God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 987: Leo of the twelve constellations

"Installation is complete! The action group retreats!!"

The black-clothed leader gave an order, and the six Kawaki suddenly became invisible!

A stealth monster beast!

"Boss! If we don't put bombs on our hearts, can we blow up the protection prohibition!"

A man in black in Chuanmu couldn't help asking.

The leader smiled suddenly.

"This bomb is specially used to break the barrier!"

"The core of the bomb is an alien parasitic energy devourer."

"So, its explosion depends to a certain extent on the host's energy and coercion!"

"When the host's energy increases, the energy devouring bug will begin to absorb it."

"When the host's coercion reaches a certain condition, the Devourer will detonate itself, thereby detonating the bomb!"

"This is equivalent to using the energy of the Void Ancient Whale to blast its own defense!"

Several people in black in the Chuanmu team nodded suddenly.

Asked another man in black.

"However, the Void Ancient Whale is the exclusive beast of Tamiya Manzo, the leader of the island nation. What use is it for us to blow it up?"

Just listen to the chief's pretentious answer.

"How can Mr. Guangqiang's strategy be something you can predict, so you can only be my subordinates!"

"But it's okay to tell you! After all, our mission has been successfully completed!"

"The detonation point of this bomb is set to the Emperor level!"

"And Tamiya Manzo is using this competition to evolve the Void Ancient Whale to the Emperor level!"

"So, when the game is over, this secret bomb will explode!"

"That's an emperor-level explosion! It must be destroyed!"

"At that time, the young star Beast Masters of all Blue Star alliances will fall in the belly of the Void Ancient Whale!"

"Hahaha! By then all the alliances will fall!"

"And our Chuanmu will become the unique No. 1 Beastmaster group in this world!"

"Of course there is another important role, and that is to use this competition to kill Jiang Chen!"

"As long as the bomb explodes, Jiang Chen will die. Tamiya Manzo will definitely be back for it. Then the entire island nation alliance will rule for me Kawaki!"

The black people in Chuanmu nodded admiringly.

This is no longer just killing two birds with one stone, it is killing three birds with one stone, four birds with one stone!

The invisible man in black quickly evacuated, closing the entrance to the heart.

Around the heart, the inscriptions flowed, the Void Ancient Whale didn't even know that his life had entered the countdown under Chuanmu's plan!

The game at this time will not be affected in any way and will continue.

Jiang Chen everyone had already left the Fengling Valley at this time, and together with A Sankun, they went to look for the entrance to the third floor.

Ah Sankun was not afraid that Jiang Chen would cheat him again.

And Jiang Chen, first, thinks that the Asan League is quite the European Emperor, and wants to save some energy on the third floor.

Second, there are enough pits in Asan Kun pit, and pitting is too much.

On the road, the two teams frantically hunted monsters, and both were very smooth.

Soon, everyone found the entrance to the third floor!

A huge vortex cavity in the middle of a vast lake!

It seems that the entire second layer of space is integrated into the third layer.

Twelve people jumped into the whirlpool.


Following the flow of the water curtain, everyone in Jiang Chen sneaked into the third layer of monster space.

The mountains here are steep and the sky is deep blue, regardless of whether it is the night sky or the water curtain.

In the absence of sunlight, there are still lush, towering trees.

Everyone appreciates a vast wonder!

"Brother Jiang Chen, let's find the lair separately!"

"Otherwise, it's so vast and lofty mountains, it would be too lucky to look for it!"

Jiang Chen thought about it, it's okay to split up, after all, expanding the search range is the key to finding the monster's lair.

If all depends on luck, it would be a fluke.

The two teams discussed the meeting place and temporarily separated.

Jiang Chen and others went to the left, and Ah Sankun went to the right.

Everyone in Yanhuang found a high ground, ready to rely on the terrain to find traces of the existence of possible monsters.

As everyone flew to the top of the mountain, countless stars shone on the sky on another piece of sky that was obscured by the mountain.

The stars are really moving.

The three fairies of Chang'an came out of stars and stopped to take pictures.

But Jiang Chen saw the clues in the beautiful reverse starry sky.

"No, there is a constellation in this starlight!"

As soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, fifty shining stars were immediately chained into the sky above the sky.

In order to see the constellations clearly, Jiang Chen kept changing his angles and finally saw clearly.

"Look! It's Leo!"

Li Xiaofu raised his head, looked at it for a long time and didn't see anything, instead he started singing.

"The tail in July? Is it Leo?"

Wang Sicong glanced at him and sang it in sheep's voice.

"A prelude to August ~ also Leo~"

Jiang Chen got goose bumps all over his body when he sang.

"Stop! Sing and sell you two to A Sankun to learn how to sing and rap basketball!"

The two suddenly closed their mouths carefully.

Jiang Chen waved and made a tactical gesture.

"Keep up!"

The six touched a higher mountain and chased after the Leo star.

Jiang Chen everyone hid in the forest, raised their binoculars, and looked down in the sky.

At the bottom of the hillside, there is indeed a team of people resting.

Jiang Chen could not help but frowned slightly when he saw the visitor clearly.

"It turned out to be a member of the Nordic Mythology League!"

"There are rumors that the captain of the Norse Mythology Team, Eoria, is a legacy of Leo mythology!"

"His monster must be related to Leo."

"And every night, his head will be like a god, showing the constellation."

When Wang Sicong heard this, he snorted and laughed without holding back.


"Be funny! This is a living target!"

Li Xiaofu is gearing up even more.

"Cut! No matter what they are doing here, Xiaoye will go and do him, pick out his constellation as a horse ride!"

When the two were talking and laughing, Jiang Chen frowned suddenly.

"Shh! Xiaofu don't move, something is wrong with the Nordic team!"

Jiang Chen pulled Li Xiaofu over.

Everyone in Changan looked at the position of the Nordic Mythology team.

Looking in midair, only six players were arranged in a hexagram.

Above Aiolia, endless stars shone.

Terrifying energy swept the valley!

Aiolia said very cautiously.

"Come out! Don't force me to do it!"


There was applause.

"As expected of Eoria, you can see through it!"

Jiang Chen turned the telescope to the person coming.

I saw a sturdy muscular man wearing a tights like the Trump Alliance Stars and Stripes, and a one-meter high alloy buckler on his left hand.

In the center of the round shield is a huge star.

Jiang Chen recognized this dress at a glance.

He almost said in unison with Eoria.

"Captain Trump, Steve!"

Turning to Steve, he laughed arrogantly.

"Hahaha! Aiolia! Since you recognize me, give me what I should give me!"

Aiolia suddenly snorted.

"To you, the beauty of thinking!"

"If you have that ability, come and get it!"

Both of these people are provocative.

At this time, Li Xiaofu was glad that he had no impulse.

And Jiang Chen simply took out his Yin-Yang Hotpot Ding! (Official complaints are the most deadly)

With a telescope and the spicy ingredients, the six people in Chang'an ate hot pot directly on the top of the mountain!

While eating, playing cards and watching a show.

Li Xiaofu asked with a note on his face.

"Brother Chen! What is the origin of this Steve!"

Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Captain Trump is a reformed soldier, but he was frozen in the glacier during the ancient war."

"After being salvaged in modern times, I never expected to become a beast master!"

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