God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1406: Shadow Lord

The terrifying demon breath broke out instantly.

The huge black and white beams of light spread out in mid-air, forming a formidable angel halo.

The halo was suspended in the air, black and white light projected down.

The power of the endless emperor surged across the arena.

The arrogant and fierce Bimeng crawled on the ground, and he was actually afraid of the power of the devil that flourished in the halo!

Just as the devil's power was pervading, Shen Yang, the little ghost who had been following Jiang Chen's back, suddenly stagnated, and then recovered his calm.

After the baptism of the death field, all the ghosts and demons with the power of the king on the field were all killed.

Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Hahaha! It looks like the outcome is already divided!"

The seven lords were speechless!

Jiang Chen emptied the entire field of contestants as soon as he shot.

Such a terrifying record was easily said by him as the victory or defeat.

No one is not afraid, no one is not afraid.

Jiang Chen's powerful strength was enough to shake the entire Blue Star.

However, there are always so few frogs at the bottom of the well who do not live or die, trying to compete with Jiang Chen!

Among the ghosts, a roar that echoed the audience suddenly broke out.

"What do you lords do for food! Jiang Chen killed tens of thousands of demons at once, you only know that you are in a daze?"

This moment aroused the anger of tens of thousands of spectators.

"Kill Jiang Chen!"

"If Jiang Chen doesn't get rid of it, it will be a major disaster!"

At this moment, Laojiao suddenly thought that he could use the power of the masses to drag Jiang Chen into the wind, and immediately rushed to the competition stage.

"Jiang Chen! You have a vicious mind, slaughter my people! You can't die!"

"My lord, this kind of person is not worthy to run for the lordship of our borderless land!"

With the desperate provocation of the old licking dog, the audience on the stage was instantly angry.

"Kill Jiang Chen! Kill Jiang Chen!"

They rushed to the stage desperately, trying to tear Jiang Chen with their fangs and ghost claws.

But Jiang Chen just smiled softly.

As the laughter echoed in the open space, the sacred light in A Leng's body broke out instantly!

The powerful sacred power swept across the shadow capital immediately.

Suddenly, the entire shadow capital was silent.

The face of Lord Demon Fox stretched out.

The other six lords looked at it with reproach.

Why did Jiang Chen get angry? The audience in the arena didn't know the inside story and thought Jiang Chen was a villain who killed innocent people.

However, the seven lords present knew in their hearts.

The reason why Jiang Chen started to kill in the shadows was because the four of the twelve monarchs of the Fallen Continent, Chen, united in one, and wanted to kill Jiang Chen when his wings were not yet abundant!

"If you hadn't provoke Jiang Chen, the land without a master would not have experienced this difficulty!"

Several lords woke up instantly.

It is the demon fox lord who caused the destruction of tens of thousands of ghost leaders.

Lord Demon Fox showed a very willful look.

It transforms into a human woman, and then imitates the female thinking very much.

I saw it hug his shoulders and his face was fearless.

"Do you want to hand me over in exchange for peace?"

"Looking at Jiang Chen's appearance, do you think you can get the peace you want?"

"If you hand me over, I will die, and I will fight hard. When Jiang Chen kills me, he denies and asks for peace. Who else can stop him in the land of no masters!"

"This is the end of the matter. Either you will punish Jiang Chen with me, or wait for Jiang Chen to destroy the entire fallen continent!"

The six lords suddenly became dumb.

Although Lord Demon Fox said all the falsehood, this is indeed something to worry about.

Jiang Chen is too powerful at the moment. If they don't stop it, then no one in the entire fallen continent can stop Jiang Chen from continuing the massacre!

The six lords looked at each other, and suddenly made up their minds.

"Well, the seven of us work together to stop Jiang Chen and drive him out of the fallen continent!"

As he said, the seven lords descended from the sky, and the terrifying emperor's coercion instantly spread.


Endless gusts raged on the arena.

And Jiang Chen's attention was all on the old licking dog.

He grabbed the old fox's tail.

"Say! You and I have grudges, why do you want to kill Xiao Qian!"

The old fox was scared to pee suddenly.

The fishy smell of the fox spread instantly.

"I thought she was your lover! I tied her up and wanted to threaten you in the competition!"

Jiang Chen said viciously.

"You think? There are so many in the world, you think!"

"Today I will ask you to see and see with your own eyes, what do you mean by evil and retribution!"

As soon as the voice fell, a ghost shadow flashed behind Jiang Chen.

The door of the small world opened instantly.

Xiao Kun Kun walked out the door with the little milk dog, Xiao Qian also walked out timidly.

Jiang Chen walked to the little milk dog, his expression as cold as iron.

"Kneel down!"

The little milk dog suddenly fell to the ground.

"Grandpa! Save me, grandpa!"

The old licking dog suddenly became silly.

"Jiang Chen! What do you want to do! I will never forgive you if you dare to mess around!"

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Am I messing? Then you have never seen me messing around!"

"Old thing, have you seen this baby in my hand?"

Jiang Chen shook his hand and immediately vacated a blood red magic cauldron.

The endless emperor's evil spirit erupted.

The tyrannical force instantly shook Lao Tian's licking dog to the ground.

Ghost Emperor Evil Soul Ding!

No one knows the soul refining artifact in the land of no master.

As long as you have the ghost emperor evil spirit cauldron, you can refine all the evil evil monsters and beasts into the elixir for successful people!

The Tengu tribe has been searching for this tripod for more than ten years, but now please fall into Jiang Chen's hands.

The irony is that Jiang Chen is now about to use this ghost emperor evil spirit cauldron to refine his grandson who always licks dogs!

The old fox's mentality suddenly collapsed.

It fell to the ground, frantically begging Jiang Chen to show mercy.

But Jiang Chen grabbed the little milk dog and pressed its head against the ghost emperor evil spirit cauldron.

Just then seven lords arrived at the same time!

"Jiang Chen! Let go of my fox people quickly!"

Lord Demon Fox shouted.

But unexpectedly Jiang Chen choked back immediately.

"Get out! I'll take care of you later!"

The shadow lord frowned under his robe.

"Jiang Chen! Don't toast or eat fine wine!"

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Then you tell me what the fine wine is like!"

The Shadow Lord suddenly furious, waved his robe, and his body suddenly burst into endless ghosts.

The horrible ghost image formed a kind of skeleton, and instantly penetrated the sky and the clouds.


The ghost skeleton sang a low voice.


The endless ghosts were instantly condensed and turned into a terrifying giant that reached the sky.

The flow of data in Jiang Chen's eyes instantly saw through the true face of the Shadow Lord.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Shadow Lord

[Monster level]: 89 (the peak of the emperor level)

[Monster quality]: Epic quality

[Monster attributes]: Evil spirit/curse

[Monster State]: Rage

[Monster characteristics]: The remnant body of the Emperor Guitian gradually transformed into spiritual consciousness through the changes of the sun and moon, activated by spiritual power, and transformed into a ghost in the dark capital.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Holy Spirit

[Evolution route]: There are 2 evolution routes...

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