God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 976: Void Ancient Whale

At this moment, the hearts of hundreds of millions of viewers in Yanhuang were brought up again.

Jiang Chen greeted the audience with a smile on his face.

And the Island Beastmaster who was pretending to be forced in front of the camera suddenly lost his arrogance, clutching his swollen face with slaps, and sat back down on his seat.

Now, the whole world knew the arrogance of the Island Beastmaster.

On the contrary, Jiang Chen and others, this time the finale, earned a lot of attention and attention.

The organizing committee immediately checked the list of participants, and Jiang Chen and others successfully entered the contestant stand.

Everything is ready and the opening ceremony is proceeding.

Various stars and dancers from the island country have come on stage to perform.

Subsequently, the host came to the stage.

"I am honored to announce that the Blue Star All-Union Star Beast Master Competition will begin now!"


For a time, the audience thundered with applause.

"Please ask our great leader to come on stage and read the rules of the game!"

After that, a middle-aged man wearing a general's armor came to the arena.

"Everyone, it is an honor for Tamiya Manzo to start the Blue Star All-Union Star Beastmaster Competition in the island country!"

"It also means that the level of influence of our island nation alliance on Blue Star continues to increase!"

"On this basis, I re-planned the main schedule of this competition."

"This competition is a group points match."

"At the end of the schedule, the team with the highest points wins!"

"In addition to this, an individual winner is also calculated."

"The player with the highest individual points of the team is the team MVP!"

"The player with the best personal points in the whole game is the All-Star MVP!"

"Next, please pay attention to the venue of this competition!"

The players scratched their heads.

"What did the old man say? Isn't the venue here?"

The voice of doubt spread throughout the arena.

I saw Tamiya Manzo and did not explain.

He looked at his feet, and water suddenly leaked from the samurai armor on his body.

A blue wandering dragon circulates and swims on the armor of the samurai, and endless pressure swept the Mount Fuji Royal Beast Arena.

In the horror of the audience, the arena ring suddenly split.

The arena is three hundred meters in diameter.

In the huge gap of the black hole, water waves are filled!

A small artificial lake slowly appeared in front of everyone.

expensive! !

The terrifying whale roar came from the dark water!

The coercion of atrial fibrillation permeated.

The timid audience was suddenly frightened under the stool.


In the sky, a huge holographic projection appeared in the eyes of everyone.

I saw a "hill" slowly rising from the water in the artificial lake.

Jiang Chen surprisingly discovered that what was floating from the water turned out to be an extremely huge deep-sea whale!

Everyone was shocked!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Void Ancient Whale

【Monster Level】: Level 75 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Water System/Space System

【Monster State】: Pleasant (healthy)

[Character of Monster Beast]: The giant void beast that wanders in the galaxy is the prototype of Leviathan in the Bible. It has the power to devour the starry sky and create space.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Time System

[Evolution route]: There are 6 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen looked serious.

This Void Ancient Whale is clearly similar to its own little Kun Kun!

No wonder this Tamiya Manzo can act as the leader of the island nation alliance!

"I'm afraid this competition venue is not in the belly of this empty ancient whale!!"

Everyone around looked at Jiang Chen, with complex expressions on his face.

Everyone in Chang'an was full of excitement, while most of the others were frightened, with a lot of cold sweat on their foreheads.

Not all the beast masters are like everyone in Chang'an. They once ran into the belly of a giant beast to play, and played twice!

The camera swept over, and almost everyone in the Yanhuang team was calm.

Even the Trump League, which has a relatively strong team, is all involved in discussion.

at this time.

expensive! !

The underwater giant whale yelled.

Amidst the shocking voices of the audience, the hill slowly cracked and turned into a big mouth of dark blood!

What is even more chilling is the fish, shrimp, insect and crab crawling out of this huge mouth.

This Void Ancient Whale is really too big, small fishes and shrimps live in the gaps in its mouth.

But fish and shrimp are not the point.


A brilliant light flashed.

I saw an illusory door suddenly appeared in the mouth of the ancient whale of the void.

Tamiya Manzo spoke at this time.

"Dear players, the venue for this competition is about to open!"

"Yes, it's in my own beast's body!"

"There are multiple layers of space in the body of the Void Ancient Whale, and there are many monster forces in each layer of space. You can earn points by killing monsters, and only in the nest of monster forces can you enter the next layer of space."

"The deeper the depth of the monster beast space, the stronger the monster beasts in it, and the more points you get from killing them."

"Similarly, if you defeat a team with more points, you can get more points!!"


The audience was in an uproar!

The players all discussed.

"It turned out to be this kind of competition system!"

The members of the island team said.

"Well! In other words, not only must we kill monsters to advance to the deep space! Should we also guard against other people's attacks?"

The Trump team next to him smiled.

"Haha!! You are right, and more importantly, you have to hunt other teams to get points!"

All the teams in the field are well-trained to start the pre-war plan.

Jiang Chen and the people in Chang'an also gathered around.

"Go in for a while and stay absolutely nervous."

"There is a big problem with this game!"

Faced with such a serious discussion, Tamiya Manzo couldn't help laughing.

This time he used to recruit hard labor for free!

In fact, these monsters are all parasitic monsters in the Void Ancient Whale.

These monsters can only survive by absorbing the energy of the Void Ancient Whale, accumulating over time, forming a huge group.

And the growth rate of Void Ancient Whale's power has been dragged infinitely slow!

If these parasitic monsters can be eliminated, and the power of the dead parasitic monsters returns to the void ancient whale, the void ancient whale will become stronger and stronger.

Therefore, in the Tamiya Manzo plan, the real purpose of this competition is to use the teams of various alliances to kill the parasitic monsters that make the Void Ancient Whale.

"It's better to let it break through level 80 in one fell swoop!"

In the shadow that the audience can't see, Tamiya Manzo smiled and whispered.

Immediately, he straightened up his face and took out the air of the leader.

"Distribute recording equipment!"

"Countdown! 3! 2! 1!"

"Game start!"

expensive! ! !

There was a whale howl.

The Void Ancient Whale suddenly opened its big mouth, and the huge void gate instantly condensed, as if it were substance.

boom! !

The huge door of the void suddenly opened!

The black light swallowed everything, and the endless starlight burst out, exuding a terrifying breath.

Even if the breath is dangerous, the team members of various alliances still rush to grab the first and then jump in.

This kind of competition system is especially important to seize the opportunity!

At this time, in the control room of the stadium.

A huge gene logo is reflected on the screen.

Hundreds of monitoring devices simultaneously monitor the movements of every player.

Kawaki’s monitoring room is hidden in the arena!

Below the screen, a mysterious dark figure sneered.

"Hehe! This game will be very exciting!"

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