God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1299: Taixu Nine Color Phoenix Evolution!

Aiolia was full of energy, and even the shriveled muscles on her body became full.

The lion sportsman is back!

"Holy warriors! Maintain the dignity of Northern Europe!"

Aiolia shouted.

In the light of stars, the sacred warriors of the Star Palace repeatedly shouted battle slogans.

The people who watched the news couldn't tell at all, where these rebirth saints came out of attendants, they just felt extremely passionate!

"Wow! Handsome!"

"Ioria and Scorpio fry CP!"

"Sagittarius, you are super A!"

The sound of cheering came over all over the world.

Aiolia is determined.

"Brothers! As long as we restart the Star Palace Inheritance Defense Circle, Elizabeth will no longer be able to use clones to steal the Constellation Inheritance!"

Worthy of being a Leo who is born as a leader, a word will stabilize the mind for the sage soldier of the Star Palace!

With a roar, the mad lion's figure burst out!

Xinghui Saint Fighting Lion reproduces Northern Europe!

In the extremely shocking golden streamer, the star lion stood on the Leo circle.

Suddenly, the collapsed star palace was reshaped!

Like an upside-down animation, the eleven star palace complexes once again stand magnificently on the Nordic land.

Li Xiaofu checked for a long time with his fingers.

"Brother Eoria, Brother, you only have eleven people?"

The star warrior who played with blood was immediately taken aback.

Aiolia held her forehead and couldn't laugh or cry.

"I am embarrassed and forgot the traitor Aries."

Tang Shishi blinked.

"Brother Eoria, if it is just short of manpower, we can do it!"

Tang Shishi's character Eoriya is very clear.

She would never take this opportunity to try in vain to be the power of a twelve star palace.

He replied bitterly.

"There is indeed a shortage of manpower, but the Twelve Star Palace inheritance has criteria for selection!"

"One of the most basic points is that there must be a bloodline that fits the constellation mythology, that is, the Nordic bloodline!"

"In addition, those who accept the inheritance of the star palace must not have the royal beast, or the bloodline of the beast matching the twelve constellations!"

Aiolia swept the people in Chang'an very seriously and formally.

Everyone bowed their heads sadly.

Obviously none of them meet this condition.

But just as Eoria was also a little discouraged, her eyes drooped and she suddenly saw Tang Yiyi who was drawing circles among the rubble.

As a copy of the empress Elizabeth, Tang Yiyi is of Nordic blood!

Tang Yiyi is not a beast master, just a dumb girl who escaped from Northern Europe!

Aiolia was so surprised that she was stunned on the spot.

When everyone saw Eoria's strange expression, they all followed his line of sight.

Facing the attention of nearly twenty powerful kings, Tang Yiyi was instantly blinded.

Scorpio hurried forward and squatted down his tall body.

"Little sister! Brother has candy here!"

On Scorpio's resolute face, the weird scorpion tattoo keeps twisting.

Tang Yiyi almost cried!

It was Eoria who reacted quickly and squeezed Scorpio away.

"Little beauty! Have a drink with my brother!"

Everyone in Chang'an immediately covered their faces.

These two straight men will not coax kids at all!

It was Ye Lanyi and Tang Shishi who explained to Tang Yiyi together, and that made the little girl try to accept the inheritance.

The golden light shines, and the sculptures on the Aries star house seem to come alive.

A holy light descended from the sky, and the power of the stars instantly poured into Tang Yiyi's body.

Under the glorious mapping, the girl's body fits perfectly with the inheritance of Aries!

A huge constellation array appeared in the sky above Tang Yiyi.

The twelve star houses are as good as ever at the same time!

The constellation array is unfolded together, superimposed in one place.


A huge space barrier was immediately closed!

At this moment, Jiang Chen, who was fighting with the clone sage fighter, suddenly felt the pressure on his body relieved.

Even the solidification of space brought by Capricorn has completely lost the original level.

Jiang Chen took a closer look, and the power of the stars on the clones was gradually fading!

The Zodiac is closed, and clones can no longer extract inheritance power from the new palace.

Several people in the battle circle were stunned.

But Elizabeth is the one who will never give up the opportunity until the end.

"Stunned what! Jiang Chen is still suppressed!"

"Get on together now, kill Jiang Chen!"

Upon hearing this, the cloning sage warrior immediately showed a cruel expression.

Several shadow groups surrounded Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was ready to get them out of the wound after all his injuries.

At the moment of his death, a silver radiance suddenly burst out behind Xiao Kun Kun.

Card! !

The flaming clouds descended from the sky.

The scorching air instantly swept away, drying everything around.

The scorching wind set off waves of air, and suddenly pushed away the cloned saint soldiers who came to besie Jiang Chen.


The flames' wings shook, and Tang Shishi's figure appeared under Jiang Chen's halo of chaos.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Taixu Jiucai Divine Phoenix

[Monster level]: Level 79 (the peak of the king level)

[Monster quality]: Epic quality

[Monster Attribute]: Mutated Fire System/Fighting System

【Monster State】: Healthy (pleasure)

[Character of Monster Beast]: The bloodline of the Divine Phoenix of Lieyang, immortal after Nirvana

Possess a mixed **** flame that can burn everything, and is not afraid of natural restraint such as water and soil

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen sent Tang Shishi and Liuli into the small world together, and now he has completed the promotion!

"Ai Concubine is on top of the king!" Jiang Chen was very happy.

Liuli is the second royal beast in the Chang'an team that has successfully advanced to the top of the king class after the purple scales!

Not only that, Phoenix's blood poison is entirely based on the blood structure of the Yanhuang Divine Phoenix, and it is highly compatible with the blood in the colored glaze!

In this way, not only has the level increased, but the quality has also improved!

The powerful momentum swept the battlefield instantly.

Tang Shishi is holding a fire feather spear, standing proudly in the air.

The body look in his eyes is as confident as General Yum.

Seeing Jiang Chen reaching out in danger, she immediately reached out to help!

"Divine Phoenix Garland!"

With a soft cry, a nine-color flame burst out of the divine phoenix in the sky!


The waves of fire were raging, and they burst out like a halo.

With Tang poetry as the center, a huge ring of fire rolled over, and the tongue of fire instantly swallowed the station circle.

Countless clones died.

The cloned holy fighter closest to Jiang Chen was instantly slashed by the flame.

Capricorn is witty, his body floats again and again, and instantly he uses space to leap out of the ring of fire.

At this moment, the nine-color flame halo of Tang Shishi actually began to slowly recover.

The air burned out, and a huge pressure collapse was formed.


For a time, the wind blows!

The Capricorn who ran away was sucked back to Jiang Chen.


Xiao Kun Kun has been waiting for a long time.


Kunhua broke out, and the giant Kun's body armor appeared in northern Europe.

Everyone thought that the giant whale Leviathan had actually arrived in Northern Europe.

The endless water waves surging endlessly, forming a huge whirlpool in an instant, wrapping the Capricorn directly into the mouth of the giant kun.

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