shit!"

Shen Lang smashed his mouth, he could no longer pretend, he wanted this patrol leader to open the barrier, he was afraid it was impossible.

Can't go on like this! It is estimated that within half a minute, the Golden Beetle King will chase him.

If you can’t escape the enchantment of the Scarab Clan, you will definitely become a turtle in the urn.

Shen Lang made a decisive decision and directly displayed the five-color phantom light.


A large number of five-color light beams gushing out of Shen Lang's body, like a violent wind, radiating in all directions.


There were screams and screams, and several patrolling monks around the two guard towers were hit by the five-color phantom light, and they fell to the ground or fell from the sky.

The patrol leader in the late stage of Lianxu beside Shen Lang also had a distorted face, and he was limp to the ground, screaming like ghosts and wolves.

The two guards at the entrance fainted directly.

Shen Lang's five-color phantom light made all the surrounding patrol monks lose their combat effectiveness.

He searched for the soul of a guard at the fastest speed, obtained the method to open the enchantment, and the spell that activates the token.

The spell seems complicated, but fortunately, Shen Langneng can master it instantly.

The monsters are inherently not good at spells other than black magic. This is actually the strength of the human monks. Coupled with Shen Lang's amazing understanding, it is easy to penetrate the mystery of this forbidden spell.

It is a pity that to open the enchantment, it originally required two cultivators to work together, but Shen Lang was acting alone, which could only weaken the power of the restraint, and could not create a gap in the restraint.

In desperation, Shen Lang could only try to weaken the power of restraint, to see if the weakened barrier entrance could be opened with external force.

He picked up a golden token and muttered a spell silently in his mouth.


The golden token suddenly released golden light, shining at the edge of the barrier.

The barrier of the original golden light was weakened a lot, and the light dimmed.

Shen Lang immediately put away the token, flipped his hand to offer the Golden Sword of Hunyuan, and hit an Aurora Slash toward the weakened barrier!


Thousands of golden sword shadows slammed into the barrier, making a sound of earth-shaking explosions.

The weakened enchantment barrier was really smashed by Aurora to open a thumb-sized gap in space, which was distorted.

"There is a play!"

Shen Lang was overjoyed.

The gap in the space heals slowly, and he is completely hopeful that he can perform multiple attacks to open a gap in the space that is large enough.

Just as Shen Lang was once again gaining momentum and preparing to perform Aurora Slash with all his strength, the Golden Beetle King finally arrived with five elders.

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